Friday, 26 April 2013

Flying fish & Artifical Intermediaries

Over the next four years to 1991, there was a variety of strange events that plagued us, nothing appearing to connect. Many of these things we always out down to being energy from the Whiteknights portal. One of the most astonishing from a personal perspective was one night when I was lying in bed, and before settling down I was reading yet another book, but not sure what. As I read I suddenly noticed the light bulb dim slightly. I looked up at it but saw no obvious reason for it. The bulb didn't have a shade, it was just a 60w bulb hanging from a pendant fitting. as I looked, the bulb returned to brightness before dimming again. I left the bed and went over to the light switch next to the door to turn it off in case there was an electrical fault. I put my hand to the switch and before turning it off, glanced once again at the bulb.

I do not know where they came from but I saw four goldfish swimming around the outside of the bulb. I dropped my hand from the switch and stood gazing at this ludicrous sight. All I can say, even now, is that there was nothing apparitional about these fish, they were solid, three inch long goldfish, swimming in orbit around the bulb. I could even see their mouths opening and closing, their gills fluttering. They were as solid as the dinosaur a few years previous. I remember walking slowly forward until I was standing beneath the bulb and fish. I didn't take my eyes off them for a second.

I do not recall how long this performance lasted, it might have been seconds, might have been half a minute or more. I was in total fascination as a sensation came over my mind that told me 'Nothing should exist outside of it's natural element'. I could not be sure what this meant precisely, but it did make me think of when I went through that second shape-shift and the air fixed me as though in treacle. I didn't feel in my 'natural' element at that point. That is all I can put it down to. So far as I recall, in the space of my blinking, the goldfish vanished and the bulbs glow was stable again. They just vanished with no sound and no warning. This is one of a number of incidents that stand out that I cannot give a definite reason for.

I contacted Clive Potter in this period of time and was pleasantly surprised at how he would correspond with an open mind on the entire subject and not interpret everything with his own ideas and theories. Not that I would have objected, but it made a change to have someone there who would listen to everything before making an opinion. Also over this period of time we were introduced to a variety of individuals who Clive felt had some possible similarities to us and speculated that there might be a level of co-operation.

Unfortunately this wasn't to be so as most seemed entrenched in their own views and belief-systems to the exclusion of all else. I was eager to seek some kind of working companionship with others but it just wasn't to be.

Also over this few years my understanding of what I termed Artificial Intermediaries took a leading role. I came to understand that these intermediaries are constructs that operated between humanity and the intelligences that came to earth a very long time ago, and who were instrumental in bringing a spiritual awareness to humanity. many of the encounters throughout history are these intermediaries reflecting the spiritual expectations of humanity and is why they have been seen throughout history as angels, demons, fairies, witches and today many alien encounters. I am am pure energy, as we all are. But whereas humans only have their one physical body as a container to express an identity. I need one to express my non human identity and to access deeper memories in a person. My grey body is such a construct, an artificial intermediary between my true self and a human. It exists because it causes a response in those who encounter and witness it. My grey 'alien' form is the intermediary between me and the human when I am needed to trigger awareness in them. An example of this will be given later. that is a few years away from this point we are at now.

That is why often garbled, nonsensical, or contradictory information is given to experiencers, Often they are plucking imagery and expectations from the humans mind and repackaging it. I think most of this is to help hide the real experiencer incidents which are not contradictory and are genuinely life-changing as opposed to simply traumatic.

I wouldn't even like to pretend I know everything involved in this subject. I do not, but I do know it goes much deeper than the picture I have painted here. I might try returning to the subject of these constructs later.

however. In 1992 I went, with Clive, to a big International UFO convention in Sheffield. This was my big day out because not only was I going to meet a lot of people involved in the subject, but I was going to stand up on the platform and present a talk, with photographic slides on some of our experiences.

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