Whiteknights also has a large lake. We would walk around this as a part of our regular do-walk, but whenever we walked past it there was a sense of trepidation. There was something very old, ancient about it and this encouraged me to look into it's history.
The site was the home of John De Erleigh II the foster-son of the Regent of England, William Marshal, but takes its name from the nickname of his great grandson, the 13th century knight, John De Erleigh IV the 'White Knight'. The De Erleigh (or D'Earley) family were owners of this manor for some two hundred years before 1365. St. Thoman Cantilupe, Bishop of Hereford and advisor to King Edward I, was allowed to live there briefly during the 1270s. In 1606 the estate was purchased by the nephew of Sir Francis Englefield, following the confiscation of Englefield House and its estates in 1585. The Englefield family in turn sold the estate to George Spencer, the Marquis of Blandford, in 1798.
Between 1798 and 1819, the estate was the scene of vast extravagance and wild entertainments, all at the Marquis' expense. Splendid gardens were laid out, complete with the rarest of plants. During this period, and I cannot find the date, a coach and horses were passing over a bridge across the river that was here at that time. Something spooked the horses and in panic they ran off the bridge and plunged, with the coach onto the river, killing all on board. The point that makes this incident interesting is that it was only yards from where Shelagh sited her abduction.
In 1819, this man, by now the Duke of Marlborough became bankrupt and moved to his family home at Blenheim palace at Woodstock in Oxfordshire. The estate was sold off and the house was demolished in 1840, supposedly by a mob of the Duke's angry creditors.
I could find nothing about the lake except that it was little more than a couple of hundred years old, probably built by George spencer as part of his 'splendid gardens'. So why both shelagh and I felt there was something old and ancient, we never could say. But recently I have come into contact with someone who independently claims an encounter with aliens at the lakeside. in 1991.
Whiteknights lake looking from the north.
I felt the time and need to contact an investigator or researcher had arrived, but I didn't really know who or where to turn to. Back in 1984 I had made two minor prophecies. The first was that at some time in the future we would be working with a Scottish music band, the second was that when the time was right we would make contact with a UFO investigator who would be able to support us in what we were experiencing. these two prophecies were pretty much forgotten even as I got hold of some UFO journals and considered who to write to. Obviously big name organisations like
BUFORA headed that list.Over the next few months we invited a number of so-called experts to our home, and our only expectation was that we would be given a fair hearing and a fair assessment of what they thought might be happening to us and where it might be heading. During the precceding months I had been shown more conclusively that I was from a different branch of evolution from humans around me, and that I was encased in flesh for the sheer convenience of being here, but that was not a fact I was prepared to share with these arm-chair, self-promoting experts who came to our home, drank our tea, ate our biscuits and then went away to announce us as being the most absurdly ridiculous pair of storytellers they had ever met - that is, the ones who didn't state in all sincerity that I was clinically insane and should seek treatment for my schizophrenia and psychotic paranoia.
Then one morning I opened an envelope containing a journal that I had ordered, a small closely typed journal stapled together. But in it I read an article by Clive Potter. The article was relevant, interesting and most of all else, fair and balanced. I suddenly remembered one of my prophecies from a few years previous, then looked at Shelagh, a smile crossing my face as I said. 'Do you remember I said we would be brought into contact with a UFO investigator who would help us?' she nodded.
'I have found him' I said.
Something else also realised I had found him. This something obviously thought we had gone too far. We had a visitor.
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