At this stage I want to present a commentary supplied some time ago by Clive Potter. Within a couple of years of knowing me and listening to what I had to say, a picture of my experiences and world-view formed in his head, and this is one of the best and detailed explanations I could supply. What follows is a combination of his more than 30 years as a UFO and experiencer researcher and the totality of what I have seen and understood from my many, many world-walking experiences.
The following is lengthy, but I think it really does what I have experienced, some justice and brings sharp focus some of the reality as I now understand it. This isn't to say I am completely right, perhaps way off the mark in some respects.
Since the first publicised sightings of what are today known as UFOs were made back in 1947, the study of UFOs has made little progress. Shifting from one point of view to another, but never really making any progress in understanding the phenomenon the core of which seems to represent structured craft, alien encounters and abductions, “alien” messages and bizarre interactions with what we label as “extra-terrestrial”.
Despite years of research and debate, proponents do battle with one another, not only over the very existence of the phenomenon, but also as to what they may or may not represent. We have the sceptics on one hand who have a tendency to dismiss all reports or consign them to an area marked ‘psychological’; a convenient vehicle with which to deal more easily with experiences that defy all rational explanations and scientific laws. On the other hand, we have believers who tend to accept without question the existence of UFOs and the rag-bag of beliefs that go with it. All reports are believed, rationality is suspended and assumptions that we are dealing with a variety of alien, demonic, angelic or divine entities involved in the wide range of encounter experiences spread across the globe and throughout history are common place. These assumptions have taken over and corrupted serious investigation of the phenomenon, except for a few independent stalwarts. It has ensured that not only do we remain kept in the dark about the true nature of the phenomenon, but, just as importantly, few outside the closeted world of ufology have taken the subject seriously.
Alternatively, why should we believe the UFO Phenomenon is amenable to a solution? After all, the Phenomenon has been manifesting in our skies for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. Are we any nearer an answer? Are we capable of solving it? Do we really want to? Safe in the security of our belief systems and present day values, many are content in seeing them as a mystery which has nothing to do with their lives, whilst others prefer to see them as symbolic of a mystery that has, to all purposes, replaced a lost religion with a plastic spirituality. Are they not simply projecting their own present day technological and cultural viewpoint on to a phenomenon that, by its very nature, has been able to evade definition throughout time and has seemingly manifested in a variety of guises – airships, foo fighters, ghost rockets and aeroplanes – to spaceships; their occupants ranging from demons, angels, and faeries, to extra-terrestrials? Encounters with extraterrestrial beings seem to range from tall blond Nordic types to small grey foetus-like beings, monsters, imps, faery-like entities and ghost-like apparitions. Meanwhile, the home planets of these entities are as diverse as their actual appearances. Earth is, seemingly, a multi-species community!
When one begins to look at the entire spectrum and how witnesses perceive the phenomenon, one begins to feel uneasy and suspicious about not only the beliefs and intentions of some of the people studying it, but also as to its exact origin and nature. The phenomenon has hidden its tracks well, always maintaining a parallel course with mankind’s technological and cultural developments and expectations. Rather like mist, it shifts with the winds of man’s consciousness, obscuring its real nature and all too quickly evaporating when the light of reason or scientific tools are applied – only to condense once again when conditions are right for it to reform, in a way that can be assimilated within the culture it manifests. Today the abduction phenomenon has forced itself upon us, giving rise to countless victims to this otherworldly terror, rooted out by the 20th-century equivalents of medieval witch-finder generals – the abduction researchers – aided and abetted by a sensationalist media and eager public. Are we to expect that we are to achieve any sort of success in identifying the perpetrators of these cosmic crimes? Abductions have been occurring in various guises for hundreds of years, throughout mythology, and have often been the catalyst of religions. Are we expected to break through this curtain of smoke and mirrors now?
Despite its seemingly impenetrable nature of the Phenomenon and its effects on the belief systems of humanity – which I believe is an essential component of the phenomenon and its purpose – I do not think that we are never going to solve the true nature and origin of UFOs because I believe we can. Any real understanding of the phenomenon must encompass at least three stipulations: it must offer an adequate explanation for all the features encountered; it must not run counter to any established fact, and it must be predictive. All previous attempts at finding a satisfactory solution have failed in at least several aspects. These attempts are from either end of the spectrum: that one accepts either the reality of an extra-terrestrial agency visiting earth, or that one assumes that the subconscious mind can create a hallucinatory reality as the result of conflicts within the mind of a witness.
The UFO phenomenon is full of inconsistencies and paradoxes that are senseless if seen from the viewpoint of the ET hypothesis. There are simply too many close encounter reports, often involving different types of craft and occupants, bizarre communications and ghost-like qualities for these to be a real, physical visitation from another world. Individual witnesses present together often produce different descriptions than mere observational errors suggest. In other cases there has only been a single witness experiencing something, sometimes in a built-up area where one would expect a mass sighting. In other cases, a witness experiences an encounter at the same time as being observed by others who do not see anything. Yet in other cases the witnesses have the experience whilst in the bedroom asleep, or have their experiences suddenly retrieved by hypnotic regression.
Many of these experiences exhibit a dream-like quality in their manifestation and contents, with objects materialising and dematerialising, in a manner that physical objects operating in the physical universe could not possibly do. Occupants will emerge through the sides of crafts, rather than a door. Abductees are transported through walls without anyone seeing them. The interior of the crafts are sometimes bizarrely decked out or occupied by strange creatures and equipment (such as carpets!); witnesses do not seem to be able to remove artifacts from the crafts. Occupants will float in the air, appear ghost-like and leave no residues or artifacts behind. Objects make landings yet leave no traces that can be tested scientifically. These suggest that what we are dealing with is not objective, but subjective.
Yet the majority of these reports are genuine with witnesses relating something that they genuinely believe has happened to them. But we are dealing with a different reality that obeys different laws. Where we must depart from those explanations that suggest that UFO interactions are merely subjective imagery and derived from the murmurings of the subconscious mind, is the realisation that there is also a very real and external agency involved, one that has remained undetected or ignored throughout the history of the UFO myth. Yet it has been recognised and described throughout history as otherworldly intelligences, end even worshipped or feared in different cultures. Within different religious texts and occult works.
The UFO phenomenon is therefore merely the latest in line, a technological manifestation of archetypal imagery within which hides the intelligences behind it. There is more to the subjective imagery than that described by the debunkers. Carl Jung, in ‘Flying Saucers – A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Sky”, on more than one occasion hinted at deeper reasons for the archetypal imagery because it seemed to take this hypothesis of archetypes beyond the theme of the collective unconscious. It seems as if there is another kind of intelligence within man’s psyche which produces these archetypal images – and that is the crux of the problem and, indeed, the solution to the final understanding of the UFO.
Ultimately, we are drawn to a conclusion that behind the UFO mystery lies a manipulative intelligence, and that this control system can manifest as aliens, angels and demons, faeries, monsters, the Virgin Mary and, in many cases, as human spirit guides. The one variable that seems to determine the content and behaviour of the manifestations would seem to be dependent upon the particular level of human acceptance. To be more specific the vast pool of archetypal imagery that encompasses the human collective unconsciousness determines its presentation, be that within a Christian context of a demonic possession or Vision of the Virgin Mary; or such as that of abduction by grey aliens. In each case neither agency involved is aware of any other scenario. The demon in a possession case never speaks of space ships or the need for genetic supplies. Each agency feeds off the realities of each particular human consciousness. These agencies act as we both expect and fear them.
Closer examination will show, however, remarkable similarities. Real demonic possession cases only account for a small percentage of reported demonic cases as do the unexplained UFO reports. The demonic intelligence behind a possession will often impart a sense of importance or a mission to the possessed, exactly as we find in the contactee side of ufology. There is, too, the archetypal conflict of ‘good’ and ‘evil’, exactly as we find demonstrated in much of the contactee scenarios, whilst the human victim often produces an impressive array of paranormal abilities whilst under the control of the demon. Many of the beliefs of contactees and abductees, allegedly passed on by the space brothers or abducting aliens, are reminiscent of beliefs held by those who are demonically possessed, passed on to them by their parasitic intelligences, such as the belief that an intellectual elite rules the world. Many of the physiological symptoms described by missionaries as “possession” are similar to those suffered by contactees and those who experience a close UFO encounter – unaccountable faints, nightmares, headaches, loss of memory, often accompanied by strange psychological and psychic events – visions, poltergeists, nocturnal visitations of apparitions ( described in medieval times as incubi and succubi).
Each category of intelligence seems to occupy its own defined world, totally ignorant of the existence of these other intelligences. And that is exactly the defining circumstances that separate the spectrum of intelligences. Each of the intelligences acts and appears only within the expectation and values of the culture within which it manifests. The determining controls are the individual packets of belief that make up the total human collective unconsciousness.
The group consciousness of mankind is that set of imagery and experience, expectations and emotion that make up the psychic life history and future expectations of the human race. Layers of belief and awareness, worship and fear has, over the thousands of years that mankind has evolved, developed a complexity of belief systems and levels of human emotional and psychic acceptability. Within the overall human unconsciousness there exists side by side, the world of the Christian and of the Muslim, of the primitive shaman, of the extraterrestrial believers and a host of innumerable group worlds, sometimes interacting to produce hybrid beliefs but usually remaining independent and powerful in their own right.
This is the region of the hidden mind, the vast reservoir of the human collective unconscious to which we are all indivisibly linked. The lowest levels are penetrable only through the use of, for example, hypnosis or the skills of the shaman or medium. This is the environment through which the mechanisms of the paranormal operate.
The collective unconsciousness is also the environment in which the intelligence that manifest as UFOs and aliens, faeries, demons and angels and spirits, can operate. The phenomenon of clairvoyance, telepathy, precognition and psychokinesis are used to link in with sections of humanity it wishes to influence, manipulating the subtle yet more powerful parts of man which are the emotional and archetypal centres.
The power of such controlled manipulation of these realms can be illustrated by the magical adepts who can create a mental three-dimensional object and then draw it into this reality in the form of an apport. Similar examples occur as apports that arrive unannounced in seance rooms where a physical medium is used to bring about physical manifestations.
So it is within the collective unconsciousness that one must look to for the source and nature of the UFO phenomenon. This is the environment of external intelligences that are of this earth and bought into existence by an alien creative source. The studies of researchers as Christian O’Brien and others have suggested that early human civilisations were founded by outsiders of advanced intellectual and spiritual calibre, whom the native cultures called ‘gods’. Ancient texts and myths offer evidence for this interaction that also included genetic manipulation of the aboriginal human species. For instance, Sumerian myths from the ancient Middle East describe these creator gods as the Anannage. In the Bible they are known as the Elohim, the Shining Ones. The Sumerian Kharsag Epics (amongst other ancient texts) describe the activities of the gods and their creation of mankind (lullu – a labouring creature) in ninth millennium Sumer. The Book of Enoch also gives an account of an order of beings known as the Watchers (egregoroi), who acted against the commands of the Archangels and Anannage (the rebellion of the angels) because they had wronged mankind in various ways. This may be a simplified version of events which in fact describe how the angels, or Watchers, had become contaminated by the baser instincts of mankind as they were indelibly linked in with mankind’s collective unconsciousness. The Anannage then destroyed the Watchers as suggested in the hypothesis, that is, the physical annilihation of the beings and the removal of their spiritual consciousnesses into spiritual or inter-dimensional realms.
Ultimately, when the ‘gods’ departed, the messengers of the gods, the angels, were physically destroyed and consigned to spiritual realms. Before their physical destruction they had acted as teachers and communicators between the ‘gods’ and mankind. Man could not differentiate between the ‘gods’ and ‘angels’, since both possessed divine form and abilities. From mythology and ancient sources it seems that they had been annihilated because of unauthorised interaction between them and man. It is possible that the ‘messengers’ or ‘angels’ had been corrupted by man’s consciousness, since the fusion of the physical animal part of man with the spiritual part was not working. The intermediaries, since they were designed to work with man, would have become gradually submerged with man’s instincts – which would tend to be baser and emotional. Certainly we have records suggesting that the process was not working and that the ‘rebellion of the angels’ and the ‘war in heaven’ saw the destruction of these beings from earth. But their spiritual essences were placed in spiritual realms where their functioning continued.
We could describe these beings, or angels or Watchers, as AIs, that is as “Artificial Intelligences”, because they were in effect artificial creations designed like computers with spiritual programming. It can also mean “Artificial Intermediaries” because these beings were designed to mediate between man and the gods, to oversee mankind and help him evolve, to act as messengers like those of the two ravens in Norse mythology who acted as the messengers for Odin. Their names when translated are ‘Thought’ and ‘Memory’, the two principle attributes of man’s consciousness. The computer terminology serves to place these beings outside the realm of religion and mythology, and help to characterise them as complex purposefully designed computer-spiritual creations. These AIs were beings of energy, functioning in a manner of a computer, modifying their programmes according to changes in man’s consciousness.
The AIs would have helped in constructing that consciousness with the purpose of guiding man’s evolution in a direction the original creators of humanity desired. Thus the AIs themselves would have contributed in modifying it, whilst undergoing changes as man’s thoughts and emotions developed. But, ultimately, mankind failed to develop in harmony with the divine plans and it was the animal instinct with its powerful drive of emotion and unbalanced individuality that gained the upper hand.
Throughout history it has been the AIs that have continued to propagate their programming, updating the beliefs and values of humanity and in turn being reprogrammed through man’s collective unconsciousness. They have been a primary driving force behind man’s development, both positively and negatively. Although their forms and behaviour have changed in accordance with prevailing cultural and technological changes of man, their role has remained constant.
Most of the detailed information about the angelic orders is derived from esoteric texts. There has always been a certain ambiguity between angels and demons. Prior to the third century AD angels had a dual nature, very dynamic and constantly evolving. Similarly, the faeries of the Middle Ages were actually large and malevolent entities, unlike the much later Victorian concepts of faeries. It is within pre-Christian traditions, however, that we find much evidence of the image of angels as intermediaries between God and man. Plutarch, in “on the Cessation of Oracles”, describes a family of “Daemons” who are intermediate between gods and men “and after a certain fashion bringing thought together and uniting in one society of both”. In Plato’s Symposium, Eros is described as “a great spirit (daemon), and like all spirits he is intermediate between the divine and the mortal”. Eros “interprets between gods and men… he is the mediator who spans the chasm which divides them, and therefore in him all is bound together, and through him the arts of the prophet and the priest, their sacrifices and charms, and all prophecy and incantation, find their way”. Then it is concluded that “These spirits or intermediate powers are many and diverse”.
Sceptics have argued that within UFO reports there is simply the collective unconsciouness behind the imagery of the alien. But it may be that what we are dealing with is an alien within the human collective unconsciousness. So we have the scenario of a hidden intelligence creating images and experiences from within the collective unconsciouness of human witnesses.
Alien abductions do not seem to represent what they appear to represent. Often we find that a UFO abduction is geared purely as a stage-managed display for the witness. Despite the reported emphasis on the manhandling activities of the aliens and the medical experimentation, it is the more covert and less obvious manipulation of the human mind that seems to lie at the heart of the experience. All sensations of fear and panic are quelled with speed and witnesses claim a sensation they describe as that of the contents of their minds being withdrawn, then replaced, sometimes with thoughts which are almost alien to themselves. With a contactee the emphasis of the alien experience seems to be on the process of motivation rather than confrontation.
The medical examinations carried out seem to serve no purpose which could not be easily achieved by far subtler means. Considering the obvious technical superiority displayed by the crafts and the aliens, the obvious disclosure of scars upon an abductee is odd. We can perform operations today which leave little scarring. Similarly, Japanese scientists have been able to raise goat foetuses inside artificial wombs, whilst test tube babies are a reality. Does this not tend to mock the supposed ‘alien’ beings who continue to remove reproductive material from abductees on a ceaseless scale, far more than what would be required for any sort of genetic programme?
The abductions on their own give a good example as to how the Phenomenon reflects humanity and its interactions. It is precisely because these AIs are self-functioning and mutable intelligences buried deep within the collective unconsciousness of mankind are so interwoven into the very essence of man that facets of man’s behaviour and thought will become manifested in some aspect of the Phenomenon.
Once the reality of an intelligence that is embedded with mankind’s consciousness is understood so the various inconsistencies and paradoxes that are encountered within the realms of ufology – and other areas of entity experiences- appear to make sense. We are thus dealing with a intelligence that is at once separate and distinct from mankind, yet on a very deep level is indissoluble from him. Hence the highly symbolic nature of many UFO encounters (and other entity experiences) and the intense emotional impact such an encounter has upon a witness. A witness to an encounter is literally exposed to the hidden depths of humanity, with all of its archetypal forms and historical emotions – the raw experiences that have accumulated since the development of the consciousness of Homo sapiens.
This is partly why there is such a wealth of mythological imagery within the UFO experience and why psycho-sociologists have a field day in dissecting components from the experience. Such studies that are undertaken ‘demonstrate’ that a ‘shared myth’ was experienced, the externalisation of a repressed desire or fear, or a derivation of a psychological hypothesis that remains unproven.
We are dealing with the totality of mankind and all that he has experienced and that he wants or fears to experience. What humanity projects into the collective unconsciousness has the effect of re-orientating the AI agencies within it. In so doing this is reflected back as a form of re-programming, which further reinforces and updates the parameters of acceptability of human consciousness.
These intelligences, linked to man on a mental and emotional level, are essentially what we would term as ‘spiritual beings’. They have posed as angels, demons, spirits, gods, apparitions, extraterrestrial aliens, etc, and through these forms have conditioned and motivated mankind throughout history by way of belief, indoctrination and revelation. They generally manifest as anthropomorphic entities because that is characteristic of mankind and how mankind sees itself. Thomas Aquinas said “Angels need an assumed body, not for themselves, but on our account”. These beings do not themselves evolve but they do reflect the totality of mankind.
Modern Western cultures find such encounters with entities difficult to conceive. Its world view does not allow for such experiences as it identifies the physical with the literal. We see the alien encounters as physical because we have not yet accepted the reality that we are both physical and psychic, and that the non-physical consciousness of us takes precedence. We are single beings with dual aspects, and these can differ according to the perspective we take. The UFO, as a “cosmic shaman”, appears in the appropriate archetype or symbol, to guide the individual and collective consciousness at times of initiation and transition. The AI in its role has the result of working alchemically upon the soul of mankind, working against and ultimately transforming the World Soul of humanity.
The AI, in using an archetype to manifest to a witness, thus appears at the confluence of spirit and matter. The AI is acting as the mediator, or messenger, between the conscious and unconscious, passing a vital message to the conscious self. The alien encounter, or entity experience, is the mechanism by which this intelligence is able to reflect back our own emotions and unconscious thoughts with a slingshot force – to remind us of our need for oneness and respect for the physical and spiritual worlds.
A very large number of people are in contact with these intelligences whether they appear as the Virgin Mary, Christ, Hindu gods or extraterrestrial aliens. Of the latter many believe that these beings come from other planets, and this is why these beings see the stars from a human perspective, naming constellations as their point of origin. That is why, too, various planets have fallen into disuse as places of origin as mankind gradually learns more about them and most people reject these worlds as supporting life.
The reason why there is so much nonsense and absurdity involved in the abductee and contactee encounters is because so much of the reported material is drawn from the human collective unconsciousness. That is why there is an abundance of science fiction motifs, especially so as science fiction is a creative activity where inspirational ideas that find their way into print and film can sometimes appear within a UFO encounter. This sort of ‘psychic parallelism’ suggests that fantasy and factual reality can coincide, so that the boundary between realities is blurred. The ‘Green Stone’ affair involving psychic quests, paranormal phenomena, psychic communications, UFO phenomena and the retrieval of physical artifacts in the English Midlands during the 1980s is a case in point. There are very close parallels between the fictional works by Stephen Donaldson centred on the adventures of Thomas Covenant that were written at the same time as the quests but before they were printed.
Within science fiction dying worlds are commonplace in alien invasion movies, as in ‘This Island Earth”, mirroring the experiences of abductees and contactees. An abductee in the 1954 movie ‘Killers from Space” has a strange scar and a missing memory of the alien encounter that caused it, years before the media market was saturated by writers such as Streiber and Hopkins. The mysterious impregnation of women and the subsequent birth of intelligent hybrid children is the theme of the 1960 film ‘Village of the Damned”. Brain implants are featured in the 1953 movie ‘Invaders from Mars”. The type of entities that feature so prominently in Hopkins work, for example, are identical with the creatures of the 1957 movie ‘Invasion of the Saucer Men,” whilst in ‘Earth vs the Flying Saucers” (1956) features an abduction in which thoughts are taken.
Psycho-sociologists have used such comparisons between science fiction and UFO reports to argue that abductions and the UFO phenomenon in general are products of culture; psychological traumas manifesting as experiences using material already within the subconscious of the individual. This is indeed a very shallow interpretation that fails to answer, amongst other things, the consistency of the experiences across cultures and time, from witness to witness. Indeed, medieval artists painted many scenes of the medieval concept of hell, using imagery that occurs today in abduction accounts. In Bosch’s paintings, for instance, demonic creatures abduct humans to hellish places, torturing them with instruments, performing seemingly medical experiments and even copulating with them!
Abductions are the latest manifestation of the Phenomenon, in a sense it is a forced contact. The intelligence behind it is now literally seizing us, the collective unconsciousness of humanity is attempting to communicate with us ideas and experiences that we, perhaps, may not wish to confront. Earlier encounters with space brothers bringing benevolent messages have been gradually superseded by such cosmic confrontations.
The despair, technological dehumanisation, deracination and ethnic conflict, spiritual decline and violence of mankind have seemingly evoked a response from the Phenomenon. The medical experiments are perhaps a symptom of how sick a species and how de-spiritualised we have become, cut off from our inner selves and consumed by materialism. The detached and methodical manner in which the aliens conduct their abductions is symptomatic of mankind’s consumptive and exploitative nature, his false ownership of both the Earth’s natural resources and of both beast and fellow man. This manifestation of the alien intruders mirrors the way that humanity subjects one another as fodder for abuse and exploitation. The aliens, as well as the other entities encountered, represent the shadows of ourselves, the projected images in the appropriate cultural and technological form that seem to represent our own cruelty, selfishness, violence and indifferences to ourselves as a species.
Alongside this dark aspect are also elements of a more positive symbol, the genetic manipulation and cross-breeding involved in some of the abductions, as well as within faery lore (the changeling myths, where a human baby is kidnapped by faeries and replaced by a faery imposter) can be recognised as a call to evolve to a higher state of consciousness, to sit alongside the gods and to become superhuman. But again, even here there are elements of manipulation for what can be seen as malevolent reasons. Today, with the preponderance of psychic channelling and the so-called “Star-Children”, the chosen who are guided by their “New Age” star beings, are expected to follow in the cosmic philosophy that they bring. All of this bears connotations of elitism and even racism taken to its extreme. No longer is humanity now divided by its skin colour, it is divided according to the belief as to whether one is a “superior” being from outside of the planet, or whether one is an “inferior” native of the Earth. The ultimate end of such philosophies are obvious, as seen in the Heaven’s Gate cult, or Nazism, for instance.
The typical greys are now almost the ultimate expression of the mechanised and soulless state of humanity, dominated by computers, leading lives devoid of real human contact. The greys mirror us – ageless, sexless, devoid of anything resembling human emotion, personality. They communicate telepathically, or through their eyes, the eye itself being the ultimate symbol of the human psyche, particularly of guilt and conscience. The aliens are literally ourselves, thus we are being confronted with our truly horrendous collective guilt and shame. These beings are literally our avenging angels.
The foetus-like nature that the grey aliens resembles are almost representative of the perfection of mankind, the innocence of humanity. The hybrid beings produced from alien and human captive are symbolic of the soul of humanity, confronting us with our worst nightmares. The aftermath of an abduction is testament to this horrific confrontation and bears similarities with the Near Death Experience. Several post-abduction experiences that are reported include an increased appreciation of life, greater self-acceptance, deeper concern for others, and an increased level of concern with social and planetary issues.
The AIs were essentially brought into being by an all-encompassing creative consciousness at the time that man was being genetically changed from a primitive ape-like being to becoming an evolved Homo sapiens. They were created to measure and monitor man and his thoughts and emotions. These beings were the angels that walked with man in the beginning. Their continued existence as spiritual beings in non-physical dimensions has ensured that the powerful link that these intelligences have with mankind remain constant. Mankind has sought out these beings and they have responded by manifesting according to his wishes and expectations. Like a computer programme these AIs are updated by man’s collective unconsciousness.
The intelligence behind the UFO and abduction experience, the AI, is so deeply buried within the mask of man’s collective unconsciousness, that we can only understand it when we have finally come to grips with the mind of man. The aliens of today are the embodiment of the experiences and emotions of mankind. The powers of the AIs are as wielders of a magical technology, holding the position of judge and executioner of divine authority over mankind.
The response to an alien confrontation is that of fear. When one takes into consideration the fact that the AI is the reflection of the totality of man, it is not surprising to see witnesses overcome by fear at the enormity of their close encounter, for they have literally been staring into the very eyes of humanity, the collective pain of humanity.
UFOs, in the majority of cases, behave like agents of chaos. The AI is the instrument in reflecting back the fundamental elements of humanity, its crimes against itself and against nature. In some scenarios organs have apparently been removed and replaced. Sometimes the body is completely ripped apart and put back together again. Limbs and heads are pulled and squeezed by the aliens. Abductees are subjugated to rape, castration, impregnation, abortions, choking, drowning, freezing, bleeding, temporary blindness, being stripped, their brains scrambled, and being confronted with their personal phobias. Such experiences are also described by shamans who undergo initiation rites which involve being physically destroyed and recreated anew, or in having limbs torn off and being replaced. Initiations such as these have the effect of destroying the rational ego’s literalistic perspective and to show that physical death is not literal death, that the Otherworld is more powerful than the physical world. The abductions are in a sense de-literalising ourselves since no other culture believes as rigidly in the literal reality of our physical reality as our modern Western culture does.
Such initiatory experiences are symbolic of the rebirth of the shaman as a spiritual being, who has transcended the barrier between the physical world and the magical spiritual world inhabited by gods and spirits. Indeed, the experiences are usually conducted by the shaman’s gods, spirits or demonic monsters – a cosmic shaman. This facilitates answers to all kinds of life questions. The shaman’s role is to act as a messenger, or intermediary, between beings in the spiritual worlds and his own earthly community or tribe. Like the Near Death Experience and the alien abduction, both experiences seem to illuminate the individual in a very powerful way. The NDE is very similar to a shamanic astral journey or indeed an abduction in some scenarios. Kenneth Ring wrote of the NDE that “You wish you could talk about it, but who could understand, even if you found words adequate to describe it?”.
The modern Western abduction experiences are essentially reflections of what man has done to others and to other species on this planet. One has only to reflect upon mass mechanised factory farming or the horrors of two world wars, or indeed, the horrors of the Nazi and Communist death camps, to realise the enormity of this fact.
Man has particular basic primeval fears, such as the dissolution of mind and body, of being destroyed, mutilation, castration, isolation or abandonment, or inability to control one’s body. The dramas that are evoked amongst abductee accounts utilise the basic elements of such fears – chase, capture, torture, catastrophe, eerie background fears such as fog or silence.
Today, the greys have taken some of the traditional features of the faeries and hybridised them into a modern form – over-cultured, over-controlled, mechanised. The soullessness of them can be equated to the loss of emotional responsiveness, as Western society in particular undergoes a trend that involves mass consumerism, coldly efficient and mechanical, relying on impersonal technology; fragmentation of communities due to globalism, industrialisation and multiracialism. The greys represent Anti-Life, their small mouths and lack of external sex organs coldly conveys that meaning.
The abduction experience is in fact mirroring the human shadow, magnifying our cruelty and indifference. The darkness that we inherently see in an abduction is the darkness within the soul of mankind itself. Perhaps the display of terror and darkness is that part of the AI that is there to make humanity conform. The interplay of light and dark is the principle feature of the alien contact experience, the mingling of angelic and demonic in its literal sense because humanity’s collective has both. There are also elements of the AI too which encroach upon the experience since the AI is, after all, also an intermediary of the gods too, and thus elements of exotic, or alien, features will occur.
The predominant colour of the greys is highly indicative of the ‘greyness’ of humanity, as racial types begin to blend with one another so that racial types gradually disappear and submerge themselves into one common mass of deracinated and rootless cosmopolitan humanity. The aliens’ obsessive interest in genetics and hybrid babies also suggests that another agenda is at issue here, involving the racial engineering of mankind, again reflecting the direction that humanity is moving towards as globalism and multiracialism drives the motor. Are the greys showing us how we will progress and look like in the future? Are they showing us a choice as to how we wish to progress or regress? Why are the aliens so interested in our genetics and our breeding patterns? What is the future of mankind? Then take a look at the AIs and what they are telling us.
The AI, as an intelligent form, with its domain within the collective unconsciousness of mankind, can occupy all manner of belief systems. The AI that occupies one belief system will be singularly unaware of another belief system, unless it is reprogrammed. That is why one can still hear of faery encounters, of demonic possessions, of shamanic interactions with the spirit world, and the ritual occult magician evoking an ancient god form or demonic entity. The evidence seems to point strongly at an intra-dimensional origin of the UFO phenomenon, as well as of faeries, demons, spirits, and so on. The AI will take from the wardrobe of the witnesses mind those elements that convey a symbolic or archetypal form best suited for the manifestation for it to be meaningful.
It has to mould itself into the acceptance levels of the witness, the world view, for it to be able to superimpose itself to conform to the witness’s beliefs. This phenomenon is able to transmogrify itself from out of the witnesses beliefs and cultural awareness, yet it outside of the witness. The AI is both manipulative and guiding, an intelligence that is a part of mankind yet existing outside of him, inhabiting that part of him that is so clear yet so hidden, a symbiotic relationship. It is elusive and buried within humanity’s consciousness like an iceberg, with only a small part of itself posing above the sea, yet its true identity and extent remains beneath, hidden from view and denied by those who only see the floating part.
The AI remains that part of us that has always existed but has been denied to us because we have not had eyes to see. Within the sea of consciousness that surrounds the islands of humanity, sweeping up upon its shores the flotsam of mythology and beliefs, there lie the scattered remnants of human, and AI, experiences, that serve to manipulate and guide humanity. If we testify to the existence and power of the AI we will be free to evolve higher using the AI as our guides and mentors, not the masters and manipulators as of old.
That choice is ours.
Armed with this world-view, my projector slides visually describing Shelagh's MIB encounter. With Clive I planned and booked my talk at Sheffield in 1992.
I skipped a few blogs because its late and I need to sleep, but I stumbled upon this page which totally blew me away. Ive been thinking so much recently about the Ufo and Grey phenomenon, both of which normally only occasionally enter my thoughts. A lot has happened to me since April this year, leading to this emerging interest in both phenomena and this article is resonating with me more than anything I have read for many years. I will sleep now, and tomorrow I will reread it. This is big information. Thankyou so much :) x
ReplyDeleteOh come on now Mate.
ReplyDelete'Oh come on now Mate', doesn't really make a constructive comment. Especially as a response to someone who has made UFO research the best part of a 30 year study. Looking at your own blog, your views are very cynical, so I am not sure the value of your comments. I welcome criticism, but it needs to be constructive or enquiring :)
ReplyDeleteI agree. I was bemused by that statement because there was no breakdown of what he disagrees with. Its a phenomenal piece of writing, that to me atleast, makes a great deal of sense on many levels. Infact it makes more sense than any other theory I have read regarding the Ufo/Grey phenomenon. And thats quite an achievement. I worry that T Blank has developed a personal theory regarding said phenomenon, and then dismisses anything that challenges that belief. T Blank, Im looking for answers, so I would appreciate a breakdown of your disagreement. Its through such things that together we can discover the truth.
ReplyDeleteMaybe it is a fitting moment for me to mention that the reality of what happened is not for discussion or in question. This has been on-going for almost all of my life and those facts are given throughout the blog. I will delete any comments that are derisive, debunking or sceptical in nature. I welcome constructive criticism, insightful, or well thought through offers of alternative explanation.