Reality is a fluid substance, constantly shifting, remoulding, reforming. Buddhist occultists can create thought-forms of such intensity, they take on a life and solidity all their own. Theosophists spoke of the astral planes and how astral substance is a shifting sea of thought-driven substance, and how your every thought will influence it, create even for a moment, thought-forms that reflect your mental imagery. During my training under Red Eagle I saw this lower astral realm of baser emotion and with a merest flicker of a thought could create a corresponding to that thought.
I have had to amend the date attributed to my first transformation post. I am utterly useless with dates.
The second shape-shift came just a few weeks after the first. On this occasion shelagh's son was staying with us for the weekend and it was, again, around 10 or 11pm. A programme we were watching finished and I got up to go to the kitchen, asking if anyone else wanted a hot drink. As I passed the sitting room window, (curtains were still open.) I glimpsed a brilliant white speck in my left peripheral vision. To me it appeared to be in the sky, but as it was out the corme of my eye that is only what I perceived. I turned to the other two and was about to ask if either of them saw a brilliant flare of light in the sky when suddenly I froze. I could move nothing, no limbs, head nothing. In my turning to them I had started to point out the window, so an arm was upraised in an almost pointing gesture.
Then I heard Julian, (Shelagh's son,) utter 'oh God, mum, can you see that?' I could see her nod and reply that she could. From their point of view, (told to me later.) I began to transform into what they described as a 'typical Grey'. Julians drawn image compared almost totally with Shelagh's, and was very similar to what she had seen a few weeks earlier. This transformation started, again, at my left eye and spread across my face, but this time down as far as my waist. I could still speak. I found my voice and said. 'I can't move. I feel frozen solid'. Julian got up from his chair and came across to me.
From my point of view as soon as I turned to them and pointed at where I saw the laser-like flash, I felt my body go rock rigid. Then a moment later I felt an intense cold coil it's way up from my fet to my head. It was like a thick cold snake enveloping me. It is an exaggeration to say I was frozen. I could move but I suddenly felt like I was immersed in molasses. I could move, but the effort involved was more than I could cope with. Now this is the strange thing, at the time and for some time later I thought the coils of coldness were what froze me and was crushing me as though trapped in amber. But it wasn't. Time and retrospect has convinced me I was in a pressurised suit protecting me from an atmosphere that might otherwise have been lethal and would have crushed my body. in other words the biomorphing was so complete that my familiar earth atmosphere was treating me as though I out of my natural environment!
I told them I could not move, or more precisely, the atmosphere's pressure was working against me. I saw Julian get up and come towards me. He was a lad of 19 and was a body-builder, he had a hell of a good physique and strong. As he approached me he reported later that he hit a 'barrier' he had to struggle through, he could feel an intense field around me. Eventually he got to me and grasped my arm and tried to push it down. Although he felt a little give, he could not push my arm down. He reached such levels of frustration that he was eventually hanging on my arm like it were a bar and his feet off the ground, he was not a giver-upper, but this was defeating him!
Eventually he did concede defeat and the pressure around me forced him back, as he backed away I felt the coils curling back down to the floor, and their report is that at the same time as I felt that, my torso began to reform as a human. Reality was demonstrating how it could indeed, reshape and remould even in what is generally considered 'concrete reality'
The third biomorphing was to be the most spectacular, not only to a third independent witness, but outside and in broad daylight!
This is fascinating. Im riveted!