Friday 1 November 2013

The Children

Spanning the last couple of months, my time 'away' has been spent focusing on children and the unborn. This is a completely new angle for me and I do come back feeling slightly distressed at what I do, even though care is taken and no harm comes to them. It is the utterly cold and dispassionate way my grey personality works that shakes me. I am at heart a caring and emotional person. But some of this is modified, even removed when I am grey.

In September 2013 I found myself on a ship. One I am very familiar with now, I have been there so many times. On this occasion I was with four other greys AND there was at least two, what I believe, humans in the room. The room was round and curved, even the floor was curved. The place was all white and ironically, I now look back and think it was what the inside of an eggshell might look like.

In small featureless cribs there were human babies. I think there were seven. they ranged in age from what might have been two-years, maybe younger, and to what might have been seven or eight-years old. Then the weirdness happened. Weird to me NOW, but not THEN, at the time I just knew what I was doing and what would happen. My whole mental processes seem to expect a different set of laws of physics to here. Anyway. I lifted my arms slowly and the children began to levitate. Lift out of the cribs. I think some of them may have been unfamiliar with this because some began chuckling and seemed to treat it as a game - and that is exactly what we wanted them to think.
Then a slim object like a rod appears in my hand, not just appear. I rub my fingers lightly together and the seems to grow. Not as a part of my hand, but grows as an object in my palm. I then look back up at the children and they are sailing back and forth across the room, laughing and chuckling with not a care in the world.  swinging back and forth across the egg-shaped room in the way they might on swings.

I am sure when I think of it now, that this might have been a form of distraction technique, to keep their minds relaxed, at ease and easily to manipulate. I remember putting imagery and thoughts to them that they were special. That they had to keep themselves to themselves and not tell people. The kind of thing they were impressed with was that they were being gifted with powers that the other people around them, even their parents might be uneasy about. I gave them imagery that suggested Marvel Superhero kind of thing - as in keeping a special identity secret. This was drilled into their subconscious, and made all the easier by the distracting swinging.

This is part of child preparations I have been helping conduct recently. All of them toddlers.

This one was posted as a Facebook status update, and is the most recent of the event involving children. I was on a ship. I knew we were somewhere over the U.S. I am familiar with the type of ship I was on, been on it so many times. Fairly featureless, curving outer walls and rounded at top and bottom. Very rarely have I ever seen angles, always curves and bends. We had humans on board. six or seven females. I was in my grey personality. The females were naked and one in particular
 I was interested in. I drew her out from the crowd and I think this might have been her first time with us. Her eyes looked terrified, glazed over and I could feel incomprehensible fear coming off her in waves. She was pregnant and I was telling her we weren't going to harm her. That the child was important to us. (in my grey personality I can only ever see these women as incubators nurturing a genetic requirement.) This was an aspect that I found disturbing when I woke in the morning. The fact that I had virtually no sympathy for the females terror. I swept that aside as I telepathically informed her that her child was important to us I rarely have ever interacted with pregnant females, but this last month has been full of this and young human children.

 The moment I woke up I was instantly aware of her name. I also knew that we had monitored her for several years but she was taken due to her pregnancy. The name is Mary Besch. The name means nothing to me, but instantly I awoke in this body I knew her name and this familiarity. Humans look so very much alike so difficult to give any description. But she was a white female and head hair was unidentifiable, so either she is bald, (unlikely), or has shortish blonde/fair hair.

I have to explain that I find none of this frightening, puzzling or strange. All I feel is the sense of guilt that I am conducting conditioning work on babies and pregnant females - and they don't even see me as a human! which can only increase their fear.


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