Now, I am not interested in UFO or any other groups that split due to in-fighting, ego and internal politics. It is what humans do and no outside agency is required for it to be effective. The point I am making of that blog article is about free-will and where the source of thoughts originate from. How can you be absolutely sure that what you have decided to do is your OWN free-will. No doubt we have all woken up with a fresh idea or a decision made, where did it come from? I have no doubt that the military for one, has very experienced remote viewers. As a grey I have met a Chinese one on several occasions, that is what I remember - what might be possible if you wake without a memory of such a meeting? What if that remote viewer has impressed you with specific orders? locked in your sleeping consciousness, and to be triggered at some decided time?
I have a personal example to give. I have a few social networking accounts, on one who knows nothing about this side of my life, has problems with ADHD and a variety of other issues. I knew someone on another account who I believed could give her some much needed advice and direction. So I linked them across to each other. I used a different name on this other account and in a moment without thinking sent her a message to let her know who I was on that account. She made a friend request which I accepted without thinking.
I then realised that a lot of the Roshel information would be open to her and I did not want her to know all this, it is a separate existence. I wasn't sure what to do, was unsure how to explain that I wanted to un-friend her from that account. I would much prefer it if she did it instead. I decided to walk to her that night and tell her she needed to unfriend me.
That night I stepped from my sleeping body and the room dissolved like melting chocolate and was replaced by some dark Gothic-looking environment. I did not recognise it outside of a storybook imagination. It was all dark rooms and carved ebony dragons. I found the girl standing with her back to a massive hearth fire. there was candle-light and gloom. I recognised this as the girls most familiar sleep-time environment, she had created it in her mind. She recognised me and I went on to tell her 'I need you to unfriend me from the new account. Continue to correspond with the link I gave you, but it will be much better to unfriend me. do it.'
She made no answer, just stood with her back to the fire, staring at me. I walked out of the room and returned to my sleeping form.
The very next morning I got a message on that account from the girl and in it she suggested she would feel better if she unfriended from that account. 'I know you want me to stay with the other social site, so I would feel better if I dropped this one, it will be less confusing lol.' I agreed it might be a good idea and so she did.
For her, this was her own decision, she was expressing her free-will.
I, on the other hand, told her to do it.
When I do is access the area reached by hypnotherapists to set a post-hypnotic suggestion. But when I dream-walk to do it I am bypassing the layers of consciousness that they have to dig through or bypass, and go direct to the target area. When the individual wakes in the morning the information is locked in there untainted.
If I am able to influence someone in their sleep and leave them thinking they are acting of their own free-will, what of government funded agencies?
Think about it
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