Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Chinese connections

From September to the present I have been on an Etheric Ship during a number of visits. The first one I recall was around mid-September 2012. I was, again, grey, on a ship. There were more of my kind who controlled the craft. I could see five or six around me, but I knew there were more. This ship had human cargo on board. I seemed to join mid-flight, so have no information on where the humans were from, how they got aboard. I did feel, however, that as with sally and her son, they were sleepers from the Earth's dark-side.

The now familiar experience is always the same when I am shifting. I recall dozing to sleep, then standing beside the bed and the room dissolving and reforming as reality takes on an alternative concept. From that dissolved physicality, the Etheric Ship forms around me, or I merge into that environment. I am not sure.

When there I saw as many as one hundred humans, all asleep and strapped to tables or benches. There was row upon row of them. I only saw adult male and females, no children. As in Sally's case there was  whole sections of wall transparent, giving us good all-round view. We were in China. I know it was China because we followed the path of the Great Wall at terrific speeds westwards towards either Tibet or the mountains on the border with Afghanistan. I do not know our precise location, nor our destination. But we stopped at some point along the wall for some reason. We simply stopped dead. There was no effects of this as would be felt on a terrestrial aircraft, I think this was because we were one with the Etheric Ship. The crew deployed a robot of some kind. I do not know what it's function was, but I know we were seen by humans on the ground. I could see one in the distant point up at us. So on file somewhere there might be a sighting of a 'UFO', maybe with a strange robot being deployed at The Great Wall in mid September.

An even more perplexing visit was made on the night of April 3rd 2013. My bedroom disolved and reformed into an outside area. There was a very big - I mean massive - concrete area, it was big enough to park several aircraft on. Ahead of me, sloping into the ground was a ramp with double doors at the end, I think they were probably blast doors of some kind. I walked down here and was met at the doors by an oriental human in a military uniform and as we walked into the subterranean base, he looked down at me, at his side, he smiled and in an unfamiliar tongue that I could understand he said, 'I am speaking Chinese, can you understand me?' I thought back a response of, 'yes. I am not speaking at all, can you hear me?' he smiled again and nodded. I had every belief that this was an intial introduction we were making to each other. He was maybe in his mid-40s wearing a peaked cap and officers uniform. I was about waist height and looked up at him.
What I cannot know is if I was really there. I could feel the concrete under my feet as a walked down the ramp. Equally this officer might have been a remote viewer and I was meeting him at some astral midway point. He seemed to be expecting me, and as I also have a human body which was sleeping at this point in time, how could he possibly have made this arrangement with me?

I cannot remember any more of this event. I have noticed that when I am in a military surroundings, or aboard etheric ships, the memory I return with is sometimes edited out. Nothing is vague or mixed up, what I do come back with has as perfect clarity as my daytime human memory and vision. But as a grey, I don't often come back with everything remembered. There is some editing process involved somewhere along the way.

Not all of the people I see of a night have anything to do with UFOs or is even supposed to be a contact, but I still give them some form of contactee experience, as will be seen next. 

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