Friday, 24 May 2013

Guy's Vengence & Spirit Rescue.

Please note we have had to go back in time for this thread of the biography, and the current events are in and around 1984.

After the dog attack and my follow-up world-walk to Guy's cave - I took not the slightest bit of notice of him and continued to question Brienne, through Shelagh's mediumship. Sometime asking precisely the same questions week later. On each occasion the replies were the same as previously. I do like, where possible, to be as analytical as possible and double check everything. Not to test out Shelagh, but to ensure we aren't being deluded by fantasy and wishful thinking. Especially in, those heady days when treasure-hunting, deciphering alleged encoded paintings and Knight Templars was at fever- pitch due to The Holy Blood & The Holy Grail.

This was now the point where Shelagh's home life had become so intolerable with an increasingly drunk and violent husband that she decided she had to leave the family home, so this was a main topic of conversation, but so was my incessant questioning of brienne. Somewhere along the line he had introduced a couple of Spanish outlaws that he had apparently fallen in with, their names were Carlos and Diego. this pair had been a part of the Guy/Brienne gang who were little more than bandits and mercenaries.

Shelagh and I loved London, living barely 20 minutes from the city centre by train from our home in Reading, most weekends were spent wandering around the vast number of occult and book shops that were our speciality, But then sometime around this point we discovered the Temple Church.

The Temple Church is late-12th-century, and located between Fleet Street and the Thames, built for and by the Knights Templars as their English headquarters. We started going here for a rest during our weekly visits to the capital. Back then you didn't need to pay for entry, but we always left a donation in the box. Around the perimeter of the round church, which can be seen in the image above, is a stone seat running around it. We usually sat here and relished the silence and tranquillity of the building.
There are effigies of medieval knights, and the ones we always sat beside was William Marshall and his three sons. On our third trip, sitting in our usual place Shelagh told me she could see the image of a man standing over William's tomb. I didn't reply, that was so not to break her concentration. She told me that the image was of a man in chain mail armour and claimed to be Gilbert, one of the sons who's tomb was in the group of four Marshall effigies. She reported Gilbert giving her a warning. The warning was that a new Crusade would take place. She was seeing images in her mind of Saracen hordes sweeping into Europe, Christian armies clashing with them, many thousands dying on all sides. The image she gave me was of apocalyptic proportions. The parting words as gilbert faded from her inner vision was 'The Brotherhood of The Jihad are gathering.'

This was pretty strong stuff, but Shelagh certainly wasn't one for exaggerating what she got, some of our experiences were so outlandish, there was absolutely no need for embellishment. When we got home I spent the next few days in the library looking up all I could about William marshall and his sons.

In January 1215 William Marshall served as a negotiator during a meeting in the London Temple between King John and the barons, who demanded that John uphold the rights enshrined in the Coronation Charter of his predecessor Richard I. William swore on behalf of the king that the grievances of the barons would be addressed in the summer, leading to John's signing of Magna Carta in June.
William later became regent during the reign of John's son, Henry III. Henry later expressed a desire to be buried in the church and so, in the early 13th century, the choir of the original church was pulled down and a new larger structure, now called the Chancel, was built. It was consecrated on Ascension Day 1240 and comprises a central aisle and two side aisles of identical width. The height of the vault is 36 feet 3 inches. One of Henry's sons, who died in infancy, is buried in the Chancel, but Henry later altered his will with instructions to be interred in Westminster Abbey.

He was invested into the order of the Knights Templar on his deathbed, and died on 14 May 1219 at his estate in Caversham, Near Reading, and was buried in the Temple Church. A second astonishing fact I discovered was that  John de Erleigh was known as the White Knight, and  Whiteknights Campus, where Shelagh had experienced her abduction, and the site of an energy portal, responsible for almost all of our extraordinary experiences, had been the site of his home. Also John De Erleigh was the foster-son of the Regent of England, William Marshall. The knight in The Temple!

I don't know what the relevance, if any of all this was, but the sheer coincidence of it all was quite extraordinary. But the chilling aspect that we discussed as we walked Kali round the park for a morning walk one morning, was the warning over growing Christian and Muslim storm clouds that Gilbert Marshall - or some representation of him, was warning us of.

While we were speculating on what that could all mean, Kali started growling at me. She was now on her leash because we were walking towards the main road, heading home. Sudden ly she lunged at me, her fangs flashing at me. I hit her with my shoulder and he went to the ground. Hastily, and in some degree of panicked urgency, I wrapped the loose leash around my wrist until I held the dog at the point of her collar. Keeping her snapping head as far from me as possible. I struggled to keep her front feet off the ground so she found it difficult to get a good launch at me. Shelagh backed away at my request. The dog clearly wanted to have a go at me, but I didn't want to risk her at all. The dogs eyes were deeply bloodshot and the flecks of foam sprayed from her jaws. Chillingly familiar to me. Somehow, I do not know how, but somehow I got the dog back home, fighting every step of the way. Once home I pushed her rump into the kitchen and shut the door. But no sooner than she was the other side of the door than the snarling and barking ceased.

Shelagh stood passively as I leaned back against the kitchen door and slowly got my energy back after the half-hour fight to get the dog back from the park.

'It's Guy,' she said. 'I can see him, he's laughing and saying the dog is his to use whenever he wants to. he says the only way to free yourself of him is by killing the dog.' Oh yes, I could see that in the local paper, 'psychopaths kill their dog because voices told them to.' Well, there was no chance of falling for that! Kali was as much in this as either of us - she had been part of an abduction that kicked this all off.

At this point I must state that even today, many years later, I am at a loss to know where any of these events were supposed to be leading. There is little doubt that Shelagh was communicating with an awareness that, at least, looked and seemed like Medieval men, one of them clearly had the capacity to turn an a placid dog into something quite violent. Also, there was the 'prophecy' from another medieval image that stood over the Marshall tombs in The London Temple, of a crusade - a religious war raging across the world. The parallel with the War On Terror following 9/11 is too close to ignore.

This all moved a stage further when during one of our spiritualist circles we began a long series of 'spirit rescue' sessions. This is where a circle of mediumship will assist earth-bound spirits to move on from whatever might be holding them to the earth-plane. But this series of 'rescues' involved Knight Templars who seemed to be lost, frightened and confused during and following their mostly violent deaths. Some of the stories were truly barbaric. Shelagh was the medium for most of these sessions and she frequently had to stop and take a break, such was the nature of what she was being shown, and often felt from these 'souls'.

Guy's terrorising of us with Kali as a weapon came to an abrupt end when suddenly Shelagh decided she needed to leave home, I went with her, but we made the decision that, though painful to shelagh it would be, the dog would stay in the house with her now ex-husband. That way Guy's only access to us was neutralised. I don't think he was expecting that, it seems that a sudden and abrupt change of direction was able to wrong-foot him and give an advantage.

I have said, I make no claims or suppositions for what I have written in this last couple of posts. I just wanted to offer the experiences for what they were, unembellished and with no additional baggage thrown in with it. The experiences of possession and prophecy are accurate and as I said. I can still offer no reason why it happened at all.

This has been incredibly difficult to write, and has been in draft form for an entire week, usually this blog takes barely 2 days per entry. Having said that, I hope it reads clearly enough. My next entry will come back on track with my previous timeline.


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