Monday, 1 July 2013

A Radio Show Blocked & Road Encounters

On Friday 21st June, I went over to Sacha's home in Liverpool. The plan was in place for me to broadcast on her Citizen Sane radio show which would go out live at 2am Saturday. Sacha picked me up and then we went and collected our friend, Lynda. The evening went well and we were nicely relaxed, between us we had a couple of bottles of wine but remained completely sober. Sacha explained the plan was that we could go have a sleep or a rest, at least, between around 1.30pm-1am. at 1am she would get a phone call from her link-up in USA and then they would plan the show format. We would hook-up at 2am for the broadcast. I never bothered setting my alarm for 1am, after all, Sacha had done this so many times ...

At 2.30am I am woken by Lynda to say that we had all overslept!

I went downstairs where a bleary-eyes me met with Sacha and Lynda. Sacha seemed rather out of it and confused, she was saying that she never really sleeps, just has a lay down and relax, usually running over the questions she will ask during the show. Lynda sat there saying she felt like she had been drugged or sedated.

Sacha then checked her phone, believing she would find at least a few missed calls from her American link-up. Nothing, she even showed me, there was not a single missed call on her phone. That was puzzling to say the least!

I then went on my Kindle to log into Citizen Sane website to see if there was anything on there. But I couldn't find it. The last thing I had accessed before switching the Kindle off was the shows website, so it should have featured on start-up. I hit the icon but all came up is 'Website not found.' I went to the Google page and typed the shows page in. Same result. 'Not found.' So no phone calls from USA and no access to the page - we were stuffed as far as contact went. Lynda made us a coffee and Sacha wandered off without a word. I thought she had gone to find her laptop, or phone her link-up. I asked about her to Lynda some fifteen minutes later and was told 'I think she's gone back to bed.' That puzzled me as much as anything else. I just didn't think it was like Sacha to retreat for the remainder of the night without making enquiries. Lynda and I finished our coffee and went to our beds.

There was little mention of it much on Sunday. I even found I could get onto the Citizen sane website with no problem. We settled down to watch Men In Black 3.
 I went home later that day.

The following Saturday, 29th June. Chris, my Saturday helper came in and settled down. He asked how my radio broadcast had gone and I explained that it hadn't. I have told Chris a great deal about what I do of a night, the places I go and the people I see, it will be recalled that he even saw me and Sacha on our travels during his own dream-state at an earlier time, which is why I explained my world-walking to him. So he was well clued up.

I asked him how his week had been, and he went on to tell me how strange his previous Saturday had been. For one thing, he had a great number of people coming into the shop and asking where I was, each time he said
 'she's away today because she is making a radio broadcast.'
'oh? about what?'
'UFOs, I think.'

Christ said this seemed pretty regular all day.
The he left at his time of 6pm and on the way home stopped for a Chinese takeaway. He remembered parking up a little way along from a gleaming black 4x4. For some reason he could not identify, this seemed to stand out to him.

Chris got his takeaway and returned to his little Smartcar and left the carpark. He noticed that as soon as he pulled away, the black 4x4 followed him out and tailed him. Chris sped up, it sped up keeping bumper to bumper. He slowed down, so did the 4x4. at one point it overtook and slowed right down to a crawl. Chris overtook and approached traffic lights. He stopped when they turned red. His window was wound down because it was a hot afternoon. The black 4x4 pulled alongside. and from the corner of his eye, Chris saw the window come halfway down. I asked Chris if he saw the driver and he said no, he didn't look because he didn't want to antagonise the occupant. Then Chris said: a mans voice from the vehicle said:
 'Mr Smartcar driver'
This was said in a very low and soporific way, he muttered something else that Chris could not make out. Then the lights changed and Chris drove on, as the 4x4 turned right and headed away. Chris said there had been no threats, no jeering, nothing but this low calm voice. yet as soon as the 4x4 had gone, Chris felt very uncomfortable, and all the way home he had an uneasy feeling. he even wondered if something had been said that he unconsciously registered that had perhaps been intimidating.

From the point when he got home, and for several days he had an uneasy sense of a 'presence', something ominous around him. Even a sense of dread that he couldn't rationalise. Chris is aware of such things as psychic attacks and suchlike, but he said it didn't seem like that, just a sense of 'presence' being watched. With it he had a headache that kicked in when the 4x4 pulled alongside. The headache also persisted for several days and no amount of painkillers could deal with it.

Another thing he noticed was that the windows of the 4x4 were completely tinted black, which is illegal on British roads, but this vehicle seemed to be getting away with it.

Then, from the following day, Sunday, and through to Wednesday he started seeing a bright red Chrysler, a bright, shiny metallic red, and this vehicle was everywhere that he was, and Chris admits, he goes to some pretty unexpected places at short notice, visiting his mother, friends and relatives, he is always out and about. He often goes to random supermarkets, things like that. But for those three days, no matter where he went, who he went to see, he met the red Chrysler at his destination. He did on a couple of occasions try to see who was in the car, but when he moved closer, it moved away, or left the area completely.
I asked him what made him think it was the same vehicle, and Chris said it is one of the new Chrysler's that has just come out, a nice new one that is very distinctive, he said there isn't that many on the road at the moment, but he was seeing this thing wherever he went. What attracted Chris was the colour, he liked it. It gleamed, showroom condition, which is how he also described the 4x4.

During this talk with me, Chris kept referring back to the simple and passive statement he heard from the window of the 4x4, he says that although there was nothing in what was said verbally. It left him shaken and with an enduring sense of an ominous presence. He said the intial shock was as if someone had attacked his car with a brick.
I asked if he could compare the reaction with a road-rage attack? and he said yes, it could have been just like the feelings attached to such an incident. He said 'yes, it was as though I had been assaulted.'

Some might read this and suggest what Chris experienced during the week is not linked to the aplaned radio broadcast, and I agree that on the surface there is no direct link. But He does insist the red Chrysler was the same vehicle at each encounter. Each vehicle looked like it was straight out of the showroom. so much of this seems MIB-style that it can't be overlooked. And if this is the case, it is the first of a series of MIB incidents that has involved someone not even associated with my work
