Friday, 31 May 2013

Not All Goes As Expected

Nothing in any reality is perfect or works out as it should. This has been the case several times for me. One of the recent friends I made on social networking is Lynda Julie Richardson. Lynda produces amazing pictures channelled to her. I am not going to even begin to try describing them, it is better for you to see them yourself on her Facebook page

Lynda has a history of psychic experiences and even episodes of remote viewing. But this kind of artistic expression didn't start until April 2005 when she had a UFO related event, her head was hit by an object just centimetres in diameter.
She then told me:

Then the drawings started. I do not plan them, most are drawn just picking up a pen and simply drawing, no idea really how they end up like they do...I use ink no pencils and 99% is drawn free hand

I was fascinated and mesmerised by the imagery as I looked slowly through the collection. I told Lynda there was a lot more than met the eye to these pictures and the source behind them. I asked her permission to visit her via World-walking and have a look at the pictures she owned, but from a perspective outside of physical constraints. Lynda agreed and said she would lay the pictures out for me. I do not think that would have been necessary, but anything that might help is good with me.
I then said to her, on 28th March:

there should be tones, almost music with those pictures, did you know that?
or rather, do you remember that?


no interesting would like to do a talk about my paintings at some point so this is really interesting to me
I am surprised, why am I surprised you did not realise there were sounds linked to them?

perhaps because at the moment am more visually inclined?
I could sense notes and tone as I looked at these pictures. I think the nearest similarity would be when a musician looks at sheet music and in their head they can hear the orchestra playing and see the images and scenes such music would invoke It was like that.
That night I did go to Lynda's home. I didn't travel there in any true sense of the world. I just appeared there and as soon as I arrived I knew there was trouble. I could see the pictures and they were giving off coloured light, aura around each one that reflected the images on the pictures. But that wasn't the problem. the problem I encountered was something that was repelling me. It is so difficult to describe in words because it was all sensation. But there was an energy field that seemed to be guarding her environment and it was a conduit from her to a guiding intelligence that motivated the pictures she produced. I think I was perceived as an intruding energy showing unwanted interest in her images and it was responding to that.
I came crashing back into my body and suffered a severe headache for the rest of the day. It bordered on a migraine. I did report my findings to Lynda that next day, but there is a very effective intruder alarm installed that even she doesn't know about.
                                                                      'White'    image copyright 2009 Lynda Julie Richardson
On the night of 19th April 2013 I shifted from Earth to Astral plane, this wasn't of my doing, this was Sacha Claire Christie, who, over the months I had been accompanying on very regular jaunts into many dimensions. Sacha has been on a massive enlightenment programme since the awakening experience she had when sat with me that first night. I was no with her regularly. we have come to the conclusion that among other things I am a 'strength' and 'comfort' in the new panoramas she is exploring. On this occasion we were off to make contact with a number of people of her personal aquaintence. This astral meeting took the form of a dinner and social gathering. I sat quietly while Sacha and these other people passed information at thought-speed.
The following day was a Saturday and I have my Saturday assistant in my shop. we were sat talking and he asked what I was doing at my laptop and so showed him the first of my blog. Chris had been a Senior Psychiatric Consultant in his former career, which makes an interesting mix with me :) He read the first few lines then stopped and told me of a 'funny dream' he had the previous night. In it he was looking out of the window of a building and saw me walking along the pavement. He thought it was me but couldn't be sure because something about the eyes looked wrong. Then he suddenly found himself on the pavement and realised I was trailing behind a dark haired woman dressed in black jacket and black trousers. ( Sacha dresses in this fashion in astral pursuits when she is in an active role, so I believe it was her he saw.) He said that my eyes were large and came round the sides of my head and were jet black. He could see nothing in them at all. He called to me, he said I looked at him and he felt in his mind that I said 'I am busy. I will explain to you another time.' and then carried on down the street with the woman.
This is an interesting encounter because he has nothing to do with my m mission work, nor does he know anything about Sacha and my link to her. For some reason his own astral body had an encounter with the reality that we were passing through. A kind of intersection had been met.


Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Chinese connections

From September to the present I have been on an Etheric Ship during a number of visits. The first one I recall was around mid-September 2012. I was, again, grey, on a ship. There were more of my kind who controlled the craft. I could see five or six around me, but I knew there were more. This ship had human cargo on board. I seemed to join mid-flight, so have no information on where the humans were from, how they got aboard. I did feel, however, that as with sally and her son, they were sleepers from the Earth's dark-side.

The now familiar experience is always the same when I am shifting. I recall dozing to sleep, then standing beside the bed and the room dissolving and reforming as reality takes on an alternative concept. From that dissolved physicality, the Etheric Ship forms around me, or I merge into that environment. I am not sure.

When there I saw as many as one hundred humans, all asleep and strapped to tables or benches. There was row upon row of them. I only saw adult male and females, no children. As in Sally's case there was  whole sections of wall transparent, giving us good all-round view. We were in China. I know it was China because we followed the path of the Great Wall at terrific speeds westwards towards either Tibet or the mountains on the border with Afghanistan. I do not know our precise location, nor our destination. But we stopped at some point along the wall for some reason. We simply stopped dead. There was no effects of this as would be felt on a terrestrial aircraft, I think this was because we were one with the Etheric Ship. The crew deployed a robot of some kind. I do not know what it's function was, but I know we were seen by humans on the ground. I could see one in the distant point up at us. So on file somewhere there might be a sighting of a 'UFO', maybe with a strange robot being deployed at The Great Wall in mid September.

An even more perplexing visit was made on the night of April 3rd 2013. My bedroom disolved and reformed into an outside area. There was a very big - I mean massive - concrete area, it was big enough to park several aircraft on. Ahead of me, sloping into the ground was a ramp with double doors at the end, I think they were probably blast doors of some kind. I walked down here and was met at the doors by an oriental human in a military uniform and as we walked into the subterranean base, he looked down at me, at his side, he smiled and in an unfamiliar tongue that I could understand he said, 'I am speaking Chinese, can you understand me?' I thought back a response of, 'yes. I am not speaking at all, can you hear me?' he smiled again and nodded. I had every belief that this was an intial introduction we were making to each other. He was maybe in his mid-40s wearing a peaked cap and officers uniform. I was about waist height and looked up at him.
What I cannot know is if I was really there. I could feel the concrete under my feet as a walked down the ramp. Equally this officer might have been a remote viewer and I was meeting him at some astral midway point. He seemed to be expecting me, and as I also have a human body which was sleeping at this point in time, how could he possibly have made this arrangement with me?

I cannot remember any more of this event. I have noticed that when I am in a military surroundings, or aboard etheric ships, the memory I return with is sometimes edited out. Nothing is vague or mixed up, what I do come back with has as perfect clarity as my daytime human memory and vision. But as a grey, I don't often come back with everything remembered. There is some editing process involved somewhere along the way.

Not all of the people I see of a night have anything to do with UFOs or is even supposed to be a contact, but I still give them some form of contactee experience, as will be seen next. 

The Etheric Vehicles & Sally's Experience

Since late 2012 there has been a number of events involving me aboard Etheric Vehicles. (UFO's.) These constructs are thought created, thought powered. They are also solid matter for so long as their mission requires them to exist. They are, in effect, Tulpa as described near the beginning of this blog, but these are of such sophistication as to be beyond human powers of imagination. Not only that, but because they are thought creations from the etheric they are, in their own way, living energy. Because they exist bother here and there at the same time, co-existing in parallel realities, they appear to defy all known physical laws of flight and propulsion - they don't, it just appears that way to three dimensional beings in three dimensional physics. As you recall, my first conscious introduction to them was when I was on a dull grey vessel with three unknown sleeping humans aboard. But this doesn't appear to have been my first visit. I have a vague recollection of one that I think happened much earlier.

This involved a lady I know as Sally Andrews. Sally is someone I knew through Facebook and during our online friendship she mentioned a dream she had which involved her being taken onboard a UFO. I then mentioned one involving both her and her son William.

This is how the subject was started:

hang on, you told me he went on a ship when you were taken. I'm sure you did
no, I haven't told you that
I am not going to call you a liar, would never do that, but I am sure you told me he was stood watching while you were on a table. I can see it vividly in my mind

I don't remember any events with my son, William, involved. I don't know where it came from.

 I could see the incident in my head as a memory of being told.  Then I realised, she hadn't told me any such thing. By the following day the memory was clear in my head because I re-lived the incident with her, in my sleep. I was a Grey and part of a crew on an Etheric construct. We were hovering silently above houses at night. We, as crew can see everything outside because it is as though an entire section of wall is missing and we see sky, street and houses.

Then a light, igniting as blue, then fading to bright white flashes from the ship to what I believe is a pre-selected house. Two people, a woman and a boy, are floated up along the beam to the ship. I guess it is working just like you see a tractor beam in Star Trek. The couple are manouvered in through the wall and onto a table each. I seem to be standing back watching as three others work at the two humans. Then boy is then allowed to stand. He turns and gazes at his mother, she is still asleep even under the blazing white light still holding her camatose.

Something is then said mentally to the young boy who might be 5 or 6. This is hard to tell because I am not a whole lot taller than he is! But the reason I know something is mentally said to him is because a grey companion looks at the boy, the boy looks at him and in response to an unspoken command, the boy walks over and stands next to me. He turns and continues gazing at his mother. The child walks and looks as though drowsy, so I do know he wasn't coherent or fully conscious. I think everything was closed down except the functions required of him.

That is as much as I woke remembering.

That following morning I got this from Sally:

Well I've been trying to think on what you said about the table and William stood by the side. I keep getting a deja vu feeling. I checked all the messages between us and there nothing posted by me saying that to you. And reading what you just posted again I keep getting this "I know feeling". but still don't remember anything.

Then. A week later:


What you said about me lying on the table with my son standing by the side! I can remember it but it was a dream I had I few years ago. I cant believe I forgot about it.
I don't think it was a dream, but I am not going to dispute it with you
I remember it as a dream I should have said

I seemed to be connecting through social networking with humans I had prior contact with, as well as establishing the contacts for impending contact.
But it wasn't ending there, there was more twists to come ...


Sunday, 26 May 2013

Random Road Encounters & A Man In White!

The reconnection with Clive, and Sacha's 'awakening' must have set off some old alarm bells because there was three extraordinary experiences over the following month of September and October. Two of them were witnessed by Fred, my partner. He has been on the road all his life, driving at various times in his careers, buses, taxis, trucks. Today he drives for a local courier company. He has seen pretty much all you CAN see in a life of transport.

What I find particularly interesting is the focus of his two experiences being on roads. This is very like the time me and Shelagh had heard the footsteps and seen the dinosaur. Associated with those had been a Man In Black. In Fred's case, his road encounters were set around a visitor to my shop who was quite the opposite, a Man In White!

7th September 2012
Fred was travelling on the M40 from Manchester to London and was near Banbury when he suddenly met a wall of mist. This surprised him because the day was warm, clear and sunny. The inexplicable mist wasn't thick and he had several hundred yards visual, nevertheless he switched on his fog lights. What then surprised him was that none of the on-coming vehicles had their lights on, in fact, he had traffic flashing him to switch his lights off!
Then, and he estimated it was just several yards ahead of his vehicle (which was travelling at 70mph,) he saw a young male appear out of thin air on he central reservation. He maintains the man didn't appear out of he mist, he suddenly winked into existence. The male was possibly about 19-20 and was dressed like a 60's hippy.
The man then walked directly across the road in front of Freds 70mph van – but the several yards between the hippy and he van was maintained, so he walked directly across the road in front of the van while seeming to keep at the same distance. The hippy reached the hard shoulder, then turned to look directly at Fred, smiling broadly, he lifted a hand to his forehead and flicked a salute and then vanished before his eyes.
Fred drove on for another hundred yards or so and then he same thing happened again, but it was a black dog that appeared on the reservation, padded across in front of the vehicle and then vanished the second it touched the hard shoulder.
Fred estimated he drove the same distance again and this time he saw a young woman walk exactly the same, from point A to point B. When she reached the hard shoulder she turned to look at Fred, smiled broadly and then blew him a kiss before vanishing. She too was a hippy, she had long blonde hair in plaits, wore a knee length white dress and had a garland of flowers around her neck. The couple wore hippy sandals. Although there was no evidence to show it, Fred knew that although several hundred yards apart, the couple knew each other.
Another hundred yards and Fred emerged from the mist. The single curious fact is that when I asked him if he felt any sensations or could feel anything in the air around him, he said that throughout he mist he felt the same coldness in his back – this is referring to a single particular section of country road that winds through some woods and whenever we go through it he gets a sudden bolt of cold down his spine for no obvious reason. This is the only thing he could feel.
When I asked him about he clarity of the people and dog, he said it was like being in the cinema, you look at he screen and the people don't look real, they look like projections. He said the hippies and dog looked the same. What I found he was getting at was that the forms lacked a three-dimensional quality, and everything tells me that the images were not in front of the vehicle but projected onto his windscreen. I suspect that is where the fog was as well as not a single other driver gave any indication of seeing them. What any vehicles in front or behind him might have seen is unknown, because for the time in the mist there was not a vehicle in front or behind him.

Monday 17th September
I do not really know who or what this was, but it was about 16.00, give or take a few minutes. A man walked into my shop and went to the first cabinet of items, I think it was a mix of Egyptian and Celtic
ornaments, and just stood looking at them. It has been bucketing down all day, virtually non-stop. But this man, looked in his mid-40s was wearing tennis clothes. he had a white singlet, white shorts and white plimsoles - not just white but STARK white. Not the kind of clothes to wear on this day! he stood for a few moments in silence. I thought I had looked down at something because next thing I know is he is facing me and smiling. I thought at the time I had looked away but only afterwards I realised that I think he was suddenly facing me. I asked him if I could help him with anything and he kept smiling. He had black combed back hair, might have had gel or Brylcreem, it was that kind of

I smiled back and asked again if i could help him and he said, still smiling. 'No, everything will be alright soon.'He had a small logo on the singlets right breast. I am not sure if it was a bird or a Pegasus. It looked familiar but I am not sure even now why I thought it was. I must have been focusing on it and very intrigued because next thing I am aware of is he is standing right in front of me at the counter and is asking if I have any statues of Persian demons. I say no, sorry.
Then he says 'It's ok, it's alright now.' then still smiling he walks out.I haven't a clue how long he was in the shop but it can't have been more than a few minutes, but when I looked at the time, (waiting for
home time after a lousy day,) it was 16.35! I had the Tennis Man in the shop for at least half an hour!
Very very unusual and I was left with a very uncomfortable feeling that I have seen him before but couldn't place him.

I now suspect it was from the same source as the original MIB's we had encountered, but the clothing? Did the white signify something? Did it announce a purity of purpose? I wonder if the MIW was checking that my new activity was not reactivating a 'contagion'.

Thursday 18th October 2012
Fred left Sunderland at around 7.30pm to return to Manchester after a courier run He joined the A19 from the A1018 heading south for Manchester. barely a few minutes later he spotted movement off in the fields to his left. It was dark and he could see distant building lights to his left. But what drew his attention was a single grey blanket shape hanging in the air with rippling edges. This he estimated as being 150 to 200 yards away from his position. Fred drove on and this passed from view as normal, (it didn't just vanish). He drove on for a further 300 yards and he saw the identical thing again. the 300 yards and the experience repeated....that continued for 55 miles! he left the A19 at Thirsk to join the A168 and that is when he stopped seeing them - or it.

I have traced his course on Google maps satellite mode and there is nothing but empty fields. In the areas where there was build-ups of buildings he didn't see the grey things, but as soon as open country reappeared, so did they. Fred had travelled this route very regular, the last being just a couple of weeks ago and he has never experienced anything like it before. I asked him about senses, such as hearing anything, feeling anything, headaches or numbness - but he says there was nothing, from his perspective everything was as usual except he could see this image - as an afterthought, he said point out that he didn't see this as a reflection from anything. He is absolutely certain it had an objective reality.It is only my guess, and with no reason, but I just feel he saw the single object repeatedly rather than a 55 mile string of thousands


Reconnections Made & A Mission Objective Found.

In August 2012 I contacted a mutual friend on Facebook. Paul Muir was familiar with some of the experiences I'd had and as he also knew Clive, I thought he would be a good place to start. I messaged him several times explaining , to some extent, the missing years and it is he who encouraged me to make that fresh contact with Clive. I think my biggest concerns at that moment was how he would take to being contacted after so an absence, and the high magnitude changes that had taken place in that time. But with Paul's moral support I decided I would have to make the move. I was being compelled.

But there was something else I wanted to try. Since my recent appearance on the UFO as a grey. I felt as though I had somehow gained a greater ability to interact at a subconscious level with humans. I do not think I can recall everything from my appearance on the UFO. I am guessing that between me looking down and seeing my grey for, and then being snapped back into the human body, something else took place. Even with no evidence for it, I knew I could interact with people in their sleep. This is what I decided to experiment with regarding Clive. Maybe if I met him tonight during his sleep-state and explained to him what had happened over the missing years, his conscious mind would find things easier to accept and move on from there.

So that very night I passed a simple thought through my mind. 'Tonight I visit Clive and explain everything to him.' That's all it was.

I fell asleep as usual, probably between 12-1am and I found myself on a road with houses on either side. I saw Clive walking towards me. I knew I was human and not grey. Also, I had a conscious memory of going to bed and going to sleep, that doesn't happen in regular dream conditions. I remember standing next to my bed, my sleeping form still in it, and the room dissolving around me to be replaced by this unknown street forming from a mistiness that my room had turned into. Then when that was solid, is when I saw Clive.

We walked together and I think that everything I had been through over the previous 19 years was info-dumped as a complete package into his head. There was no verbal conversation, nor any consistent train of thoughts going to him. It happened in one transference. I could see his face looked puzzled, shocked and stunned, all pretty much at the same time as all the information formed in his mind. I know he was going through an acceptance and understanding phase of things.
Clive then turned to me and in a thought transference told me 'I need to understand all this, give me a couple of days.' I smiled and nodded as he walked away and vanished in the wink of an eye.

I do not recall my return to my body, I simply woke up.

That same day I sent a private message to Clive who I managed to find on Facebook, his reply was swift and I think he did have initial shock and surprise at my suddenly turning up, but I am convinced that meeting with him the night before did ensure his acceptance of the missing time and sudden lack of communication. Wholesale emails went back and forth as I updated Clive on things I know I had already info-dumped into his head a night or two previous, within a few weeks we were seemingly back on course.

At the same time this was happening, I had reactivated my old Facebook account and was making links with people. I had a sense of urgency about this. I did not know at that moment what it was but there was something I needed to do and timing was absolutely critical - in retrospect I can see that I was looking for someone. A mission objective.

Soon banter was going back and forth between myself and Sacha Claire Christie. Almost from the first message I sent her I knew, absolutely knew this was my mission objective and the back and forth banter was a kind of 'getting to know you' process. This woman was of striking importance to me, I had actually come looking for her and didn't even know it, aside from that impending urgency. So far as I am aware, Sacha felt a sense of kinship from the outset.

Over the course of August and into September this bonding process continued until one morning I got a message from her. As soon as I saw the message notification I knew what she was going to say. This is what I remember happening:
I went to sleep and found myself almost immediately, standing next to my body. The room began to dissolve in a now familiar way and as it dissolved I stepped forward through a misty screen. My perception was of then being in a bare environment, it was dark with a night sky. There were a few stars twinkling in the sky. I saw a human form sat cross-legged on a rock. I knew this was Sacha, even though not having met her on Earth. I sat opposite her and looked at her, she was looking at me and I am unsure of the bulk of what passed between us. But I knew she was being very defensive, protective. I knew I needed to breach that defensiveness. Sitting there I knew she was to be very important at some future date and she needed direction now. There was such a sense of inexplicable urgency. There was someone immensely powerful behind me. I suddenly became aware of it there. But I never broke my gaze.

Whatever I was saying to her was making Sacha irate, possibly uncomfortable. I think I was trying to explain to her what I was and what her purpose was. Then the thought came from her like a blow into my forehead 'OK, FUCKING PROVE IT!'

So I did.

I had never shape-shifted on an astral plane before, but that is what happened now, her reaction was immediate. To paraphrase a shocked thought that flashed from her 'Oh my God! She's changing, look at her face!' I knew I had shifted to Grey, and with it was a most extraordinary sensation of being totally at one with the cosmos, I felt an integration with the universe that is simply so impossible to understand from an earthly point of view. At the same moment as Sacha's surprised reaction, her defences dropped and that is when I sensed this immense energy field move from the back of me to come between her and myself. There was a flash of light and I woke up in bed.

Later that morning I got the message from Sacha detailing her dream from her point of view, it dovetailed in many ways with mine. She saw me sat opposite her. She saw my eyes change to big black. She saw me change into Grey before her eyes, although she does report a different colouration of the 'skin'. When she cried out about the sudden change, the entity behind me came round to the front and while her guard was still down, she felt the entities eyes race in towards her and she was hit by a bright light between the eyes, before then waking.

I told her during our messaging the following morning that this was the information download that she was needing for her later work on Earth. She already had the keys to it in her mind, but they needed turning, an activation.

Sacha was the primary reason for the last few months of frantic activity.

Saturday, 25 May 2013

Further steps in World-Walking &The Awakening Program

Up to this point, an ability to step into other states of existence, and the shape-shifting had been mostly separate events. and although I was aware of them at the time of them happening, I had little control. This all changed in early 2010. I had been out of hospital just a month, (I was out of work and recuperating for 3 months.) when the first awareness of the new me emerged. During my hospital visit I woke to find a room with grey beings. I felt no fear, no apprehension. I did feel a sense of ease and kinship with them. During this experience I also saw what looked like Shelagh in the unknown room. I remembered that image long after I went home.

About a month later I had an exceptionally vivid dream. I was in an area that was completely dark. There was nothing. I was sitting on a hard floor and there was something or someone with me. I could not see them, but could sense the presence. Very like if you are blindfolded and someone stands very close, that kind of sensation. I had a voice in my head, it didn't seem male or female, it just existed. It told me that Shelagh and I had become one. We co-existed in the new human body and between us created a slightly different soul. In her separate life she had always acted as my power-source, a psychic battery. Now I carried that psychic battery with me, and was told that the combination of the two was now capable of quite extraordinary things. That this was required for the next phase of my mission.

I was unsure of what even really composed the 'first mission', but I was told that essentially it involved isolating some negative and corrosive influences. (The negative and 'contagious' AI.) I had attracted them through the bedroom wormhole. The feeling I also had was that the MIB were a kind of sentient defensive system, which is why they seemed a very random event. The task is, I guess, to intimidate and frighten witnesses into backing off of what they are enquiring into. With us that failed. I do not think they were able to get through to us.

I was told I would be learning more about myself, my true being, that I would be a kind of trigger. My purpose was to 'guide and guard'. I am kind of paraphrasing it, but that is what came across, even though I had no idea what this all meant. I do not recall going to the dark place, nor coming back. The event might have been internal, it might have been external. I could not say.

Around 2008 I discovered Facebook and created my first account. I found a few friends from work and linked to them, but really it didn't do anything for me so I soon deactivated the account. That seemed a here-today-gone-tomorrow thing, by the time of this dream, in 2010 it had been forgotten completely.

2011 I had a most extraordinary experience. I found myself on what I can only describe as an 'alien' ship. Looking back now, I still remember the night it happened. 15th August. I went to bed as normal, and to the best of my memory I went to sleep as normal. But then suddenly I was awake, or I was awake as 'something'. I was in a circular room. It was dull grey, as were three waist-height tables that seemed formed from the floor, everything appeared moulded from a single substance I walked towards the tables and saw a human on each one, they looked peacefully asleep. at the tables were four grey beings. One of them I felt was in a leadership role, (Not that I saw anything to indicate this.) The beings were about my own height. very large and very black eyes.

The height thing confused me, that they were my own height. That is when I looked down at myself and saw I was back in a grey form. Not only that, but an instant of realisation was that I was on a ship, (as crew?) and humans had been taken for some reason. That sudden thought snapped me awake in bed, I sat up, it was still night. I did not sleep for the remainder of the night. I had never experienced anything quite like that before. The shape-shifting had always been earth-based, never in an environment that suggested a UFO.

This experience left me feeling an approaching sense of urgency, but I wasn't sure what I needed to do at first. Then, I knew I had to re-establish contact with Clive Potter. I knew it was safe now. But after all these years? and all the changes that had happened?

Then I had an idea. But first I would need to test part of it out.

1993-2009 The Hibernation Years

The period between 1993 and 2003 are specifically what I refer to as 'The Hibernation Years'. The timeline is now picked up just about a year after the Scottish rock band witnessed the shape-shifting in Reading town centre, and just a month after I had the MIB who had told me there would be very serious consequences if I spread my 'contagion'.

So I decided to comply, I had a feeling I had to sever contact with everybody who I had associated with. Clive's letters went unread, as did those of another researcher friend, Mary. I wrote no more correspondence to the rock band, and several other associates suddenly lost contact with me. I explained to Shelagh that this had to happen, I also explained to her at this time what the 'contagion' was that my MIB had warned me about. This was reference to the 'wormhole' I had seen open up in my bedroom wall some years previous and I had seen a very alien universe. 'something' had come through and acted as a contagion that infected AI elements that were in contact with us. This is very difficult to explain in words. But as previously stated. the human collective consciousness creates imagery, symbols and even entities that not only have occult and magical significance, but are used as a means of communication not only between the human conscious and unconscious, but for higher, angelic intelligences. Like all things there is a darker, negative side to this, and the 'contagion' the MIB had made reference to, was the infection that came through the wormhole and seeded itself in the AI elements that had contact with me. These could be passed into the aura of those around me who were susceptible.

I know that the warning came slightly too late because one or two were infected with negative AI even before I could break my contact with them. One of the key researchers working alongside me suddenly claimed clairvoyant connections that she had never demonstrated before, claiming she had contact with an intelligence that made Red Eagle's guidance redundant, this woman then tried setting herself up as my principle medium to replace Shelagh! efforts she had never shown signs of doing before this time. within a week of severing contact with my former associates, Shelagh had word from her ex that kali had died suddenly and with no obvious cause. Days later we heard of the sudden deaths of both Liz Frampton, who had been a healing patient, who had seen me turn into a grey during a healing session, and Vera, a very close personal friend of Shelagh's. three deaths in the same week was a terrible consequence to bear. There was no direct evidence linking them, but could we ignore the possibility? the MIB had warned of consequences.

So in my mind, with both Shelagh and I having Man In Black visits, and each being warned we need to stop what we are doing. I am reasonably convinced these visitors bore no hostile intent towards us.

I am not sure if that has been explained well, but I can try again if needed.

The next ten years saw me concentrate on little more than a regular 9-5 job. We still regularly walked round Whiteknights. There was no dog with us, of course, but we still spoke to Red Eagle and working on spirit rescue of a seeming army of earth-bound Knight Templars. Whether they were a genuine situation or dredged from our imaginations, we could not say, but certainly, the tales Shelagh got from them was interesting, in some cases quite extraordinary. If this was all imagination then we should have been film script writers.

All this came to an abrupt end in 2000. In 1985 Shelagh had developed type 2 diabetes. This occurs mainly in people over 40. The first-line treatment is diet, weight control and physical activity. If the blood glucose level remains high despite these measures, then tablets to reduce the blood glucose level are usually advised. Insulin injections are needed in some cases. Other treatments include reducing blood pressure if it is high, lowering high cholesterol levels and also other measures to reduce the risk of complications.

Shelagh's deterioration was slow but gradual, she watched what she ate and tried to deal with her weight. But by 1997 she was on injections. Her passing in 2000 was due to a stroke.

over  a couple of years either side of Shelagh's passing, there was experiences of bi-location and 'invisibility'. There had been one or two random events of this nature in the late 80s. On one occasion Shelagh walked into our book-lined study. I was looking for a particular book when she walked in. I turned to face her but was surprised when she walked past, just inches from me and stood looking out of the window for a moment. Then she walked past again and left the room. Later I asked her why she had ignored me and she replied that she thought I had been in there, but didn't see me so assume I had left. She was startled when I told her I had been in there, and saw her go look out of the window. I showed her exactly where I had been standing and she remarked that as she passed that spot she had felt a cold shudder.

A second event happened just a few weeks later. I had walked with a friend to the railway station to see her off home. She boarded the train and I sat on a bench waiting for her to leave. I then saw her look around through the window slightly puzzled. Then she spotted me and waved. I was then rather puzzled as to why she had behaved like that. One letter later she explained that she had seen me sit down, then she rummaged in her bag for a moment, looking back up she didn't see me. Then several people walked between her and the 'empty' bench, and when they passed she saw me sitting where I had been before. Very odd.

There were a couple more over the next few years, random and just as inexplicable. In March 2001 I was in the canteen at a local supermarket I was working in when a colleague came in for his break. He stood still in the doorway and asked 'what the hell you doing here?' I pointed at a mug and said 'tea break?' remarkably he told me he had spent the last five minutes talking to me. I had been filling a shelf and telling him that I would soon be making a 'fresh start in some new work'. I assured him I had been in the canteen for at least 10 minutes, he insisted he had spoken to me in the store less than three minutes ago. Apparently I did seem dreamy and distant when we were chatting. I can add nothing more to this, I didn't feel that anything out of the ordinary had occurred while I sat there with my tea.

I missed Shelagh, a lot, obviously. But I was consoled in 'knowing' she wasn't far away. It is very strange when I think of it now, but even then, after she had gone and our 'mission' appeared to have finished, I had a feeling it had not ended, there was more to do, but not yet.

I do not want to enter into some very personal and intimate issues. But I felt I was just a shadow passing through life at this stage, over the years between 1998 and 2005, I had become much less a personality, becoming much more a 'blank canvas'. For those seven years, which is quite a long time, I felt I was vanishing, almost being erased. I simply cannot describe it better than that. I know it sounds a very odd thing to say, but I went through being a non-entity, like I was an empty vessel, or an animated object in which everything except the survival needs were dormant.

2003 was when I began to wake up. This was when I started to recognise I needed a massive change in the entire makeup of my existence. I woke up recognising the person I was, was dead. Had been dying for quite some while and is why I was just a walking shell. This transformation of the Self took another six years. But with a move to Manchester in 2007 and GRS in 2009. The experience associated with this has been detailed in the entry titled 'Reincarnation'.

I returned home a completely different person in body, mind, and more profoundly, soul. Within weeks I knew I had a new phase of my 'mission', this was to be accomplished as a re-engineered soul, and would begin in early 2012. Three years time.

Friday, 24 May 2013

Guy's Vengence & Spirit Rescue.

Please note we have had to go back in time for this thread of the biography, and the current events are in and around 1984.

After the dog attack and my follow-up world-walk to Guy's cave - I took not the slightest bit of notice of him and continued to question Brienne, through Shelagh's mediumship. Sometime asking precisely the same questions week later. On each occasion the replies were the same as previously. I do like, where possible, to be as analytical as possible and double check everything. Not to test out Shelagh, but to ensure we aren't being deluded by fantasy and wishful thinking. Especially in, those heady days when treasure-hunting, deciphering alleged encoded paintings and Knight Templars was at fever- pitch due to The Holy Blood & The Holy Grail.

This was now the point where Shelagh's home life had become so intolerable with an increasingly drunk and violent husband that she decided she had to leave the family home, so this was a main topic of conversation, but so was my incessant questioning of brienne. Somewhere along the line he had introduced a couple of Spanish outlaws that he had apparently fallen in with, their names were Carlos and Diego. this pair had been a part of the Guy/Brienne gang who were little more than bandits and mercenaries.

Shelagh and I loved London, living barely 20 minutes from the city centre by train from our home in Reading, most weekends were spent wandering around the vast number of occult and book shops that were our speciality, But then sometime around this point we discovered the Temple Church.

The Temple Church is late-12th-century, and located between Fleet Street and the Thames, built for and by the Knights Templars as their English headquarters. We started going here for a rest during our weekly visits to the capital. Back then you didn't need to pay for entry, but we always left a donation in the box. Around the perimeter of the round church, which can be seen in the image above, is a stone seat running around it. We usually sat here and relished the silence and tranquillity of the building.
There are effigies of medieval knights, and the ones we always sat beside was William Marshall and his three sons. On our third trip, sitting in our usual place Shelagh told me she could see the image of a man standing over William's tomb. I didn't reply, that was so not to break her concentration. She told me that the image was of a man in chain mail armour and claimed to be Gilbert, one of the sons who's tomb was in the group of four Marshall effigies. She reported Gilbert giving her a warning. The warning was that a new Crusade would take place. She was seeing images in her mind of Saracen hordes sweeping into Europe, Christian armies clashing with them, many thousands dying on all sides. The image she gave me was of apocalyptic proportions. The parting words as gilbert faded from her inner vision was 'The Brotherhood of The Jihad are gathering.'

This was pretty strong stuff, but Shelagh certainly wasn't one for exaggerating what she got, some of our experiences were so outlandish, there was absolutely no need for embellishment. When we got home I spent the next few days in the library looking up all I could about William marshall and his sons.

In January 1215 William Marshall served as a negotiator during a meeting in the London Temple between King John and the barons, who demanded that John uphold the rights enshrined in the Coronation Charter of his predecessor Richard I. William swore on behalf of the king that the grievances of the barons would be addressed in the summer, leading to John's signing of Magna Carta in June.
William later became regent during the reign of John's son, Henry III. Henry later expressed a desire to be buried in the church and so, in the early 13th century, the choir of the original church was pulled down and a new larger structure, now called the Chancel, was built. It was consecrated on Ascension Day 1240 and comprises a central aisle and two side aisles of identical width. The height of the vault is 36 feet 3 inches. One of Henry's sons, who died in infancy, is buried in the Chancel, but Henry later altered his will with instructions to be interred in Westminster Abbey.

He was invested into the order of the Knights Templar on his deathbed, and died on 14 May 1219 at his estate in Caversham, Near Reading, and was buried in the Temple Church. A second astonishing fact I discovered was that  John de Erleigh was known as the White Knight, and  Whiteknights Campus, where Shelagh had experienced her abduction, and the site of an energy portal, responsible for almost all of our extraordinary experiences, had been the site of his home. Also John De Erleigh was the foster-son of the Regent of England, William Marshall. The knight in The Temple!

I don't know what the relevance, if any of all this was, but the sheer coincidence of it all was quite extraordinary. But the chilling aspect that we discussed as we walked Kali round the park for a morning walk one morning, was the warning over growing Christian and Muslim storm clouds that Gilbert Marshall - or some representation of him, was warning us of.

While we were speculating on what that could all mean, Kali started growling at me. She was now on her leash because we were walking towards the main road, heading home. Sudden ly she lunged at me, her fangs flashing at me. I hit her with my shoulder and he went to the ground. Hastily, and in some degree of panicked urgency, I wrapped the loose leash around my wrist until I held the dog at the point of her collar. Keeping her snapping head as far from me as possible. I struggled to keep her front feet off the ground so she found it difficult to get a good launch at me. Shelagh backed away at my request. The dog clearly wanted to have a go at me, but I didn't want to risk her at all. The dogs eyes were deeply bloodshot and the flecks of foam sprayed from her jaws. Chillingly familiar to me. Somehow, I do not know how, but somehow I got the dog back home, fighting every step of the way. Once home I pushed her rump into the kitchen and shut the door. But no sooner than she was the other side of the door than the snarling and barking ceased.

Shelagh stood passively as I leaned back against the kitchen door and slowly got my energy back after the half-hour fight to get the dog back from the park.

'It's Guy,' she said. 'I can see him, he's laughing and saying the dog is his to use whenever he wants to. he says the only way to free yourself of him is by killing the dog.' Oh yes, I could see that in the local paper, 'psychopaths kill their dog because voices told them to.' Well, there was no chance of falling for that! Kali was as much in this as either of us - she had been part of an abduction that kicked this all off.

At this point I must state that even today, many years later, I am at a loss to know where any of these events were supposed to be leading. There is little doubt that Shelagh was communicating with an awareness that, at least, looked and seemed like Medieval men, one of them clearly had the capacity to turn an a placid dog into something quite violent. Also, there was the 'prophecy' from another medieval image that stood over the Marshall tombs in The London Temple, of a crusade - a religious war raging across the world. The parallel with the War On Terror following 9/11 is too close to ignore.

This all moved a stage further when during one of our spiritualist circles we began a long series of 'spirit rescue' sessions. This is where a circle of mediumship will assist earth-bound spirits to move on from whatever might be holding them to the earth-plane. But this series of 'rescues' involved Knight Templars who seemed to be lost, frightened and confused during and following their mostly violent deaths. Some of the stories were truly barbaric. Shelagh was the medium for most of these sessions and she frequently had to stop and take a break, such was the nature of what she was being shown, and often felt from these 'souls'.

Guy's terrorising of us with Kali as a weapon came to an abrupt end when suddenly Shelagh decided she needed to leave home, I went with her, but we made the decision that, though painful to shelagh it would be, the dog would stay in the house with her now ex-husband. That way Guy's only access to us was neutralised. I don't think he was expecting that, it seems that a sudden and abrupt change of direction was able to wrong-foot him and give an advantage.

I have said, I make no claims or suppositions for what I have written in this last couple of posts. I just wanted to offer the experiences for what they were, unembellished and with no additional baggage thrown in with it. The experiences of possession and prophecy are accurate and as I said. I can still offer no reason why it happened at all.

This has been incredibly difficult to write, and has been in draft form for an entire week, usually this blog takes barely 2 days per entry. Having said that, I hope it reads clearly enough. My next entry will come back on track with my previous timeline.


Monday, 6 May 2013

Worldwalking is Dreamwalking?

On Saturday I had my tarot reader in my shop, Pagan Planet, and I was discussing some of my night-time excursions with him, then suddenly he said 'you are a dream shaman.' I didn't really understand what he meant as I have never heard that phrase, and with customers coming in I forgot to pursue the conversation. So when I got home I Googled it and I actually found the label exists, along with Dreamwalker and Skinwalker. Both very relevant to me.

A Dreamwalker is one who works within the dreamscape to understand, to create, to heal, to meet with elders, to journey through the earth-realm, and to work with other worlds and realms in order to teach.

The Shape-shifting I manifest is precisely the same as what native cultures, such as Navajo refer to as skin-walking. This is a shamanic feat of adopting the form of another human, animal or non-human. Feats I have quite easily achieved when I created my tulpa raven and shifting a fragment of my awareness into it. The feat is also accomplished when I regularly switch into my hybrid form. It must be remembered that one of my healing patients saw my reflection as a grey during her healing session with me.

This might not be news to you, perhaps you saw this all along, but to me this is very new concepts because my disincarnate tutors have always referred to what I have learnt as Worldwalking and I was happy to stick with that, assuming it was quite unique to me. But now this has got me to thinking out of the box a bit. My M.E began not long after I began my initiation processes that created this 'dream shaman' within me, so I am now looking to my chakras as a possibly reason for the dreadful fatigues. I know that at night I use my upper three or four chakras, so I am beginning to wonder if the lower ones that connect me with the earth are out of balance. This too is a new area of study for me and so I look forward to seeing how it progresses.

Cutting Communications, A Lost Brother & A Dog Attack

Within days of this second MIB visit I decided that I had to cut my links with everyone concerned. I knew I could not stop what I was doing, not in the face of veiled threats. I still continually marvelled at the fact I had let this man into the house without even asking who he was, it seems astonishing, even now, that I was incapable of any protest in any way at all. I think it was a week or two later that I got one of my letter packages from Clive Potter. Shelagh picked up the mail and gave this one to me. I didn't even take it out of her hand. I said, instead. 'I don't want it, I must not even touch it.'
She was taken aback by this news because I hadn't even mentioned this change of circumstances to her, so she stood holding his letter out and gazing at me rather confused.

'I don't want that letter, nor do I want you to open it. I must not have any more communication with Clive.'

Shelagh asked me at that point to explain why and so I did. I had told her about my own MIB visit but I glossed over the veiled threats as I didn't want to worry her. So now was the time to tell her, tell her that I needed to press on with my work, but try to do it alone. She then said 'Well, I hope you don't mean me. I'm part of what you do, you need me to communicate with red Eagle.'
'Not if you could be at risk.'
She laughed at that and said 'I think we've been through enough together, I think whatever it is, is running scared.'
I just smiled at that and hoped she was right, rather than just hopeful.

She asked me what I wanted to do with Clive's unopened letter and I told her just to put it away safe, I did not have the heart to destroy it. I just wondered how Clive would feel when he got no response from me. Send more letters that painfully I would have to refuse to touch and open? Would he think I had simply abandoned him with no good reason or warning? Something about that MIB remained with me and I guess the warning must have hit me very, very deep. As Shelagh dropped the envelope into a draw and closed it, I thought to myself, You stay safe, Clive.

Three other people also suddenly lost contact with me. I just could not afford for them to have any communication with me, but my healing patients, like Liz Frampton, (who had seen the shape-shift in a mirror,) still came round for their sessions


I now need to bring another strand into the story, which entails going back to late 1983. Shelagh had by that time established a communication with a number of intelligences that at one point or another were giving us some direction and non-conflicting information. One morning Shelagh discovered a new one. We were walking home from a morning in town when she suddenly said 'There's a man walking behind you, at your right shoulder.' She described this man as being in his mid-30s, although he may have looked quite a lot older. Shoulder length mid-blond hair that was curled up at the bottom. She said he was wearing segments of plate armour, such as on his arms and a breastplate. He wore a surcoat over this, which was a dirty white with an oak tree on it. This man, she said to me, was called Brienne duBois and claimed to be my younger brother in 14th century France.

This was news to me and I wasn't sure how to respond at first. I told Shelagh that I needed to know more about him first before I know what to think. The story she got from him is that we had been brothers and lived in a keep, some small castle, owned by me as the older brother in longeuville in France. Brienne apparently, and unknown to his brother, Charles, was aiding a former Knight Templar who had evaded captivity when the order was arrested, he was hiding out in a cave and Brienne was keeping the fugitive supplied with food. This Templar, Guy De Lurelie was a big influence on Brienne, and Brienne in turn became one of a small group who formed around Guy.

I was very slightly suspect of all this because at the time the world was afire with the revelations in such books as The Holy Blood & The Holy Grail, which featured Knight Templars, Cathars, Divine Bloodlines and everything else that was to later be again popularised in The Da Vinci Code. But the difference was, Holy Blood wasn't fiction it was fact, and set Europe alight with treasure hunters. So it was in this climate that we were introduced to a brother from a past life and links to a renegade Knight Templar.

I eventually felt comfortable enough to keep him around and establish a more detailed communication with him. Shelagh, just as importantly felt the link was legitimate, so far as she was able to sense. As with all else, the communication with Brienne was strongest when we were at Whiteknights. This area seemed to be a very strong power source that we had come to respect, and with or without the dog, we would often come over here for the extra energy it offered us.

We spent several months getting to know Brienne and through our medium, we came to like each other a lot. But then one night, probably about three months into things, I had an astonishing encounter. I was asleep and had a dream or OOB where I was at the mouth of a small cave partially hidden by trees and bracken. I felt compelled to walk into it. It was small and was lit by candles. on a small wodden table. I saw light from other sources as well. I suspect from torches in sconces on the cave walls, but cannot be certain. at the far end was a small wooden bed covered with old woollen blankets and some furs. On this lay a man dressed in dark, what might have been woollen, clothing. The darkness of the attire might have been a result of the semi gloom, I do not know. He looked at me and I was startled to see his face was marked with spots, ulcers and sores. It looked a mess!

I approached and stood a few feet fom him and I still see that face clearly in my mind when he said in a very aggressive and threatening tone 'Leave Brienne alone, or you will have me to contend with.'

That was it, that was all he said. but his eyes were tinged with red, like a very heavy bloodshot. I put that down to a condition of his ill-health, perhaps pox, something like that. I woke up the very next moment. But those words were still burnt clearly into my mind. I knew I had been to see Guy De Lurelie, and for some reason he considered me a threat.

Seeing him didn't surprise me as much as you might think, because of a night I was starting to move quite freely in my sleep-state. Not always accompanied by Red Eagle, but almost always for a purpose. I did not know what to make of this, empty threats? I wasn't sure, and to be honest, I wasn't too bothered.

It was a few weeks later, we were at home watching television. Well, Shelagh was, she had a passions for anything Tudor and was watching the BBC series 'Six Wives Of Henry VIII' Keith Michell starred, and she thought he portrayed the best Henry VIII. I was reading a book. For the last few weeks, ignoring the impotent warning from Guy, we had continued to talk to Brienne, about his life, about the life he claims I had with him, and we had formed quite an interesting relationship through Shelagh's clairvoyancy. However, things suddenly changed. While we were sat absorbed in our individual pursuits, Kali, our Alsation was lying asleep on the rug. Then Kali lifted her head and a low growl sounded in her throat. We both glanced at her and with a slight chill I saw she was looking directly at me.
'You ok, Kali?' Shelagh, asked soothingly, puzzled at this sudden attitude.
The dog continued to stare at me and growled again, low, rumbling and definitely threatening. Kali was so gentle and sensitive. She never liked Shelagh's husband and would always crawl under the bed when he was around, that is how sensitive she was. But here she was now,  suddenly growling for no reason and staring at me with those red eyes ...
Red eyes?

Shelagh could not see the animals eyes because she was sat at an angle to me, so I told her that Kali's eyes looked very red and bloodshot, not normal at all. I slowly stood up as I made gentle soothing noises to the dog. As I stood, so did kali, now that DID start to scare me because the growling continued AND she was starting to bare her fangs - she never did this!

'I think I had better leave the room.' I said quietly and as calmly as I could. 'Something is spooking her.'

Then I realised where I had seen those eyes before. Guy's were bloodshot and red. kali's were the same.
'Guy?' I said.
Shelagh closed her eyes and concentrated as best as she could with a placid dog now unexpectedly snarling and taking a step towards me, saliva looping from her fangs.
'I can't see him, he's not in his cave.'
'I know that.', I said, 'that's because he's in the fucking dog!'

I backed away towards the door and suggested Shelagh tries to join me. But as she pointed out, the dog was focused on me.
Leave Brienne alone, or you'll have me to contend with
Those words came back to haunt me in more ways than one as I edged towards the living room door with the dog pacing a few yards back, but following me, head bowed and hackles raised. I lost my nerve, turnde and ran for the door. Kali barked furiously as she chased me. I got to the door and for a heart-stopping moment, fumbled for the door handle. But I got through and slammed it behind me.

I stood with my back to it, ragged gasps coming from me, accompanied by a pounding heart and a dog scratching with her front claws, trying to scrape through the wood! I didn't know what to do now. I called through to Shelagh asking if she was safe. She called back and said she was fine, she said the dog had no interest in her at all, it just wanted to get through the door. She then told me to just stay out of the room.

The end was a little anti-climatic because Shelagh said the dog simply seemed to loose interest in me and the door, she stopped barking, returned to the rug and flopped down to sleep. It was ages before I felt confident enough to return to the room. But that night I found myself back at the cave. I walked in and saw guy lying on his cot. Beside him was a figure I seemed to know was Brienne.
Guy stared at me and his eyes bored into me and said. 'Brienne is mine, stay away from him or there will be worse to come.'

Indeed, there was worse to come.

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Second Visit & A Threat

Things become a little scrappy here and I may not have things as precise as they probably were. I think into 1993 I had written one of my very lengthy letters to Clive, we had a thriving rotation of letters between us, each packaging regularly containing between 10-15 typed pages. I always looked forward to receiving them. I think it was 2 or 3 months after The Shadow Of Man was produced that the next quite disturbing element crashed into our lives.

I was at home, this time Shelagh was at the shops when there was a knock at the door. I am not sure what I had been doing. I know I was upstairs in what I referred to as my study. A spare room lined wall to wall with books, vast numbers on the occult and UFOs, all racked on nice sturdy metal shelves. I went downstairs and opened the door. A man in a suit was standing there, he had a smile on his face and looked rather pleased to see me.

Only looking back after the event did I realise it was very similar or the same as the stranger Shelagh had opened the door to a few years previous. What I remember is that standing there, looking at him, there was a sense of familiarity, like I should know him, or had seen him before. It seems ridiculous to say that because he was exactly the same as the man who had visited her. I am not aware of background distortion. But he did ask if he could 'pop in for a little chat'. I seemed to have no caution, or even ask who he was, I just opened the door and said 'of course, would you like to come in?'

He led the way, like he knew where the sitting room was and he sat on the couch, putting a briefcase on the floor next to him. I didn't sit down, I stood in the middle of the room just looking at him. How did I feel? I had question marks buzzing round in my head, things like who are you? What do you want? Why am I a threat to you? These questions went through my head but just seemed to buzz around in there, like confused insects, the thoughts never found their way to my mouth.

He then said:
'You really shouldn't be involving other people in all this nonsense you are doing - and it is nonsense, yes?'

I suddenly felt like a naughty child standing before a headmaster or parent, being chastised for some disobedience. I wanted to tell him I was just doing what I knew I had to do, that I had work to do and I had to prepare for it.

The man continued:
'We are going to have to stop the contagion you are spreading. I suggest you isolate yourself from those you have infected before things get worse than you have already made them.'

I was, for the first time ever, very frightened of what he was saying, the tone was monotonous, it didn't carry any feeling and the entire episode was like I was in a dream, listening to someone who themselves were in a dream. I felt like I was both there in the room and somewhere else. It was the most disorientating sense of bi-location I have ever had. Again, looking back now, I don't think I was entirely in my body. Either this man had hypnotically induced me, or my other self had stepped out of the body for some reason while my physical was locked onto this man.

That is the best I can explain it. I did feel he was delivering a threat to me and those around me. That seemed quite clear.

Then, it was like I snapped out of a sleep-state as he rose to his feet and snatched up his briefcase, it was like a sudden thought of oh I must not forget to take this, the action seemed very fast and almost last moment. But I stepped back from him. I had a headache. Still smiling, which he had done all the way through this meeting, he said. 'I can see myself out.'

He left. I heard the front-door close. Strange thing is I didn't go to the door and see where he went, as Shelagh had tried during her visit. I went to the kitchen and had a big glass of water. my throat was as dry as a bone. From there I went and sat in a chair, in the sitting room. I am not sure what I felt. I think I felt numb and just starred at the wall till Shelagh got home.

She was very perceptive and very little ever escaped her, she came into the room, put down her shopping and said, 'What's wrong? What's happened?
'I have to stop my work, whatever it was leading to has to end otherwise people will die.'

I do not know what made me say that, because the MIB never made any outright death threats, but I just felt at that instant when I spoke to her, that was what this could lead to.

I felt a bit sick ...