Thursday, 13 June 2013

Are humans being abducted by human hybrids?

I have been thinking about something for quite some while now. In most cases half the planet sleeps, the other awake, yes? When I have slept I remember more times than not, that I live a life as a grey. As I have recorded in this blog, I have travelled with others of my kind on, let us call them 'unconventional aircraft' in recognisable areas of the planet. That means I am operating as a separate sentient individual, and being seen by witnesses, while my human hybrid body sleeps. So in parallel existences I am two distinct species. Now, surely I cannot be the only one, there has to be others - many others so is it not possible that other hybrids living on this earth as humans are also active in the way I am? After all, the other greys I have interacted with on the ships have to come from somewhere, and never seemed the least surprised at me joining them. It is like it was expected.

Taking that further, remember the times I have said we have had humans on our ships, clearly as cargo. This leaves me wondering, is half the planet being abducted by human/grey hybrids who are sleeping in the other half? It may not be as clear-cut as that, but it is certainly an option to consider.

I know as a grey I seem to be completely divorced from regular human feelings and emotions. I don't have them. I am simply doing what I need to do. I don't even think of pure humans as I might when in a human body. Perhaps it is a programming I have been subject to, similar to that mentioned in my previous entry. Perhaps the military are programming me? The Chinese military man might have been a memory that slipped through when it shouldn't have. That makes the idea of me as a grey, on a ship crewed by other greys, carrying our cargo of sleeping humans very ominous indeed.

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