Saturday, 25 May 2013

Further steps in World-Walking &The Awakening Program

Up to this point, an ability to step into other states of existence, and the shape-shifting had been mostly separate events. and although I was aware of them at the time of them happening, I had little control. This all changed in early 2010. I had been out of hospital just a month, (I was out of work and recuperating for 3 months.) when the first awareness of the new me emerged. During my hospital visit I woke to find a room with grey beings. I felt no fear, no apprehension. I did feel a sense of ease and kinship with them. During this experience I also saw what looked like Shelagh in the unknown room. I remembered that image long after I went home.

About a month later I had an exceptionally vivid dream. I was in an area that was completely dark. There was nothing. I was sitting on a hard floor and there was something or someone with me. I could not see them, but could sense the presence. Very like if you are blindfolded and someone stands very close, that kind of sensation. I had a voice in my head, it didn't seem male or female, it just existed. It told me that Shelagh and I had become one. We co-existed in the new human body and between us created a slightly different soul. In her separate life she had always acted as my power-source, a psychic battery. Now I carried that psychic battery with me, and was told that the combination of the two was now capable of quite extraordinary things. That this was required for the next phase of my mission.

I was unsure of what even really composed the 'first mission', but I was told that essentially it involved isolating some negative and corrosive influences. (The negative and 'contagious' AI.) I had attracted them through the bedroom wormhole. The feeling I also had was that the MIB were a kind of sentient defensive system, which is why they seemed a very random event. The task is, I guess, to intimidate and frighten witnesses into backing off of what they are enquiring into. With us that failed. I do not think they were able to get through to us.

I was told I would be learning more about myself, my true being, that I would be a kind of trigger. My purpose was to 'guide and guard'. I am kind of paraphrasing it, but that is what came across, even though I had no idea what this all meant. I do not recall going to the dark place, nor coming back. The event might have been internal, it might have been external. I could not say.

Around 2008 I discovered Facebook and created my first account. I found a few friends from work and linked to them, but really it didn't do anything for me so I soon deactivated the account. That seemed a here-today-gone-tomorrow thing, by the time of this dream, in 2010 it had been forgotten completely.

2011 I had a most extraordinary experience. I found myself on what I can only describe as an 'alien' ship. Looking back now, I still remember the night it happened. 15th August. I went to bed as normal, and to the best of my memory I went to sleep as normal. But then suddenly I was awake, or I was awake as 'something'. I was in a circular room. It was dull grey, as were three waist-height tables that seemed formed from the floor, everything appeared moulded from a single substance I walked towards the tables and saw a human on each one, they looked peacefully asleep. at the tables were four grey beings. One of them I felt was in a leadership role, (Not that I saw anything to indicate this.) The beings were about my own height. very large and very black eyes.

The height thing confused me, that they were my own height. That is when I looked down at myself and saw I was back in a grey form. Not only that, but an instant of realisation was that I was on a ship, (as crew?) and humans had been taken for some reason. That sudden thought snapped me awake in bed, I sat up, it was still night. I did not sleep for the remainder of the night. I had never experienced anything quite like that before. The shape-shifting had always been earth-based, never in an environment that suggested a UFO.

This experience left me feeling an approaching sense of urgency, but I wasn't sure what I needed to do at first. Then, I knew I had to re-establish contact with Clive Potter. I knew it was safe now. But after all these years? and all the changes that had happened?

Then I had an idea. But first I would need to test part of it out.

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