Friday, 31 May 2013

Not All Goes As Expected

Nothing in any reality is perfect or works out as it should. This has been the case several times for me. One of the recent friends I made on social networking is Lynda Julie Richardson. Lynda produces amazing pictures channelled to her. I am not going to even begin to try describing them, it is better for you to see them yourself on her Facebook page

Lynda has a history of psychic experiences and even episodes of remote viewing. But this kind of artistic expression didn't start until April 2005 when she had a UFO related event, her head was hit by an object just centimetres in diameter.
She then told me:

Then the drawings started. I do not plan them, most are drawn just picking up a pen and simply drawing, no idea really how they end up like they do...I use ink no pencils and 99% is drawn free hand

I was fascinated and mesmerised by the imagery as I looked slowly through the collection. I told Lynda there was a lot more than met the eye to these pictures and the source behind them. I asked her permission to visit her via World-walking and have a look at the pictures she owned, but from a perspective outside of physical constraints. Lynda agreed and said she would lay the pictures out for me. I do not think that would have been necessary, but anything that might help is good with me.
I then said to her, on 28th March:

there should be tones, almost music with those pictures, did you know that?
or rather, do you remember that?


no interesting would like to do a talk about my paintings at some point so this is really interesting to me
I am surprised, why am I surprised you did not realise there were sounds linked to them?

perhaps because at the moment am more visually inclined?
I could sense notes and tone as I looked at these pictures. I think the nearest similarity would be when a musician looks at sheet music and in their head they can hear the orchestra playing and see the images and scenes such music would invoke It was like that.
That night I did go to Lynda's home. I didn't travel there in any true sense of the world. I just appeared there and as soon as I arrived I knew there was trouble. I could see the pictures and they were giving off coloured light, aura around each one that reflected the images on the pictures. But that wasn't the problem. the problem I encountered was something that was repelling me. It is so difficult to describe in words because it was all sensation. But there was an energy field that seemed to be guarding her environment and it was a conduit from her to a guiding intelligence that motivated the pictures she produced. I think I was perceived as an intruding energy showing unwanted interest in her images and it was responding to that.
I came crashing back into my body and suffered a severe headache for the rest of the day. It bordered on a migraine. I did report my findings to Lynda that next day, but there is a very effective intruder alarm installed that even she doesn't know about.
                                                                      'White'    image copyright 2009 Lynda Julie Richardson
On the night of 19th April 2013 I shifted from Earth to Astral plane, this wasn't of my doing, this was Sacha Claire Christie, who, over the months I had been accompanying on very regular jaunts into many dimensions. Sacha has been on a massive enlightenment programme since the awakening experience she had when sat with me that first night. I was no with her regularly. we have come to the conclusion that among other things I am a 'strength' and 'comfort' in the new panoramas she is exploring. On this occasion we were off to make contact with a number of people of her personal aquaintence. This astral meeting took the form of a dinner and social gathering. I sat quietly while Sacha and these other people passed information at thought-speed.
The following day was a Saturday and I have my Saturday assistant in my shop. we were sat talking and he asked what I was doing at my laptop and so showed him the first of my blog. Chris had been a Senior Psychiatric Consultant in his former career, which makes an interesting mix with me :) He read the first few lines then stopped and told me of a 'funny dream' he had the previous night. In it he was looking out of the window of a building and saw me walking along the pavement. He thought it was me but couldn't be sure because something about the eyes looked wrong. Then he suddenly found himself on the pavement and realised I was trailing behind a dark haired woman dressed in black jacket and black trousers. ( Sacha dresses in this fashion in astral pursuits when she is in an active role, so I believe it was her he saw.) He said that my eyes were large and came round the sides of my head and were jet black. He could see nothing in them at all. He called to me, he said I looked at him and he felt in his mind that I said 'I am busy. I will explain to you another time.' and then carried on down the street with the woman.
This is an interesting encounter because he has nothing to do with my m mission work, nor does he know anything about Sacha and my link to her. For some reason his own astral body had an encounter with the reality that we were passing through. A kind of intersection had been met.


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