In August 2012 I contacted a mutual friend on Facebook. Paul Muir was familiar with some of the experiences I'd had and as he also knew Clive, I thought he would be a good place to start. I messaged him several times explaining , to some extent, the missing years and it is he who encouraged me to make that fresh contact with Clive. I think my biggest concerns at that moment was how he would take to being contacted after so an absence, and the high magnitude changes that had taken place in that time. But with Paul's moral support I decided I would have to make the move. I was being compelled.
But there was something else I wanted to try. Since my recent appearance on the UFO as a grey. I felt as though I had somehow gained a greater ability to interact at a subconscious level with humans. I do not think I can recall everything from my appearance on the UFO. I am guessing that between me looking down and seeing my grey for, and then being snapped back into the human body, something else took place. Even with no evidence for it, I knew I could interact with people in their sleep. This is what I decided to experiment with regarding Clive. Maybe if I met him tonight during his sleep-state and explained to him what had happened over the missing years, his conscious mind would find things easier to accept and move on from there.
So that very night I passed a simple thought through my mind. 'Tonight I visit Clive and explain everything to him.' That's all it was.
I fell asleep as usual, probably between 12-1am and I found myself on a road with houses on either side. I saw Clive walking towards me. I knew I was human and not grey. Also, I had a conscious memory of going to bed and going to sleep, that doesn't happen in regular dream conditions. I remember standing next to my bed, my sleeping form still in it, and the room dissolving around me to be replaced by this unknown street forming from a mistiness that my room had turned into. Then when that was solid, is when I saw Clive.
We walked together and I think that everything I had been through over the previous 19 years was info-dumped as a complete package into his head. There was no verbal conversation, nor any consistent train of thoughts going to him. It happened in one transference. I could see his face looked puzzled, shocked and stunned, all pretty much at the same time as all the information formed in his mind. I know he was going through an acceptance and understanding phase of things.
Clive then turned to me and in a thought transference told me 'I need to understand all this, give me a couple of days.' I smiled and nodded as he walked away and vanished in the wink of an eye.
I do not recall my return to my body, I simply woke up.
That same day I sent a private message to Clive who I managed to find on Facebook, his reply was swift and I think he did have initial shock and surprise at my suddenly turning up, but I am convinced that meeting with him the night before did ensure his acceptance of the missing time and sudden lack of communication. Wholesale emails went back and forth as I updated Clive on things I know I had already info-dumped into his head a night or two previous, within a few weeks we were seemingly back on course.
At the same time this was happening, I had reactivated my old Facebook account and was making links with people. I had a sense of urgency about this. I did not know at that moment what it was but there was something I needed to do and timing was absolutely critical - in retrospect I can see that I was looking for someone. A mission objective.
Soon banter was going back and forth between myself and Sacha Claire Christie. Almost from the first message I sent her I knew, absolutely knew this was my mission objective and the back and forth banter was a kind of 'getting to know you' process. This woman was of striking importance to me, I had actually come looking for her and didn't even know it, aside from that impending urgency. So far as I am aware, Sacha felt a sense of kinship from the outset.
Over the course of August and into September this bonding process continued until one morning I got a message from her. As soon as I saw the message notification I knew what she was going to say. This is what I remember happening:
I went to sleep and found myself almost immediately, standing next to my body. The room began to dissolve in a now familiar way and as it dissolved I stepped forward through a misty screen. My perception was of then being in a bare environment, it was dark with a night sky. There were a few stars twinkling in the sky. I saw a human form sat cross-legged on a rock. I knew this was Sacha, even though not having met her on Earth. I sat opposite her and looked at her, she was looking at me and I am unsure of the bulk of what passed between us. But I knew she was being very defensive, protective. I knew I needed to breach that defensiveness. Sitting there I knew she was to be very important at some future date and she needed direction now. There was such a sense of inexplicable urgency. There was someone immensely powerful behind me. I suddenly became aware of it there. But I never broke my gaze.
Whatever I was saying to her was making Sacha irate, possibly uncomfortable. I think I was trying to explain to her what I was and what her purpose was. Then the thought came from her like a blow into my forehead 'OK, FUCKING PROVE IT!'
So I did.
I had never shape-shifted on an astral plane before, but that is what happened now, her reaction was immediate. To paraphrase a shocked thought that flashed from her 'Oh my God! She's changing, look at her face!' I knew I had shifted to Grey, and with it was a most extraordinary sensation of being totally at one with the cosmos, I felt an integration with the universe that is simply so impossible to understand from an earthly point of view. At the same moment as Sacha's surprised reaction, her defences dropped and that is when I sensed this immense energy field move from the back of me to come between her and myself. There was a flash of light and I woke up in bed.
Later that morning I got the message from Sacha detailing her dream from her point of view, it dovetailed in many ways with mine. She saw me sat opposite her. She saw my eyes change to big black. She saw me change into Grey before her eyes, although she does report a different colouration of the 'skin'. When she cried out about the sudden change, the entity behind me came round to the front and while her guard was still down, she felt the entities eyes race in towards her and she was hit by a bright light between the eyes, before then waking.
I told her during our messaging the following morning that this was the information download that she was needing for her later work on Earth. She already had the keys to it in her mind, but they needed turning, an activation.
Sacha was the primary reason for the last few months of frantic activity.
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