Friday, 20 September 2013

monitoring the human mind

There are five human males standing in a circle, all facing each other. It is night and the ground is wet. I can feel it beneath my grey feet. We are in a between a block of lockup garages. three each side of the road and two at the end. I am standing with 2 other greys. we have a mutual recognition of each other but it isn't a facial recognition, each of our minds carry a unique 'signature' which allows us to blend compatibly. That 'signature' doesn't exist within the minds of the human males, all who stand passive and compliant, as though in a waking sleep. We have hibernated most of their mental functions for the duration of this process. What we do is 'freeze' it out which helps create a memory block, only the functions we require them to have for the duration are permitted a degree wakefulness. One of my colleagues is holding an item in it's right hand. It is probably easiest to describe it as a bit like a 'Sonic Screwdriver' as used by fictional Dr Who. The item is around six-inches long with a mostly a dull silvered surface to it. The business end has a faint amber glow to it. I walk into the centre of the circle of humans, my colleague with the device joins me. The third is also inside the circle, but he is observing the process. This is a first for me, usually I am there as an observer, but this time I am an active participant. We walk to the first male. I cannot determine my height because I do not know the humans' height, but my eye-level is at his elbow. I stand at his left side and lift my hand, my thin arm is long and my palm and four fingers press against the back of his head as my colleague touches the device to his forehead, where his Third Eye is situated.


The human falls even more relaxed than he was for a moment, and he lets go a slight sigh as my colleague withdraws the instrument. It only touched the surface of the skin, but the device was able to probe deep into the human's mind. We were extracting something, this was a recording or monitoring instrument, and as one might with a weather station, we were taking a local reading. we did this to all five human males. I think by careful study we can differentiate between humans, but at a general glance they all looked the same. A pasty dough-like face with a small dough-like nose. a thin line drew across as a mouth and two pin-pricks for dead and lifeless eyes. With some variation it's how we see most humans. If we want a long term monitoring of subjects we will implant them with a 'signature' through which we can identify them as individuals - tagging.

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