Her description is of very bright, silvery tadpoles, each one clearly wriggling across my face and appearing to cast its own glow. This effect spread until it covered the entire surface of my head and neck.
At its climax Shelagh describes a very large-nosed alien head and neck on top of my shoulders. The wriggling mass covering my face and neck moulding itself until it took on the appearance of a large, hooked, almost beak-like appendage coming down so far that it slightly obscured the mouth-line.
But it is the effect of the eyes that she remembered most, she described them as dominating the whole face. She says that this is probably because they were a deep, almost totally dead blackness compared to the vibrant, silvery glow which the head gave off.
This effect lasted for, at most, a minute or two, certainly long enough for Shelagh to put questions. She asked me, “Do you know you are changing?” I did hear her, but felt an inability to answer. I was aware of what Shelagh has described, but aware of it as a gentle tingling sensation spreading across my face. Shelagh recalled the alien nodded in answer to her question. Shelagh watched with total fascination, describing herself as transfixed by it.
This was the first full face transformation I had experienced. Shelagh later reminded me that she had sat in a number of Spiritualist trance medium circles and had experience of seeing what is known as ectoplasm, a substance produced by spirits to manifest a physical appearance. However, Shelagh said that stuff was dead and lifeless compared to what she saw spread across my face. This substance she said looked alive and energetic by comparison. The end of this episode was anti-climatic. I felt the energetic tingling begin to diminish and fade, at which point I could move my head and speak. I smiled and said 'you have just seen me'.
Although there was a difficulty in movement while this was happening, I did feel a real sense of freedom and liberation. something of me was reaching to the outside world and I enjoyed it immensely. Although I have little recall of it, shelagh said that at one point I did speak and told her 'the most beautiful things' that left her wanting to laugh and cry at the same time, she said the emotions reached a climax and was the most astounding sensation she had ever experienced.
Wow... Can I ask how old you were when this happened, and also what your relationship with Shelagh is please?
ReplyDeleteBy the way a mutual friend, Lynda Julie Richardson guided me to you because I'm exploring the idea that the Ufo and Grey phenomenon are human manifestations of Transcendence. That we individually and collectively are manifesting these phenomenon as an opportunity to dissolve ego and experience oneness. x
I was 34