Since my return to the UFO/abduction community about a year ago I have found things are a lot more relaxed and understanding. I think the interweb has brought so many into contact where as formerly it was only through magazines and conferences that a witness could make any kind of contact. There was a real sense of isolation that simply no longer exists. So at least some good has come of the web :)
Perhaps I am expecting too much of humanity. I guess they are happy in their cosy corner of reality. Like a little nest they have comfortably lined. All this will change, and they will be dragged out of their nest kicking and screaming, still trying to close their eyes to truth.
This is the Scottish rock group CEIV, their music is based on and around the UFO phenomenon. The group consisted at that time of Brian McMullen, his son Brian Jnr, and Andy Morton, (now left the group, I believe.)
The group and Clive met at my home in Reading for the recording of Shadow of Man, a production that discussed some very interesting views of the UFO phenomena
They all arrived on the Friday evening and on the Saturday before recording began, Brian Snr and Clive decided to go into town to get fresh batteries and new film for the cameras. So with me accompanying them, we left Brian Jnr and Andy Morton to organise their sound equipment.
Reading town centre at that time was much busier than it is now because it had not been pedestrianised, therefore this whole area was crowded with cards, buses and pedestrians. We found a department store with a photographic shop, brought what we required and then headed for the street. This is the position that the three of us were in as we were leaving the store when a most extraordinary incident occurred. These pictures were taken by Brian so that you can get a pretty accurate first person perspective. As you will see to start with the manner in which Clive opened the door caused him to turn at an angle. He was just gazing across the street – more intent on where we were going next.
I than followed through, going round the back of him to leave the store.
It was at this point that Brian suddenly saw my body, from the waist up, bend sharply over to the left in a series of five jerking steps until it was parallel with the ground.
As the torso hung at this angle Brian could see my left arm hanging loosely as if in response to gravity – implying that this image in front of him had mass. The right arm he couldn’t see, presumably hanging limply as well, therefore hidden by the body, again implying mass.
As my body made the five jerking moves over to the left, it turned a dull grey. Brian also noted that the head was hairless and the same dull grey as the body.
Up until this point, the lower half of my body remained normal, but as the upper body hit the parallel, it was as though it was suddenly sucked back, swiftly to an upright position in one swift move. It didn’t ‘ratchet’ like the original moves. As the grey torso settled back onto the waist and legs, Brian then noticed the lower half had now changed to match the grey alien form, although he had no recollection of seeing that happen.
The transformation now seemed complete, and in Brian's judgement the grey was about four feet tall.
Clive met and interviewed Brian a second time on May 5th 1993, and his testimony remained absolutely consistent with the original. In fact, in the second interview Brian was able to demonstrate his keen and accurate memory for facts. He was still able to recall many small and irrelevant details which had happened that weekend, minor points which Clive only remembered after he had them pointed them out.
This is taken just a couple of steps later. All Brian can see is the grey entity and Clive. To all intents and purposes I have gone. A most complete transformation that the previous two events appeared to be leading towards. See the way in which Clive opened the door, forcing him to turn at an angle – as you see here. The consequences of that means the entity passed his back – it’s totally in his blind-spot.
As the entity passed his back, it took a sharp right, thereby passing his left side.
As soon as Brain was clear of the shop doors, he took a wide berth around both Clive and I, his statement is:
“Once I was through the door, my instinctive reaction was to make a wide detour into the street and get ahead of both my companions so that I could get a chance to look back at her so I could see her face and reassure myself that all was back to normal”.
Having left the department store, we then headed back for a music shop because Brain wanted to compare some prices. For the remainder of our walk Brian stayed ahead of us. This resulted in me and Clive having to call ahead to give him directions as he didn’t know Reading at all.
During later questioning he said that with this experience in the doorway he felt that he’d been manoeuvred into having to observe the transformation, and that he didn’t feel that he’d any control of the situation at all. He stayed ahead of us as he didn’t want to be offered the chance of it again!
It wasn’t until much later that evening when me and Brian Jnr were recording Shadow of Man, that Brian approached Clive with the subject of his experience in town. Remember, Clive already had on record Shelagh’s previous experience of what she saw me turn into, so when he did eventually hear what Brian had to say it didn’t hit him with the same kind of impact it would otherwise have done. Brian’s caution at raising the subject is apparent in the text of his testimony. I quote:
“I chose to approach Shelagh and Clive with the incident at a time when Lucy was doing some recording with Brian Jnr, I felt this would be less embarrassing than putting Lucy on the spot with such an experience delivered without warning”.
Brian than started to speak with some caution, so much so that the inevitable cryptic statements were made, starting with:
“I saw something very unusual happen with Lucy while we were out.”
At this remark Shelagh and Clive must have given meaningful looks because Brian noticed this and leapt on it immediately:
“Two of you know something two of us don’t!”
Meaning Shelagh and Clive knew something between them as opposed to him and Andy. This went on until in the words of Brian’s own testimony:
“I then realised that we could skirt what we wanted to say all night, so I thought, ‘To Hell with it, come out and say it’. I then told them what had happened”.
So Brian told them about the incident he had witnessed. Clive later told me that as an investigator this was almost a ‘Holy Grail’ experience. Here he was observing an independent witness grapple with his own emotions and feelings as he attempted to explain something completely without parallel in his past – for Clive it was an almost unprecedented moment. He was getting a second and spontaneous account of my biomorphing – at a point where a witness is dealing with the experience at a personal level – before they even start thinking of reporting it to whoever they think may be appropriate.
Shelagh and Clive really preferred me to deal with this myself, so with her consummate skill as a hostess, Shelagh managed to get out of giving any direct answers to Brian by suggesting she go and make a fresh pot of tea! Clive offered to help and within a few minutes had followed her out of the room. In later testimony, Brian knew through this singular act that he was onto something. Shelagh and Clive had got out of the room to decide how to handle it. For Clive, this situation supported Shelagh’s claims, and to some extent offered some substance to claims that I had on previous occasions made in private to Clive.
With the tea made Shelagh managed to get Brian Jnr and me away from the recording for a tea-break. Almost as soon as I was in the room Shelagh told me that Brian had something he wished to tell me. Brian, knowing it was all or nothing, launched into his experience.
At the end of Brian’s dialogue I simply turned to Shelagh and told her to tell him what she had seen on two occasions, and her own son had seen once.
So far as I recall, and with her usual actions suggesting an understatement and anti-climax, Shelagh went to the kitchen to prepare the food for tea!
So far as I am concerned personally. As I was leaving the store behind Clive, I felt a familiar sensation of pressure, not the former sense of being stuck in molasses, but a very heavy sensation settling over me and I knew what was about to happen. No, not here in the middle of town! I implored myself mentally. But it was to no avail. I don't have any recall of my body hinging over, but I do recall suddenly feeling I had to look up at Clive, but somehow this didn't seem an unusual angle to me, even though I was not much more than his waist height. Moments after I left the store and hit daylight. I felt the heaviness lift off of me. I felt very slightly light-headed for a second, but that was all. I do not recall reverting to my usual height. I just suddenly was.
I think next time I will review the two incidents, one occurring to me in New Zealand, one happening to Shelagh in England. Two incidents happening worlds apart but in the same year and month that seemed to be the start of everything - the trigger, so to speak.
Still fascinated :)