Monday, 5 August 2013

Existence Before Creation.

When I travel of a night, be it as human or Grey, but more so when Grey. I feel a connectedness with everything, literally everything. There is an intimate bond with not only the planet and it’s inhabitants, but with the entire universe in a way that is quite profound and has defied many attempts by myself to describe it. This has left me, upon waking, with a wish to explore this connectedness even further and understand it. A couple of weeks ago this seemed to happen and has shifted my waking consciousness towards a new level of understanding.

I found myself existing in a nothingness. I had no body, and nothing existed outside of myself. I really don’t think I can adequately express in words what I was or what I sensed. But I seemed to be Everything. Everything existed within me, and Everything expressed itself as energy and an awakening potential. Then I sensed - not really a desire, because desire and focus of intent didn’t exist - I sensed the state of consciousness shift very slightly, so slight that it would in human terms be undetectable. It was minuscule. But it created an impulse to explore itself through acquiring a more complete sense of existence. But that existence didn’t - well - exist.

So the consciousness within the nothingness formed universes and realities through which it could begin to explore itself via an infinite multitude of concepts. Within those self-creations, the consciousness pored itself as consciousness within THAT consciousness. So exactly the same sentience became the life within the creations it made of itself. We know that all life is made of star-stuff, but this was showing me, or having me experience that everything inert is made of the same consciousness as the life around it. This made much more clear to me, the witches law of three-fold return, and laws of Karma. By harming and damaging anything we are hurting ourselves. The outward aggression is reflected back upon us because we are simply hurting ourselves.

It seems that humanity has forgotten all this, lost it’s way as it has immersed itself deeper within a physical framework. It is a trap that not only humanity, but all life has created for itself. I guess that what I have described in my own woefully inadequate way is the Biblical ‘Fall’ existence as it was created through the kabbalistic doctrine. So certainly, there is nothing new in what I have put in this post, but it is an astonishing revelation when you perceive it happening!

I do think it has caused me to stop and question some of the earthly values I hold in human form, values that are somewhat different to when I am grey, and I guess that is why I experienced it, so my humanity could possibly understand a little clearer why I have that sense of connectedness.

It has most certainly given me reason to believe we are all Divinity. The Source. God. We, along with other life all across the universes are the single creating energy that formed our multitude of physical, astral, mental and etheric environments. It is why we can cross them with relative ease.

I will add more to this when or if I can think it through some more. But someone who can explain this better is here:

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