Why do I have this crazy and totally fucking insane existence?
People think they know me, what I am going through and what I hear is words intended as comfort and support which are, in fact, nothing of the sort.
If I was an abductee I would have other people to turn to, others I could compare experiences with. But there is nothing. The nearest I am aware of is humans who work with the greys, they are there as helpers. None of these people are grey. None of them think as a grey, none of them lose their human identity. I do. I have withstood years of pain and suffering only to become the 'thing' I am now. I am not a grey, I am not a human. I have been made for my mission and I find the humaness within this construct is tearing at the seams.
In recent months I have begun bringing back to earth, the pain, confusion and fear that humans have. I am sat here today after an experience with upwards of 50 humans, all abductees, all with their own frightening stories of being taken. This experience has left me depressed, tearful and wanting to bring my mission to a halt. I am finding it very difficult to cope with. It's all very well for well-meaning friends to 'talk it over' with me, but that isn't any help at all, not when they haven't experienced from my viewpoint.
I have shut down my Facebook account for a while. I need a break from it. Of course, being off FB changes nothing, the missions go on, leading towards some unknown future conclusion, I will still play my part as the aliens pursue their agenda, of which I play a big part. If only I could bring back some knowledge of what that agenda was. If only I could offer some evidence of what I do and what I become. I feel so lonely, cut adrift in a universe I share with many others, yet come back, the only one with any solid memory of it. but leaving frightened and terrified humans in my wake.
A hybrid freak.
The Monster Under The Bed.
The Darkness in the closet.
I am all these things and probably more if I care to think about it. I wish I knew why. Is there a support group for me? Of course there isn't. I have nowhere to turn. No one to understand. I said further up that 'the humaness within this construct is tearing at the seams.' What do I mean by that? I want this mission to end - end now. But I can't because the non-humanness keeps me on track, like a relentless machine - like The Terminator, going onwards until it's mission is complete and not allowing the humanness to express it's own life.
I do not know what to do.
Thursday, 12 December 2013
Friday, 1 November 2013
The Children
Spanning the last couple of months, my time 'away' has been spent focusing on children and the unborn. This is a completely new angle for me and I do come back feeling slightly distressed at what I do, even though care is taken and no harm comes to them. It is the utterly cold and dispassionate way my grey personality works that shakes me. I am at heart a caring and emotional person. But some of this is modified, even removed when I am grey.
In September 2013 I found myself on a ship. One I am very familiar with now, I have been there so many times. On this occasion I was with four other greys AND there was at least two, what I believe, humans in the room. The room was round and curved, even the floor was curved. The place was all white and ironically, I now look back and think it was what the inside of an eggshell might look like.
In small featureless cribs there were human babies. I think there were seven. they ranged in age from what might have been two-years, maybe younger, and to what might have been seven or eight-years old. Then the weirdness happened. Weird to me NOW, but not THEN, at the time I just knew what I was doing and what would happen. My whole mental processes seem to expect a different set of laws of physics to here. Anyway. I lifted my arms slowly and the children began to levitate. Lift out of the cribs. I think some of them may have been unfamiliar with this because some began chuckling and seemed to treat it as a game - and that is exactly what we wanted them to think.
Then a slim object like a rod appears in my hand, not just appear. I rub my fingers lightly together and the seems to grow. Not as a part of my hand, but grows as an object in my palm. I then look back up at the children and they are sailing back and forth across the room, laughing and chuckling with not a care in the world. swinging back and forth across the egg-shaped room in the way they might on swings.
I am sure when I think of it now, that this might have been a form of distraction technique, to keep their minds relaxed, at ease and easily to manipulate. I remember putting imagery and thoughts to them that they were special. That they had to keep themselves to themselves and not tell people. The kind of thing they were impressed with was that they were being gifted with powers that the other people around them, even their parents might be uneasy about. I gave them imagery that suggested Marvel Superhero kind of thing - as in keeping a special identity secret. This was drilled into their subconscious, and made all the easier by the distracting swinging.
This is part of child preparations I have been helping conduct recently. All of them toddlers.
This one was posted as a Facebook status update, and is the most recent of the event involving children. I was on a ship. I knew we were somewhere over the U.S. I am familiar with the type of ship I was on, been on it so many times. Fairly featureless, curving outer walls and rounded at top and bottom. Very rarely have I ever seen angles, always curves and bends. We had humans on board. six or seven females. I was in my grey personality. The females were naked and one in particular
I was interested in. I drew her out from the crowd and I think this might have been her first time with us. Her eyes looked terrified, glazed over and I could feel incomprehensible fear coming off her in waves. She was pregnant and I was telling her we weren't going to harm her. That the child was important to us. (in my grey personality I can only ever see these women as incubators nurturing a genetic requirement.) This was an aspect that I found disturbing when I woke in the morning. The fact that I had virtually no sympathy for the females terror. I swept that aside as I telepathically informed her that her child was important to us I rarely have ever interacted with pregnant females, but this last month has been full of this and young human children.
The moment I woke up I was instantly aware of her name. I also knew that we had monitored her for several years but she was taken due to her pregnancy. The name is Mary Besch. The name means nothing to me, but instantly I awoke in this body I knew her name and this familiarity. Humans look so very much alike so difficult to give any description. But she was a white female and head hair was unidentifiable, so either she is bald, (unlikely), or has shortish blonde/fair hair.
I have to explain that I find none of this frightening, puzzling or strange. All I feel is the sense of guilt that I am conducting conditioning work on babies and pregnant females - and they don't even see me as a human! which can only increase their fear.
In September 2013 I found myself on a ship. One I am very familiar with now, I have been there so many times. On this occasion I was with four other greys AND there was at least two, what I believe, humans in the room. The room was round and curved, even the floor was curved. The place was all white and ironically, I now look back and think it was what the inside of an eggshell might look like.
In small featureless cribs there were human babies. I think there were seven. they ranged in age from what might have been two-years, maybe younger, and to what might have been seven or eight-years old. Then the weirdness happened. Weird to me NOW, but not THEN, at the time I just knew what I was doing and what would happen. My whole mental processes seem to expect a different set of laws of physics to here. Anyway. I lifted my arms slowly and the children began to levitate. Lift out of the cribs. I think some of them may have been unfamiliar with this because some began chuckling and seemed to treat it as a game - and that is exactly what we wanted them to think.
Then a slim object like a rod appears in my hand, not just appear. I rub my fingers lightly together and the seems to grow. Not as a part of my hand, but grows as an object in my palm. I then look back up at the children and they are sailing back and forth across the room, laughing and chuckling with not a care in the world. swinging back and forth across the egg-shaped room in the way they might on swings.
I am sure when I think of it now, that this might have been a form of distraction technique, to keep their minds relaxed, at ease and easily to manipulate. I remember putting imagery and thoughts to them that they were special. That they had to keep themselves to themselves and not tell people. The kind of thing they were impressed with was that they were being gifted with powers that the other people around them, even their parents might be uneasy about. I gave them imagery that suggested Marvel Superhero kind of thing - as in keeping a special identity secret. This was drilled into their subconscious, and made all the easier by the distracting swinging.
This is part of child preparations I have been helping conduct recently. All of them toddlers.
This one was posted as a Facebook status update, and is the most recent of the event involving children. I was on a ship. I knew we were somewhere over the U.S. I am familiar with the type of ship I was on, been on it so many times. Fairly featureless, curving outer walls and rounded at top and bottom. Very rarely have I ever seen angles, always curves and bends. We had humans on board. six or seven females. I was in my grey personality. The females were naked and one in particular
I was interested in. I drew her out from the crowd and I think this might have been her first time with us. Her eyes looked terrified, glazed over and I could feel incomprehensible fear coming off her in waves. She was pregnant and I was telling her we weren't going to harm her. That the child was important to us. (in my grey personality I can only ever see these women as incubators nurturing a genetic requirement.) This was an aspect that I found disturbing when I woke in the morning. The fact that I had virtually no sympathy for the females terror. I swept that aside as I telepathically informed her that her child was important to us I rarely have ever interacted with pregnant females, but this last month has been full of this and young human children.
The moment I woke up I was instantly aware of her name. I also knew that we had monitored her for several years but she was taken due to her pregnancy. The name is Mary Besch. The name means nothing to me, but instantly I awoke in this body I knew her name and this familiarity. Humans look so very much alike so difficult to give any description. But she was a white female and head hair was unidentifiable, so either she is bald, (unlikely), or has shortish blonde/fair hair.
I have to explain that I find none of this frightening, puzzling or strange. All I feel is the sense of guilt that I am conducting conditioning work on babies and pregnant females - and they don't even see me as a human! which can only increase their fear.
Tuesday, 1 October 2013
More Motorway Madness.
Previously Fred had told me about apparitions he saw while on the motorway.
Oddly, as I check back now, those were in September and October 2012. The latest ones happened yesterday, (September again!)
I need to start this entry by stating that Fred is not a drinker, not does he do any kind of medication. He is a courier driver and his livelihood depends upon a clean driving license. Even when we go out for an evening, he will have a very low alcohol drink.
Having clarified that, this is exactly what he experienced on the M1 motorway through Leicester. When suddenly and without warning of any kind he saw what he described as a 'long snake-like object' It was about 15-feet long, 18-inches in diameter. He said it was a smoky grey colour and had no head or tail, just blunted ends. He said it undulated, looping along the road ahead of him. He was doing 70mph in the middle lane and this thing stayed ahead at a consistent speed with him. The thing didn't rise any higher than about a foot from the ground as it moved. Around 20 seconds later it vanished without warning. There was nothing further for several seconds then without any warning a single wellington boot appeared in exactly the same place the 'snake' had been. The boot was black. It was a right foot boot and it hopped along in front of him. I asked how big the boot was and he said about the same height as himself, 5'8" approx. I asked him how he knew it was a right footed boot and he said that as it lifted the heel for a hop, he saw the letter 'R' on the bottom, he also said that boots used to have that on them.
About 20 seconds of this and it disappeared. A few seconds later a third apparition appeared without warning. This he described as a Bollywood-type dancer facing away from him. 'her arms and head were giving it all this.' he said, trying to move his head and arms like an Asian dancer. 20 seconds and she disappeared.
Then he said this sequence repeated itself and continued to do so for about 50 miles. I asked if he was aware that any other drivers saw it and he said he doesn't think so, they showed no indication if they did. There was no warning, Fred didn't see anything, smell or hear anything in the air to indicate any of this.
And so it ends there. I cannot begin to fathom what happened to him, or why. It is just perplexing as well as damn crazy.
Oddly, as I check back now, those were in September and October 2012. The latest ones happened yesterday, (September again!)
I need to start this entry by stating that Fred is not a drinker, not does he do any kind of medication. He is a courier driver and his livelihood depends upon a clean driving license. Even when we go out for an evening, he will have a very low alcohol drink.
Having clarified that, this is exactly what he experienced on the M1 motorway through Leicester. When suddenly and without warning of any kind he saw what he described as a 'long snake-like object' It was about 15-feet long, 18-inches in diameter. He said it was a smoky grey colour and had no head or tail, just blunted ends. He said it undulated, looping along the road ahead of him. He was doing 70mph in the middle lane and this thing stayed ahead at a consistent speed with him. The thing didn't rise any higher than about a foot from the ground as it moved. Around 20 seconds later it vanished without warning. There was nothing further for several seconds then without any warning a single wellington boot appeared in exactly the same place the 'snake' had been. The boot was black. It was a right foot boot and it hopped along in front of him. I asked how big the boot was and he said about the same height as himself, 5'8" approx. I asked him how he knew it was a right footed boot and he said that as it lifted the heel for a hop, he saw the letter 'R' on the bottom, he also said that boots used to have that on them.
About 20 seconds of this and it disappeared. A few seconds later a third apparition appeared without warning. This he described as a Bollywood-type dancer facing away from him. 'her arms and head were giving it all this.' he said, trying to move his head and arms like an Asian dancer. 20 seconds and she disappeared.
Then he said this sequence repeated itself and continued to do so for about 50 miles. I asked if he was aware that any other drivers saw it and he said he doesn't think so, they showed no indication if they did. There was no warning, Fred didn't see anything, smell or hear anything in the air to indicate any of this.
And so it ends there. I cannot begin to fathom what happened to him, or why. It is just perplexing as well as damn crazy.
Thursday, 26 September 2013
A Few Brief Words About Light
I am not a scientist. I know next to nothing about physics. But what I can tell you is that light is the basis for all matter. I see a step towards discovering this has been made by a team led by Harvard Professor of Physics Mikhail Lukin and MIT Professor of Physics Vladan Vuletic. I hope they have the opportunity and financial resources to take this research further. The key to everything in existence is light and it's manipulation.
I discussed this with a friend on Facebook some while ago. I explained that humans needed to look at the one consistency in UFO sightings, contact and abduction experiences. That single factor is light. No matter what else you witness there will always be light, and usually lots of it. Bright, powerful and penetrating. Light is manipulated in order to cross dimensions, to travel to the stars. To create ships and the environment conducive to monitoring humans. Light is also the key to creating our bodies. It was used not only to coalesce the grey form I used during The Reading Incidents. It was also manipulated to render me invisible to all except the individuals who were intended to experience it.
Humans have this power available if only they knew, or even remembered how to manipulate it. You can create your surroundings by building with light and transforming it. I really do think this breakthrough by these scientists is a step forward for open research. I just hope the military allow this to be advanced further - they themselves are far advanced in their research, after all, we traded them the knowledge to explore it ;)
I discussed this with a friend on Facebook some while ago. I explained that humans needed to look at the one consistency in UFO sightings, contact and abduction experiences. That single factor is light. No matter what else you witness there will always be light, and usually lots of it. Bright, powerful and penetrating. Light is manipulated in order to cross dimensions, to travel to the stars. To create ships and the environment conducive to monitoring humans. Light is also the key to creating our bodies. It was used not only to coalesce the grey form I used during The Reading Incidents. It was also manipulated to render me invisible to all except the individuals who were intended to experience it.
Humans have this power available if only they knew, or even remembered how to manipulate it. You can create your surroundings by building with light and transforming it. I really do think this breakthrough by these scientists is a step forward for open research. I just hope the military allow this to be advanced further - they themselves are far advanced in their research, after all, we traded them the knowledge to explore it ;)
Wednesday, 25 September 2013
AI. Otherkin & the collective unconscious
My colleague and researcher friend, Clive Potter, encapsulated in a previous post what we believe is powering the phenomena of UFO and abduction experiencers. That is, what we term as AI - Artificial Intermediaries acting as a messenger system between the planetary consciousness and true extra-terrestrials. I now want to put it all from my own point of view, plus a wider view that includes a possibly overlooked current sub-cultural trend.
AI are constructs that exist
in a collective consciousness existing on several levels, human,
planetary and universal. These levels maintain the
'existence' of guardian angels and spirit guides, that interact with
humans on a daily, personal basis. The array of nature spirits that
are encountered in the garden and woodland. And the aliens that have
been encountered with increasing volume over the 20th century, and on-going today.
A host is a physical entity occupied by one or more persons not genetically linked to the body. (commonly called a "Host" for short, but not to be confused with the psychologist's term 'host' for the base personality in a multiple). The term as used in the multiple community is derived from the idea that a symbiotic relationship has a "host" and a "symbiant" entity AND from the idea of a "host" being a group as in "The Heavenly Host." Otherkin Host?: a Host situation where one or more of the entities in the body are non-human in nature....
Parallel to the 'experiencer' is a subculture referred to as Otherkin This is a major
community within the phenomena, and encapsulates everything we are
talking about. Most popularly the otherkin embody, but not
exclusively, vampires, dragons and fairies. Immediately obvious is the assumed fictional nature, drawing within
humanity an embodiment of a multitude of 'entities' drawn from fact
and, what on this plane, is recognised as 'fiction'.
Otherkin are a community
of people who see themselves as partially or entirely non-human. They
contend that they are, in spirit if not in body, not human This is
explained by some members of the otherkin community as possible
through reincarnation having a nonhuman soul ancestry, or symbolic
metaphor According to Joseph Laycock, "scholarship has framed
this claim as religious because it is frequently supported by a
framework of metaphysical beliefs. Not all otherkin necessarily share
these beliefs; some may simply prefer to identify as non-human.
This subculture is the most obvious way for other
intelligence to bleed through to human consciousness and was the
original purpose of AI, for extra-terrestrial intelligences - the
source of human consciousness - to monitor infant humanity, to communicate and teach.
Calian recognises herself as
a vampire and elemental otherkin. This is what she says:
A vampire is a human
lacking in vital energy. we simply just don't produce enough of our
own energy. so need to source it from others so for me a vampire is
one who need other/s to replenish that lack. either like me
empathically and through ambient energy or a more direct one to one
link with a willing donor or as we term it in the vampire culture, a
black swan.
The undine is an entity
that I became aware of in
very early years.. maybe 7 or 8 years old.. i already at that point
spoke to other elementals but it was the water elemental that joined
with me.. it draws me to flowing water very strongly and tends to
show me things astrally.
Here is her wider
scope of otherkin terms and concepts.
A host is a physical entity occupied by one or more persons not genetically linked to the body. (commonly called a "Host" for short, but not to be confused with the psychologist's term 'host' for the base personality in a multiple). The term as used in the multiple community is derived from the idea that a symbiotic relationship has a "host" and a "symbiant" entity AND from the idea of a "host" being a group as in "The Heavenly Host." Otherkin Host?: a Host situation where one or more of the entities in the body are non-human in nature....
Types of
residents that might be found
in hosting situations:
Walk-In - Someone who joins the body well after birth... Splits/Alters - same person raised in a different reality, dimension or universe - for example, (Buffy: The Vampire Slayer reference) Evil Willow vs. the normal "Willow" or (comic book reference) Bizzaro vs. Superman. A good example of an "alternate reality," from what I understand, is every situation found in Sliders episodes, Quantum Leap, and time stream issues found in Star Trek episodes.
Channeled - person has a hotline into your head...or has found out your mental phone number...not necessarily a resident, but is more like a temporary guest. Temporary guests might decide to stay for a long duration, or even permanently, but their source still might be that they were initially channelled.
Walk-In - Someone who joins the body well after birth... Splits/Alters - same person raised in a different reality, dimension or universe - for example, (Buffy: The Vampire Slayer reference) Evil Willow vs. the normal "Willow" or (comic book reference) Bizzaro vs. Superman. A good example of an "alternate reality," from what I understand, is every situation found in Sliders episodes, Quantum Leap, and time stream issues found in Star Trek episodes.
Channeled - person has a hotline into your head...or has found out your mental phone number...not necessarily a resident, but is more like a temporary guest. Temporary guests might decide to stay for a long duration, or even permanently, but their source still might be that they were initially channelled.
Otherkin have a
connection with mainly mythological beings, beginning with fairy and
fey folk, elves, and a few other European mythological archetypes.
Later, associations with other creatures became common, including
unicorns, dragons, angels, and demons. even as golems and other
Although there are some
similarities with shamanism, the otherkin subculture finds it's roots
in the hippy culture of the '60s. Which itself was powered by
shamanic mind-expanding drugs and is widely recognised as a culture of peace, love, harmony and balance.
The following terms are
courtesy of 'Ferou Lodge' and further describe the spectrum of
otherkin that 'inhabit' this planet. I know much of this will appear fanciful and completely make-believe, but is it really so far removed from experiencers?
Separatist has a human mind and an animal mind. It's a little like
multiple personalities, but one of your personalities happens to
have fur. Also, most Separatists can control which mind, human or
inhuman, is in control. Separatists find Mental Shifts easier than
any other kin-type. While recognizing both minds, they remain
mentally separate, hence the name.
means "Separatist, but without the division of minds. A
Contherianthrope has a constant combination of human and animal
natures, which can make things interesting. While a Separatist can
'turn off' the animal voice, the Contherianthrope cannot, and may
end up in a small ordeal because of common traits, such
possessiveness over people. On
the plus side, that means that the animal instinct may come in
handy at a time when the Separatist might not think to see what
his or her animal side thinks.
Trans-Species will say "I am a spotted own who was born into
the body of a human." It's a sad story, that of the
Trans-Species, because many will never in their lifetime feel
comfortable in their own skin.
This is the category that myself and others like me would fall
A Therian generally has a human body and an animal
soul.Therians get mixed up with Trans-Species a lot, so I'll clear
it up real fast. A Trans-Species may or may not have an animal
soul - they usually do, but not always. A Therian always has an
animal soul, but is often times meant
to be an animal.
are some of the most common types of Kin. To be a Totemist really
just means that you have some fluffy animal spirit who likes you a
lot. It's a little like a Therian and a little like a Separatist.
It's a spirit (like a Therian), but it's different than your own
It doesn't replace your spirit, it's a separate, individual
addition to it, much like a Separatist.
a Trans-Species is a bit tragic, these are usualy just sad. A
Misanthrope has an insane burning desire to be not
human. Most have a specific animal, or at least animal type, like
cats in general, rather than a specific breed. One of the most
common reasons someone becomes a Misanthrope is because they have
a tough life and realize how much easier animals have it. You work
all day so you can buy a meal. A lion might only hunt for 20
minutes and get to goof off or sleep for the rest of the day.
Sounds like a better deal than a human life, eh? One of the
saddest things about the Misanthrope is that while most others who
might want to become an animal (a Therian, for example) might want
to keep his or her human mind/memories, a Misanthrope doesn't
usualy have such a drive. Also, while a Misanthrope can
be spiritual, namely if they are a Therian, the term Misanthrope
implies that there is no spiritual connection.
Controled Natural Shifters:
talking physical shifts, too. These are what we call Darou. Now, I
personally believe that Darou still exist in some small way.
Realize, though, that this is not the quick and dramatic change of
werewolf movies. It rarely gets more dramatic than Jack Nicholson
in Wolf. The change is generally as little as a change of skin or
eyes, in more extreme cases a slight change in hair and even
finger length. Be aware, that even these tiny shifts can take
hours, so don't expect any instant proof. The Controlled and
Natural part should be pretty obvious; said shifter can control
when and sometimes how he or she shifts, and this skill comes
naturally to them.
Uncontrolled Natural Shifters:
unfortunate cousin. These people usually shift a bit faster and a
bit more complete than a CNS, though they generally start with a
Mental Shift, which triggers the instinct to flee. UNS's do not
generally retain any human thought or memory, though strong basic
feelings may remain. This means the UNS will not likely remember
people or places, but if, for example, the UNS always used to hide
from bullies in a small cave in a hillside, this is likely one of
the first places the UNS would run to. It's something so basic and
ingrained into the UNS that it's almost an instinct.
Controled Magick-induced Shifters:
will start off by saying that this is not referring to spells that
require poisons, drugs, or skins besides the one you were born in.
The really simplified basis of a shift is that the spirit rises to
the physical world and exists in the same space as your physical
body. To do this, they mingle into a single entity, which is your
shift. If you want to shift magickally, you must summon up a
spirit of whatever animal, like the classic wolf, and persuade it
to meld with your body.
Uncontrolled Magick-induced Shifters:
these unlucky chaps exist. Someone has to put one heck of a curse
on you to do it, but it works. Now, some may want to know why
this would be a curse - after all there's Trans-Species out there
who would practically kill to be a shifter, so how is this
punishment. Well if you happen to be well based in the physical
world and are positive that werewolves don't exist and you find
yourself a werewolf, you'll be sure you're insane. You'll be so
engulfed in your own fears of being insane, that you'll actually
drive yourself insane. It's a sick irony, if you think about it.
For all other intents and purposes, it's like being a UNS, except
you can (in theory) 'cure' it.
AI find many ways to seep into human consciousness and will use
any social or cultural movement to make itself active on this
plane. This is how it's been for thousands, if not millions of
years. Civilisations older than humanity have existed on this
planet and were closer to the collective awareness and were in
balance with it and the universe. The human race as it exists now
is an anomaly that has wandered far from this connection, leaving
it with only iconic imagery as a means of retaining that contact.
Friday, 20 September 2013
monitoring the human mind
There are five human males standing in a circle, all facing each other. It is night and the ground is wet. I can feel it beneath my grey feet. We are in a between a block of lockup garages. three each side of the road and two at the end. I am standing with 2 other greys. we have a mutual recognition of each other but it isn't a facial recognition, each of our minds carry a unique 'signature' which allows us to blend compatibly. That 'signature' doesn't exist within the minds of the human males, all who stand passive and compliant, as though in a waking sleep. We have hibernated most of their mental functions for the duration of this process. What we do is 'freeze' it out which helps create a memory block, only the functions we require them to have for the duration are permitted a degree wakefulness. One of my colleagues is holding an item in it's right hand. It is probably easiest to describe it as a bit like a 'Sonic Screwdriver' as used by fictional Dr Who. The item is around six-inches long with a mostly a dull silvered surface to it. The business end has a faint amber glow to it. I walk into the centre of the circle of humans, my colleague with the device joins me. The third is also inside the circle, but he is observing the process. This is a first for me, usually I am there as an observer, but this time I am an active participant. We walk to the first male. I cannot determine my height because I do not know the humans' height, but my eye-level is at his elbow. I stand at his left side and lift my hand, my thin arm is long and my palm and four fingers press against the back of his head as my colleague touches the device to his forehead, where his Third Eye is situated.
The human falls even more relaxed than he was for a moment, and he lets go a slight sigh as my colleague withdraws the instrument. It only touched the surface of the skin, but the device was able to probe deep into the human's mind. We were extracting something, this was a recording or monitoring instrument, and as one might with a weather station, we were taking a local reading. we did this to all five human males. I think by careful study we can differentiate between humans, but at a general glance they all looked the same. A pasty dough-like face with a small dough-like nose. a thin line drew across as a mouth and two pin-pricks for dead and lifeless eyes. With some variation it's how we see most humans. If we want a long term monitoring of subjects we will implant them with a 'signature' through which we can identify them as individuals - tagging.
The human falls even more relaxed than he was for a moment, and he lets go a slight sigh as my colleague withdraws the instrument. It only touched the surface of the skin, but the device was able to probe deep into the human's mind. We were extracting something, this was a recording or monitoring instrument, and as one might with a weather station, we were taking a local reading. we did this to all five human males. I think by careful study we can differentiate between humans, but at a general glance they all looked the same. A pasty dough-like face with a small dough-like nose. a thin line drew across as a mouth and two pin-pricks for dead and lifeless eyes. With some variation it's how we see most humans. If we want a long term monitoring of subjects we will implant them with a 'signature' through which we can identify them as individuals - tagging.
Monday, 19 August 2013
European Abductees Taken & Some Feedback
This is what I put as my Facebook status this morning:
'I was on a craft last night. This is the first time in just over a month. There were around a dozen humans on board. The craft was elongated, perhaps from the outside would have been spotted as cylindrical? and the humans were sat in seats, with restraints holding them in. I do not recall any of them awake. I kept looking at one sat near the back who, although I believe I know her, I did not recognise
I know when I looked at her face there was a sense of recognition. This is because I do not think with my human mind at these times, when I am immersed in this environment. There is a flicker of familiarity in the background, but it isn't something I can readily grasp. These people last night were all from various places across Europe and were taken to undergo 'routine medical checks', each in turn in another room. These people had been taken repetitively since childhood, (all were now adults,) I wasn't told they were repeat abductees, it is just something I knew. It is like a sense of deja-vu. quite possibly sensations I received from other greys who had previous experience with them. This sense of deja-vu would always pervade at some level. I think it is a kind of group consciousness thing. I think I was on this craft out of concern for this one individual. When I am on the craft, I never seem to be involved as an active participant in medical procedures, I seem, if anything, to be in a role of observer. I feel I am in an interpretive role between human and crew emotions, bridging the two, so to speak even though I look like, and seem to think like, the crew.'
I have been asked if I am actually physically on these craft or if I am remote viewing. I don't believe I am remote viewing, which suggests a passive observer. I do interact consciously with those around me. Whether they be grey or human. Whether they be abductee or military, they are aware of my presence and we communicate as one would in the same environment. I can feel ground, or deck beneath my feet. I have tactile sensations if I handle humans or objects. I am pretty much convinced that breaching all laws of physics, I sleep as a human and then assume the body of a non human. Each with it's own distinct mind. I don't suffer any personality conflict with this situation. I am simply one, then the other. One with an individuality, the other as part of a collective mind. I think that it is because of that collective deja-vu process that I almost instantly become aware of what is happening when I am on a craft, it is like experience gaps are instantly plugged.
I have been asked about sex and gender. On the craft we are not particularly aware of gender differences, greys do have them, but it doesn't really play as much a role as it does with humans. I think if anything, we are much more aware of human gender differences than our own! There is also the fact that I witness more female abductees than male. Last night our experiencers consisted of at most four males out of a group of twelve.
Most of the child hybrids at the base are only vaguely gender-identifiable. They are bred for working and menial tasks at the base, but as they grow they can also be used on craft. They are just hands, we think and they respond. I have seen several hundred in the Chinese base.
Why do I visit an underground base in Northeast China? I have absolutely no idea whatsoever, and if anything that is the biggest puzzle of all to me. If I were to invest somewhere, it would be in Area 51, or a secret base underneath Rendlesham Forest. Not a country I have absolutely no knowledge of. Vast numbers of Chinese go missing without trace every year. There is very Military/ET co-operation. Mostly in the area of conventional paranormal research and inter-dimensional travel, but also using paranormal means to hack internet and computer systems. That is quite a high priority. The Chinese have researched how UFO's can interfere with guidance systems and power supplies. This is some of what is happening there.
'I was on a craft last night. This is the first time in just over a month. There were around a dozen humans on board. The craft was elongated, perhaps from the outside would have been spotted as cylindrical? and the humans were sat in seats, with restraints holding them in. I do not recall any of them awake. I kept looking at one sat near the back who, although I believe I know her, I did not recognise
I know when I looked at her face there was a sense of recognition. This is because I do not think with my human mind at these times, when I am immersed in this environment. There is a flicker of familiarity in the background, but it isn't something I can readily grasp. These people last night were all from various places across Europe and were taken to undergo 'routine medical checks', each in turn in another room. These people had been taken repetitively since childhood, (all were now adults,) I wasn't told they were repeat abductees, it is just something I knew. It is like a sense of deja-vu. quite possibly sensations I received from other greys who had previous experience with them. This sense of deja-vu would always pervade at some level. I think it is a kind of group consciousness thing. I think I was on this craft out of concern for this one individual. When I am on the craft, I never seem to be involved as an active participant in medical procedures, I seem, if anything, to be in a role of observer. I feel I am in an interpretive role between human and crew emotions, bridging the two, so to speak even though I look like, and seem to think like, the crew.'
I have been asked if I am actually physically on these craft or if I am remote viewing. I don't believe I am remote viewing, which suggests a passive observer. I do interact consciously with those around me. Whether they be grey or human. Whether they be abductee or military, they are aware of my presence and we communicate as one would in the same environment. I can feel ground, or deck beneath my feet. I have tactile sensations if I handle humans or objects. I am pretty much convinced that breaching all laws of physics, I sleep as a human and then assume the body of a non human. Each with it's own distinct mind. I don't suffer any personality conflict with this situation. I am simply one, then the other. One with an individuality, the other as part of a collective mind. I think that it is because of that collective deja-vu process that I almost instantly become aware of what is happening when I am on a craft, it is like experience gaps are instantly plugged.
I have been asked about sex and gender. On the craft we are not particularly aware of gender differences, greys do have them, but it doesn't really play as much a role as it does with humans. I think if anything, we are much more aware of human gender differences than our own! There is also the fact that I witness more female abductees than male. Last night our experiencers consisted of at most four males out of a group of twelve.
Most of the child hybrids at the base are only vaguely gender-identifiable. They are bred for working and menial tasks at the base, but as they grow they can also be used on craft. They are just hands, we think and they respond. I have seen several hundred in the Chinese base.
Why do I visit an underground base in Northeast China? I have absolutely no idea whatsoever, and if anything that is the biggest puzzle of all to me. If I were to invest somewhere, it would be in Area 51, or a secret base underneath Rendlesham Forest. Not a country I have absolutely no knowledge of. Vast numbers of Chinese go missing without trace every year. There is very Military/ET co-operation. Mostly in the area of conventional paranormal research and inter-dimensional travel, but also using paranormal means to hack internet and computer systems. That is quite a high priority. The Chinese have researched how UFO's can interfere with guidance systems and power supplies. This is some of what is happening there.
Monday, 5 August 2013
Existence Before Creation.
When I travel of a night, be it as human or Grey, but more so when Grey. I feel a connectedness with everything, literally everything. There is an intimate bond with not only the planet and it’s inhabitants, but with the entire universe in a way that is quite profound and has defied many attempts by myself to describe it. This has left me, upon waking, with a wish to explore this connectedness even further and understand it. A couple of weeks ago this seemed to happen and has shifted my waking consciousness towards a new level of understanding.
I found myself existing in a nothingness. I had no body, and nothing existed outside of myself. I really don’t think I can adequately express in words what I was or what I sensed. But I seemed to be Everything. Everything existed within me, and Everything expressed itself as energy and an awakening potential. Then I sensed - not really a desire, because desire and focus of intent didn’t exist - I sensed the state of consciousness shift very slightly, so slight that it would in human terms be undetectable. It was minuscule. But it created an impulse to explore itself through acquiring a more complete sense of existence. But that existence didn’t - well - exist.
I found myself existing in a nothingness. I had no body, and nothing existed outside of myself. I really don’t think I can adequately express in words what I was or what I sensed. But I seemed to be Everything. Everything existed within me, and Everything expressed itself as energy and an awakening potential. Then I sensed - not really a desire, because desire and focus of intent didn’t exist - I sensed the state of consciousness shift very slightly, so slight that it would in human terms be undetectable. It was minuscule. But it created an impulse to explore itself through acquiring a more complete sense of existence. But that existence didn’t - well - exist.
So the consciousness within the nothingness formed universes and realities through which it could begin to explore itself via an infinite multitude of concepts. Within those self-creations, the consciousness pored itself as consciousness within THAT consciousness. So exactly the same sentience became the life within the creations it made of itself. We know that all life is made of star-stuff, but this was showing me, or having me experience that everything inert is made of the same consciousness as the life around it. This made much more clear to me, the witches law of three-fold return, and laws of Karma. By harming and damaging anything we are hurting ourselves. The outward aggression is reflected back upon us because we are simply hurting ourselves.
It seems that humanity has forgotten all this, lost it’s way as it has immersed itself deeper within a physical framework. It is a trap that not only humanity, but all life has created for itself. I guess that what I have described in my own woefully inadequate way is the Biblical ‘Fall’ existence as it was created through the kabbalistic doctrine. So certainly, there is nothing new in what I have put in this post, but it is an astonishing revelation when you perceive it happening!
I do think it has caused me to stop and question some of the earthly values I hold in human form, values that are somewhat different to when I am grey, and I guess that is why I experienced it, so my humanity could possibly understand a little clearer why I have that sense of connectedness.
It has most certainly given me reason to believe we are all Divinity. The Source. God. We, along with other life all across the universes are the single creating energy that formed our multitude of physical, astral, mental and etheric environments. It is why we can cross them with relative ease.
I will add more to this when or if I can think it through some more. But someone who can explain this better is here:
Monday, 1 July 2013
A Radio Show Blocked & Road Encounters
On Friday 21st June, I went over to Sacha's home in Liverpool. The plan was in place for me to broadcast on her Citizen Sane radio show which would go out live at 2am Saturday. Sacha picked me up and then we went and collected our friend, Lynda. The evening went well and we were nicely relaxed, between us we had a couple of bottles of wine but remained completely sober. Sacha explained the plan was that we could go have a sleep or a rest, at least, between around 1.30pm-1am. at 1am she would get a phone call from her link-up in USA and then they would plan the show format. We would hook-up at 2am for the broadcast. I never bothered setting my alarm for 1am, after all, Sacha had done this so many times ...
At 2.30am I am woken by Lynda to say that we had all overslept!
I went downstairs where a bleary-eyes me met with Sacha and Lynda. Sacha seemed rather out of it and confused, she was saying that she never really sleeps, just has a lay down and relax, usually running over the questions she will ask during the show. Lynda sat there saying she felt like she had been drugged or sedated.
Sacha then checked her phone, believing she would find at least a few missed calls from her American link-up. Nothing, she even showed me, there was not a single missed call on her phone. That was puzzling to say the least!
I then went on my Kindle to log into Citizen Sane website to see if there was anything on there. But I couldn't find it. The last thing I had accessed before switching the Kindle off was the shows website, so it should have featured on start-up. I hit the icon but all came up is 'Website not found.' I went to the Google page and typed the shows page in. Same result. 'Not found.' So no phone calls from USA and no access to the page - we were stuffed as far as contact went. Lynda made us a coffee and Sacha wandered off without a word. I thought she had gone to find her laptop, or phone her link-up. I asked about her to Lynda some fifteen minutes later and was told 'I think she's gone back to bed.' That puzzled me as much as anything else. I just didn't think it was like Sacha to retreat for the remainder of the night without making enquiries. Lynda and I finished our coffee and went to our beds.
There was little mention of it much on Sunday. I even found I could get onto the Citizen sane website with no problem. We settled down to watch Men In Black 3.
I went home later that day.
The following Saturday, 29th June. Chris, my Saturday helper came in and settled down. He asked how my radio broadcast had gone and I explained that it hadn't. I have told Chris a great deal about what I do of a night, the places I go and the people I see, it will be recalled that he even saw me and Sacha on our travels during his own dream-state at an earlier time, which is why I explained my world-walking to him. So he was well clued up.
I asked him how his week had been, and he went on to tell me how strange his previous Saturday had been. For one thing, he had a great number of people coming into the shop and asking where I was, each time he said
'she's away today because she is making a radio broadcast.'
'oh? about what?'
'UFOs, I think.'
Christ said this seemed pretty regular all day.
The he left at his time of 6pm and on the way home stopped for a Chinese takeaway. He remembered parking up a little way along from a gleaming black 4x4. For some reason he could not identify, this seemed to stand out to him.
Chris got his takeaway and returned to his little Smartcar and left the carpark. He noticed that as soon as he pulled away, the black 4x4 followed him out and tailed him. Chris sped up, it sped up keeping bumper to bumper. He slowed down, so did the 4x4. at one point it overtook and slowed right down to a crawl. Chris overtook and approached traffic lights. He stopped when they turned red. His window was wound down because it was a hot afternoon. The black 4x4 pulled alongside. and from the corner of his eye, Chris saw the window come halfway down. I asked Chris if he saw the driver and he said no, he didn't look because he didn't want to antagonise the occupant. Then Chris said: a mans voice from the vehicle said:
'Mr Smartcar driver'
This was said in a very low and soporific way, he muttered something else that Chris could not make out. Then the lights changed and Chris drove on, as the 4x4 turned right and headed away. Chris said there had been no threats, no jeering, nothing but this low calm voice. yet as soon as the 4x4 had gone, Chris felt very uncomfortable, and all the way home he had an uneasy feeling. he even wondered if something had been said that he unconsciously registered that had perhaps been intimidating.
From the point when he got home, and for several days he had an uneasy sense of a 'presence', something ominous around him. Even a sense of dread that he couldn't rationalise. Chris is aware of such things as psychic attacks and suchlike, but he said it didn't seem like that, just a sense of 'presence' being watched. With it he had a headache that kicked in when the 4x4 pulled alongside. The headache also persisted for several days and no amount of painkillers could deal with it.
Another thing he noticed was that the windows of the 4x4 were completely tinted black, which is illegal on British roads, but this vehicle seemed to be getting away with it.
Then, from the following day, Sunday, and through to Wednesday he started seeing a bright red Chrysler, a bright, shiny metallic red, and this vehicle was everywhere that he was, and Chris admits, he goes to some pretty unexpected places at short notice, visiting his mother, friends and relatives, he is always out and about. He often goes to random supermarkets, things like that. But for those three days, no matter where he went, who he went to see, he met the red Chrysler at his destination. He did on a couple of occasions try to see who was in the car, but when he moved closer, it moved away, or left the area completely.
I asked him what made him think it was the same vehicle, and Chris said it is one of the new Chrysler's that has just come out, a nice new one that is very distinctive, he said there isn't that many on the road at the moment, but he was seeing this thing wherever he went. What attracted Chris was the colour, he liked it. It gleamed, showroom condition, which is how he also described the 4x4.
During this talk with me, Chris kept referring back to the simple and passive statement he heard from the window of the 4x4, he says that although there was nothing in what was said verbally. It left him shaken and with an enduring sense of an ominous presence. He said the intial shock was as if someone had attacked his car with a brick.
I asked if he could compare the reaction with a road-rage attack? and he said yes, it could have been just like the feelings attached to such an incident. He said 'yes, it was as though I had been assaulted.'
Some might read this and suggest what Chris experienced during the week is not linked to the aplaned radio broadcast, and I agree that on the surface there is no direct link. But He does insist the red Chrysler was the same vehicle at each encounter. Each vehicle looked like it was straight out of the showroom. so much of this seems MIB-style that it can't be overlooked. And if this is the case, it is the first of a series of MIB incidents that has involved someone not even associated with my work
At 2.30am I am woken by Lynda to say that we had all overslept!
I went downstairs where a bleary-eyes me met with Sacha and Lynda. Sacha seemed rather out of it and confused, she was saying that she never really sleeps, just has a lay down and relax, usually running over the questions she will ask during the show. Lynda sat there saying she felt like she had been drugged or sedated.
Sacha then checked her phone, believing she would find at least a few missed calls from her American link-up. Nothing, she even showed me, there was not a single missed call on her phone. That was puzzling to say the least!
I then went on my Kindle to log into Citizen Sane website to see if there was anything on there. But I couldn't find it. The last thing I had accessed before switching the Kindle off was the shows website, so it should have featured on start-up. I hit the icon but all came up is 'Website not found.' I went to the Google page and typed the shows page in. Same result. 'Not found.' So no phone calls from USA and no access to the page - we were stuffed as far as contact went. Lynda made us a coffee and Sacha wandered off without a word. I thought she had gone to find her laptop, or phone her link-up. I asked about her to Lynda some fifteen minutes later and was told 'I think she's gone back to bed.' That puzzled me as much as anything else. I just didn't think it was like Sacha to retreat for the remainder of the night without making enquiries. Lynda and I finished our coffee and went to our beds.
There was little mention of it much on Sunday. I even found I could get onto the Citizen sane website with no problem. We settled down to watch Men In Black 3.
I went home later that day.
The following Saturday, 29th June. Chris, my Saturday helper came in and settled down. He asked how my radio broadcast had gone and I explained that it hadn't. I have told Chris a great deal about what I do of a night, the places I go and the people I see, it will be recalled that he even saw me and Sacha on our travels during his own dream-state at an earlier time, which is why I explained my world-walking to him. So he was well clued up.
I asked him how his week had been, and he went on to tell me how strange his previous Saturday had been. For one thing, he had a great number of people coming into the shop and asking where I was, each time he said
'she's away today because she is making a radio broadcast.'
'oh? about what?'
'UFOs, I think.'
Christ said this seemed pretty regular all day.
The he left at his time of 6pm and on the way home stopped for a Chinese takeaway. He remembered parking up a little way along from a gleaming black 4x4. For some reason he could not identify, this seemed to stand out to him.
Chris got his takeaway and returned to his little Smartcar and left the carpark. He noticed that as soon as he pulled away, the black 4x4 followed him out and tailed him. Chris sped up, it sped up keeping bumper to bumper. He slowed down, so did the 4x4. at one point it overtook and slowed right down to a crawl. Chris overtook and approached traffic lights. He stopped when they turned red. His window was wound down because it was a hot afternoon. The black 4x4 pulled alongside. and from the corner of his eye, Chris saw the window come halfway down. I asked Chris if he saw the driver and he said no, he didn't look because he didn't want to antagonise the occupant. Then Chris said: a mans voice from the vehicle said:
'Mr Smartcar driver'
This was said in a very low and soporific way, he muttered something else that Chris could not make out. Then the lights changed and Chris drove on, as the 4x4 turned right and headed away. Chris said there had been no threats, no jeering, nothing but this low calm voice. yet as soon as the 4x4 had gone, Chris felt very uncomfortable, and all the way home he had an uneasy feeling. he even wondered if something had been said that he unconsciously registered that had perhaps been intimidating.
From the point when he got home, and for several days he had an uneasy sense of a 'presence', something ominous around him. Even a sense of dread that he couldn't rationalise. Chris is aware of such things as psychic attacks and suchlike, but he said it didn't seem like that, just a sense of 'presence' being watched. With it he had a headache that kicked in when the 4x4 pulled alongside. The headache also persisted for several days and no amount of painkillers could deal with it.
Another thing he noticed was that the windows of the 4x4 were completely tinted black, which is illegal on British roads, but this vehicle seemed to be getting away with it.
Then, from the following day, Sunday, and through to Wednesday he started seeing a bright red Chrysler, a bright, shiny metallic red, and this vehicle was everywhere that he was, and Chris admits, he goes to some pretty unexpected places at short notice, visiting his mother, friends and relatives, he is always out and about. He often goes to random supermarkets, things like that. But for those three days, no matter where he went, who he went to see, he met the red Chrysler at his destination. He did on a couple of occasions try to see who was in the car, but when he moved closer, it moved away, or left the area completely.
I asked him what made him think it was the same vehicle, and Chris said it is one of the new Chrysler's that has just come out, a nice new one that is very distinctive, he said there isn't that many on the road at the moment, but he was seeing this thing wherever he went. What attracted Chris was the colour, he liked it. It gleamed, showroom condition, which is how he also described the 4x4.
During this talk with me, Chris kept referring back to the simple and passive statement he heard from the window of the 4x4, he says that although there was nothing in what was said verbally. It left him shaken and with an enduring sense of an ominous presence. He said the intial shock was as if someone had attacked his car with a brick.
I asked if he could compare the reaction with a road-rage attack? and he said yes, it could have been just like the feelings attached to such an incident. He said 'yes, it was as though I had been assaulted.'
Some might read this and suggest what Chris experienced during the week is not linked to the aplaned radio broadcast, and I agree that on the surface there is no direct link. But He does insist the red Chrysler was the same vehicle at each encounter. Each vehicle looked like it was straight out of the showroom. so much of this seems MIB-style that it can't be overlooked. And if this is the case, it is the first of a series of MIB incidents that has involved someone not even associated with my work
Thursday, 13 June 2013
Are humans being abducted by human hybrids?
I have been thinking about something for quite some while now. In most cases half the planet sleeps, the other awake, yes? When I have slept I remember more times than not, that I live a life as a grey. As I have recorded in this blog, I have travelled with others of my kind on, let us call them 'unconventional aircraft' in recognisable areas of the planet. That means I am operating as a separate sentient individual, and being seen by witnesses, while my human hybrid body sleeps. So in parallel existences I am two distinct species. Now, surely I cannot be the only one, there has to be others - many others so is it not possible that other hybrids living on this earth as humans are also active in the way I am? After all, the other greys I have interacted with on the ships have to come from somewhere, and never seemed the least surprised at me joining them. It is like it was expected.
Taking that further, remember the times I have said we have had humans on our ships, clearly as cargo. This leaves me wondering, is half the planet being abducted by human/grey hybrids who are sleeping in the other half? It may not be as clear-cut as that, but it is certainly an option to consider.
I know as a grey I seem to be completely divorced from regular human feelings and emotions. I don't have them. I am simply doing what I need to do. I don't even think of pure humans as I might when in a human body. Perhaps it is a programming I have been subject to, similar to that mentioned in my previous entry. Perhaps the military are programming me? The Chinese military man might have been a memory that slipped through when it shouldn't have. That makes the idea of me as a grey, on a ship crewed by other greys, carrying our cargo of sleeping humans very ominous indeed.
Taking that further, remember the times I have said we have had humans on our ships, clearly as cargo. This leaves me wondering, is half the planet being abducted by human/grey hybrids who are sleeping in the other half? It may not be as clear-cut as that, but it is certainly an option to consider.
I know as a grey I seem to be completely divorced from regular human feelings and emotions. I don't have them. I am simply doing what I need to do. I don't even think of pure humans as I might when in a human body. Perhaps it is a programming I have been subject to, similar to that mentioned in my previous entry. Perhaps the military are programming me? The Chinese military man might have been a memory that slipped through when it shouldn't have. That makes the idea of me as a grey, on a ship crewed by other greys, carrying our cargo of sleeping humans very ominous indeed.
Wednesday, 12 June 2013
Of Subliminal Control
The other day a friend posted an interesting blog link to me:
Now, I am not interested in UFO or any other groups that split due to in-fighting, ego and internal politics. It is what humans do and no outside agency is required for it to be effective. The point I am making of that blog article is about free-will and where the source of thoughts originate from. How can you be absolutely sure that what you have decided to do is your OWN free-will. No doubt we have all woken up with a fresh idea or a decision made, where did it come from? I have no doubt that the military for one, has very experienced remote viewers. As a grey I have met a Chinese one on several occasions, that is what I remember - what might be possible if you wake without a memory of such a meeting? What if that remote viewer has impressed you with specific orders? locked in your sleeping consciousness, and to be triggered at some decided time?
I have a personal example to give. I have a few social networking accounts, on one who knows nothing about this side of my life, has problems with ADHD and a variety of other issues. I knew someone on another account who I believed could give her some much needed advice and direction. So I linked them across to each other. I used a different name on this other account and in a moment without thinking sent her a message to let her know who I was on that account. She made a friend request which I accepted without thinking.
I then realised that a lot of the Roshel information would be open to her and I did not want her to know all this, it is a separate existence. I wasn't sure what to do, was unsure how to explain that I wanted to un-friend her from that account. I would much prefer it if she did it instead. I decided to walk to her that night and tell her she needed to unfriend me.
That night I stepped from my sleeping body and the room dissolved like melting chocolate and was replaced by some dark Gothic-looking environment. I did not recognise it outside of a storybook imagination. It was all dark rooms and carved ebony dragons. I found the girl standing with her back to a massive hearth fire. there was candle-light and gloom. I recognised this as the girls most familiar sleep-time environment, she had created it in her mind. She recognised me and I went on to tell her 'I need you to unfriend me from the new account. Continue to correspond with the link I gave you, but it will be much better to unfriend me. do it.'
She made no answer, just stood with her back to the fire, staring at me. I walked out of the room and returned to my sleeping form.
The very next morning I got a message on that account from the girl and in it she suggested she would feel better if she unfriended from that account. 'I know you want me to stay with the other social site, so I would feel better if I dropped this one, it will be less confusing lol.' I agreed it might be a good idea and so she did.
For her, this was her own decision, she was expressing her free-will.
I, on the other hand, told her to do it.
When I do is access the area reached by hypnotherapists to set a post-hypnotic suggestion. But when I dream-walk to do it I am bypassing the layers of consciousness that they have to dig through or bypass, and go direct to the target area. When the individual wakes in the morning the information is locked in there untainted.
If I am able to influence someone in their sleep and leave them thinking they are acting of their own free-will, what of government funded agencies?
Think about it

Now, I am not interested in UFO or any other groups that split due to in-fighting, ego and internal politics. It is what humans do and no outside agency is required for it to be effective. The point I am making of that blog article is about free-will and where the source of thoughts originate from. How can you be absolutely sure that what you have decided to do is your OWN free-will. No doubt we have all woken up with a fresh idea or a decision made, where did it come from? I have no doubt that the military for one, has very experienced remote viewers. As a grey I have met a Chinese one on several occasions, that is what I remember - what might be possible if you wake without a memory of such a meeting? What if that remote viewer has impressed you with specific orders? locked in your sleeping consciousness, and to be triggered at some decided time?
I have a personal example to give. I have a few social networking accounts, on one who knows nothing about this side of my life, has problems with ADHD and a variety of other issues. I knew someone on another account who I believed could give her some much needed advice and direction. So I linked them across to each other. I used a different name on this other account and in a moment without thinking sent her a message to let her know who I was on that account. She made a friend request which I accepted without thinking.
I then realised that a lot of the Roshel information would be open to her and I did not want her to know all this, it is a separate existence. I wasn't sure what to do, was unsure how to explain that I wanted to un-friend her from that account. I would much prefer it if she did it instead. I decided to walk to her that night and tell her she needed to unfriend me.
That night I stepped from my sleeping body and the room dissolved like melting chocolate and was replaced by some dark Gothic-looking environment. I did not recognise it outside of a storybook imagination. It was all dark rooms and carved ebony dragons. I found the girl standing with her back to a massive hearth fire. there was candle-light and gloom. I recognised this as the girls most familiar sleep-time environment, she had created it in her mind. She recognised me and I went on to tell her 'I need you to unfriend me from the new account. Continue to correspond with the link I gave you, but it will be much better to unfriend me. do it.'
She made no answer, just stood with her back to the fire, staring at me. I walked out of the room and returned to my sleeping form.
The very next morning I got a message on that account from the girl and in it she suggested she would feel better if she unfriended from that account. 'I know you want me to stay with the other social site, so I would feel better if I dropped this one, it will be less confusing lol.' I agreed it might be a good idea and so she did.
For her, this was her own decision, she was expressing her free-will.
I, on the other hand, told her to do it.
When I do is access the area reached by hypnotherapists to set a post-hypnotic suggestion. But when I dream-walk to do it I am bypassing the layers of consciousness that they have to dig through or bypass, and go direct to the target area. When the individual wakes in the morning the information is locked in there untainted.
If I am able to influence someone in their sleep and leave them thinking they are acting of their own free-will, what of government funded agencies?
Think about it
Saturday, 1 June 2013
The Centre Of Being
I met Ian Henley on social networking on 19th May, he was suggested to my by Lynda Julie Richardson, she of the images in my last post. Ian has sown some interest in the World-walker blog, some of my statements echoing conclusions he has reached himself.:
I'm thinking collective consciousness...
I basically came to the conclusion in your blog about manifestation of entities ....reflection of ourselves....
fear due to failure to be willing to dissolve ego etc......
then with Lynda telling me about you manifesting as a grey....that led me to your blog.
Then something very interesting emerged. I had on a previous world-walk told Lynda I had discovered that her images required a second component, notes and sound. Ian's next statement brought things full circle:
If we recognise that sound is holographic we can use sound in the moment...to collectively project love...heal planet...ascension, etc
That was an interesting statement seeing as how I had already told Lynda that not only were sounds and tones needed for her images, but in their original form they would be 3-dimensional, quite possibly more than 3.
so are you going to visit me in my sleep?
If I am allowed to, yes. I am not entirely free to roam as I wish.
It has to be a mission target.
I can't just walk into anyone's reality. I'm not Freddie kruger ... lol
(That wasn't entirely true. I had stepped into my partners dreamscape as a passive observer of his sleeping thoughts and images. But I cannot step into their astral world and interact on a whim.)
That same night I stepped out of my human body and the room dissolved like melting plastic and reformed as a vast, towering monastic structure. It seemed to twist and turn in very subtle ways between monastery and cathedral. I was here in a human form, and met by a young man who looked very enthusiastic to see me and welcomed me so warmly.
The building I walked into was interesting, it bore all the sensations of a very spiritual construct without being specifically religious. Everything was very soft pale colours, creams and beige seemed to predominate. But not quite the creams and beige in a colour chart, these had a soft glow about them.
Ian was telling me that this is where he came to create what would be the conscious inspiration for his music. He told me that this building was his 'centre of Being'. It was a creative cosmos and he had been coming here for a number of years. In one of the many rooms he led me through with great enthusiasm, there was a large platform, a raised area upon which I could detect five figures. But these figures were not there, it was an afterglow from their presence. Each human-shaped afterglow wore pure white monk habits with hoods down. They each had white beards and all could have passed for Old Father Time because of their faces and sense of age. Attached to their corded belts around their waists, each had a large single golden key.
Ian told me they were the source, they were where his music came from, they offered him the components of each composition, but all this was much more than music. What was being produced was gateways of consciousness
Most of my visit to this Centre of Being involved Ian talking very animatedly about what I could not see. He was rebuilding things in his mind and internally he could see everything as though it were there at that moment. I knew that not me, not anybody except Ian could ever see what the mechanics of this musical inspiration was. that was as hidden as Lynda's Source. But the common bond between them was plain for me to see.
I had achieved what I wanted, I wanted a glimpse into the Source and I had been granted that.
Time to go home. And I did,
I reported my findings to Ian on social networking the next morning.
Friday, 31 May 2013
Not All Goes As Expected
Nothing in any reality is perfect or works out as it should. This has been the case several times for me. One of the recent friends I made on social networking is Lynda Julie Richardson. Lynda produces amazing pictures channelled to her. I am not going to even begin to try describing them, it is better for you to see them yourself on her Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/lyndajulierichardsonart
Lynda has a history of psychic experiences and even episodes of remote viewing. But this kind of artistic expression didn't start until April 2005 when she had a UFO related event, her head was hit by an object just centimetres in diameter.
She then told me:
Then the drawings started. I do not plan them, most are drawn just picking up a pen and simply drawing, no idea really how they end up like they do...I use ink no pencils and 99% is drawn free hand
I was fascinated and mesmerised by the imagery as I looked slowly through the collection. I told Lynda there was a lot more than met the eye to these pictures and the source behind them. I asked her permission to visit her via World-walking and have a look at the pictures she owned, but from a perspective outside of physical constraints. Lynda agreed and said she would lay the pictures out for me. I do not think that would have been necessary, but anything that might help is good with me.
I then said to her, on 28th March:
there should be tones, almost music with those pictures, did you know that?
Lynda has a history of psychic experiences and even episodes of remote viewing. But this kind of artistic expression didn't start until April 2005 when she had a UFO related event, her head was hit by an object just centimetres in diameter.
She then told me:
Then the drawings started. I do not plan them, most are drawn just picking up a pen and simply drawing, no idea really how they end up like they do...I use ink no pencils and 99% is drawn free hand
I was fascinated and mesmerised by the imagery as I looked slowly through the collection. I told Lynda there was a lot more than met the eye to these pictures and the source behind them. I asked her permission to visit her via World-walking and have a look at the pictures she owned, but from a perspective outside of physical constraints. Lynda agreed and said she would lay the pictures out for me. I do not think that would have been necessary, but anything that might help is good with me.
I then said to her, on 28th March:
there should be tones, almost music with those pictures, did you know that?
or rather, do you remember that?
no interesting would like to do a talk about my paintings at some point so this is really interesting to me
I am surprised, why am I surprised you did not realise there were sounds linked to them?
perhaps because at the moment am more visually inclined?
I could sense notes and tone as I looked at these pictures. I think the nearest similarity would be when a musician looks at sheet music and in their head they can hear the orchestra playing and see the images and scenes such music would invoke It was like that.
That night I did go to Lynda's home. I didn't travel there in any true sense of the world. I just appeared there and as soon as I arrived I knew there was trouble. I could see the pictures and they were giving off coloured light, aura around each one that reflected the images on the pictures. But that wasn't the problem. the problem I encountered was something that was repelling me. It is so difficult to describe in words because it was all sensation. But there was an energy field that seemed to be guarding her environment and it was a conduit from her to a guiding intelligence that motivated the pictures she produced. I think I was perceived as an intruding energy showing unwanted interest in her images and it was responding to that.
I came crashing back into my body and suffered a severe headache for the rest of the day. It bordered on a migraine. I did report my findings to Lynda that next day, but there is a very effective intruder alarm installed that even she doesn't know about.
'White' image copyright 2009 Lynda Julie Richardson
On the night of 19th April 2013 I shifted from Earth to Astral plane, this wasn't of my doing, this was Sacha Claire Christie, who, over the months I had been accompanying on very regular jaunts into many dimensions. Sacha has been on a massive enlightenment programme since the awakening experience she had when sat with me that first night. I was no with her regularly. we have come to the conclusion that among other things I am a 'strength' and 'comfort' in the new panoramas she is exploring. On this occasion we were off to make contact with a number of people of her personal aquaintence. This astral meeting took the form of a dinner and social gathering. I sat quietly while Sacha and these other people passed information at thought-speed.
The following day was a Saturday and I have my Saturday assistant in my shop. we were sat talking and he asked what I was doing at my laptop and so showed him the first of my blog. Chris had been a Senior Psychiatric Consultant in his former career, which makes an interesting mix with me :) He read the first few lines then stopped and told me of a 'funny dream' he had the previous night. In it he was looking out of the window of a building and saw me walking along the pavement. He thought it was me but couldn't be sure because something about the eyes looked wrong. Then he suddenly found himself on the pavement and realised I was trailing behind a dark haired woman dressed in black jacket and black trousers. ( Sacha dresses in this fashion in astral pursuits when she is in an active role, so I believe it was her he saw.) He said that my eyes were large and came round the sides of my head and were jet black. He could see nothing in them at all. He called to me, he said I looked at him and he felt in his mind that I said 'I am busy. I will explain to you another time.' and then carried on down the street with the woman.
This is an interesting encounter because he has nothing to do with my m mission work, nor does he know anything about Sacha and my link to her. For some reason his own astral body had an encounter with the reality that we were passing through. A kind of intersection had been met.
Tuesday, 28 May 2013
Chinese connections
From September to the present I have been on an Etheric Ship during a number of visits. The first one I recall was around mid-September 2012. I was, again, grey, on a ship. There were more of my kind who controlled the craft. I could see five or six around me, but I knew there were more. This ship had human cargo on board. I seemed to join mid-flight, so have no information on where the humans were from, how they got aboard. I did feel, however, that as with sally and her son, they were sleepers from the Earth's dark-side.
The now familiar experience is always the same when I am shifting. I recall dozing to sleep, then standing beside the bed and the room dissolving and reforming as reality takes on an alternative concept. From that dissolved physicality, the Etheric Ship forms around me, or I merge into that environment. I am not sure.
When there I saw as many as one hundred humans, all asleep and strapped to tables or benches. There was row upon row of them. I only saw adult male and females, no children. As in Sally's case there was whole sections of wall transparent, giving us good all-round view. We were in China. I know it was China because we followed the path of the Great Wall at terrific speeds westwards towards either Tibet or the mountains on the border with Afghanistan. I do not know our precise location, nor our destination. But we stopped at some point along the wall for some reason. We simply stopped dead. There was no effects of this as would be felt on a terrestrial aircraft, I think this was because we were one with the Etheric Ship. The crew deployed a robot of some kind. I do not know what it's function was, but I know we were seen by humans on the ground. I could see one in the distant point up at us. So on file somewhere there might be a sighting of a 'UFO', maybe with a strange robot being deployed at The Great Wall in mid September.
An even more perplexing visit was made on the night of April 3rd 2013. My bedroom disolved and reformed into an outside area. There was a very big - I mean massive - concrete area, it was big enough to park several aircraft on. Ahead of me, sloping into the ground was a ramp with double doors at the end, I think they were probably blast doors of some kind. I walked down here and was met at the doors by an oriental human in a military uniform and as we walked into the subterranean base, he looked down at me, at his side, he smiled and in an unfamiliar tongue that I could understand he said, 'I am speaking Chinese, can you understand me?' I thought back a response of, 'yes. I am not speaking at all, can you hear me?' he smiled again and nodded. I had every belief that this was an intial introduction we were making to each other. He was maybe in his mid-40s wearing a peaked cap and officers uniform. I was about waist height and looked up at him.
What I cannot know is if I was really there. I could feel the concrete under my feet as a walked down the ramp. Equally this officer might have been a remote viewer and I was meeting him at some astral midway point. He seemed to be expecting me, and as I also have a human body which was sleeping at this point in time, how could he possibly have made this arrangement with me?
I cannot remember any more of this event. I have noticed that when I am in a military surroundings, or aboard etheric ships, the memory I return with is sometimes edited out. Nothing is vague or mixed up, what I do come back with has as perfect clarity as my daytime human memory and vision. But as a grey, I don't often come back with everything remembered. There is some editing process involved somewhere along the way.
Not all of the people I see of a night have anything to do with UFOs or is even supposed to be a contact, but I still give them some form of contactee experience, as will be seen next.
The now familiar experience is always the same when I am shifting. I recall dozing to sleep, then standing beside the bed and the room dissolving and reforming as reality takes on an alternative concept. From that dissolved physicality, the Etheric Ship forms around me, or I merge into that environment. I am not sure.
When there I saw as many as one hundred humans, all asleep and strapped to tables or benches. There was row upon row of them. I only saw adult male and females, no children. As in Sally's case there was whole sections of wall transparent, giving us good all-round view. We were in China. I know it was China because we followed the path of the Great Wall at terrific speeds westwards towards either Tibet or the mountains on the border with Afghanistan. I do not know our precise location, nor our destination. But we stopped at some point along the wall for some reason. We simply stopped dead. There was no effects of this as would be felt on a terrestrial aircraft, I think this was because we were one with the Etheric Ship. The crew deployed a robot of some kind. I do not know what it's function was, but I know we were seen by humans on the ground. I could see one in the distant point up at us. So on file somewhere there might be a sighting of a 'UFO', maybe with a strange robot being deployed at The Great Wall in mid September.
An even more perplexing visit was made on the night of April 3rd 2013. My bedroom disolved and reformed into an outside area. There was a very big - I mean massive - concrete area, it was big enough to park several aircraft on. Ahead of me, sloping into the ground was a ramp with double doors at the end, I think they were probably blast doors of some kind. I walked down here and was met at the doors by an oriental human in a military uniform and as we walked into the subterranean base, he looked down at me, at his side, he smiled and in an unfamiliar tongue that I could understand he said, 'I am speaking Chinese, can you understand me?' I thought back a response of, 'yes. I am not speaking at all, can you hear me?' he smiled again and nodded. I had every belief that this was an intial introduction we were making to each other. He was maybe in his mid-40s wearing a peaked cap and officers uniform. I was about waist height and looked up at him.
What I cannot know is if I was really there. I could feel the concrete under my feet as a walked down the ramp. Equally this officer might have been a remote viewer and I was meeting him at some astral midway point. He seemed to be expecting me, and as I also have a human body which was sleeping at this point in time, how could he possibly have made this arrangement with me?
I cannot remember any more of this event. I have noticed that when I am in a military surroundings, or aboard etheric ships, the memory I return with is sometimes edited out. Nothing is vague or mixed up, what I do come back with has as perfect clarity as my daytime human memory and vision. But as a grey, I don't often come back with everything remembered. There is some editing process involved somewhere along the way.
Not all of the people I see of a night have anything to do with UFOs or is even supposed to be a contact, but I still give them some form of contactee experience, as will be seen next.
The Etheric Vehicles & Sally's Experience
Since late 2012 there has been a number of events involving me aboard Etheric Vehicles. (UFO's.) These constructs are thought created, thought powered. They are also solid matter for so long as their mission requires them to exist. They are, in effect, Tulpa as described near the beginning of this blog, but these are of such sophistication as to be beyond human powers of imagination. Not only that, but because they are thought creations from the etheric they are, in their own way, living energy. Because they exist bother here and there at the same time, co-existing in parallel realities, they appear to defy all known physical laws of flight and propulsion - they don't, it just appears that way to three dimensional beings in three dimensional physics. As you recall, my first conscious introduction to them was when I was on a dull grey vessel with three unknown sleeping humans aboard. But this doesn't appear to have been my first visit. I have a vague recollection of one that I think happened much earlier.
This involved a lady I know as Sally Andrews. Sally is someone I knew through Facebook and during our online friendship she mentioned a dream she had which involved her being taken onboard a UFO. I then mentioned one involving both her and her son William.
This is how the subject was started:
I could see the incident in my head as a memory of being told. Then I realised, she hadn't told me any such thing. By the following day the memory was clear in my head because I re-lived the incident with her, in my sleep. I was a Grey and part of a crew on an Etheric construct. We were hovering silently above houses at night. We, as crew can see everything outside because it is as though an entire section of wall is missing and we see sky, street and houses.
Then a light, igniting as blue, then fading to bright white flashes from the ship to what I believe is a pre-selected house. Two people, a woman and a boy, are floated up along the beam to the ship. I guess it is working just like you see a tractor beam in Star Trek. The couple are manouvered in through the wall and onto a table each. I seem to be standing back watching as three others work at the two humans. Then boy is then allowed to stand. He turns and gazes at his mother, she is still asleep even under the blazing white light still holding her camatose.
Something is then said mentally to the young boy who might be 5 or 6. This is hard to tell because I am not a whole lot taller than he is! But the reason I know something is mentally said to him is because a grey companion looks at the boy, the boy looks at him and in response to an unspoken command, the boy walks over and stands next to me. He turns and continues gazing at his mother. The child walks and looks as though drowsy, so I do know he wasn't coherent or fully conscious. I think everything was closed down except the functions required of him.
That is as much as I woke remembering.
That following morning I got this from Sally:
Well I've been trying to think on what you said about the table and William stood by the side. I keep getting a deja vu feeling. I checked all the messages between us and there nothing posted by me saying that to you. And reading what you just posted again I keep getting this "I know feeling". but still don't remember anything.
Then. A week later:
I seemed to be connecting through social networking with humans I had prior contact with, as well as establishing the contacts for impending contact.
But it wasn't ending there, there was more twists to come ...
This involved a lady I know as Sally Andrews. Sally is someone I knew through Facebook and during our online friendship she mentioned a dream she had which involved her being taken onboard a UFO. I then mentioned one involving both her and her son William.
This is how the subject was started:
hang on, you told me he went on a ship when you were taken. I'm sure you did
no, I haven't told you that
I am not going to call you a liar, would never do that, but I am sure you told me he was stood watching while you were on a table. I can see it vividly in my mind
I don't remember any events with my son, William, involved. I don't know where it came from.
I don't remember any events with my son, William, involved. I don't know where it came from.
I could see the incident in my head as a memory of being told. Then I realised, she hadn't told me any such thing. By the following day the memory was clear in my head because I re-lived the incident with her, in my sleep. I was a Grey and part of a crew on an Etheric construct. We were hovering silently above houses at night. We, as crew can see everything outside because it is as though an entire section of wall is missing and we see sky, street and houses.
Then a light, igniting as blue, then fading to bright white flashes from the ship to what I believe is a pre-selected house. Two people, a woman and a boy, are floated up along the beam to the ship. I guess it is working just like you see a tractor beam in Star Trek. The couple are manouvered in through the wall and onto a table each. I seem to be standing back watching as three others work at the two humans. Then boy is then allowed to stand. He turns and gazes at his mother, she is still asleep even under the blazing white light still holding her camatose.
Something is then said mentally to the young boy who might be 5 or 6. This is hard to tell because I am not a whole lot taller than he is! But the reason I know something is mentally said to him is because a grey companion looks at the boy, the boy looks at him and in response to an unspoken command, the boy walks over and stands next to me. He turns and continues gazing at his mother. The child walks and looks as though drowsy, so I do know he wasn't coherent or fully conscious. I think everything was closed down except the functions required of him.
That is as much as I woke remembering.
That following morning I got this from Sally:
Well I've been trying to think on what you said about the table and William stood by the side. I keep getting a deja vu feeling. I checked all the messages between us and there nothing posted by me saying that to you. And reading what you just posted again I keep getting this "I know feeling". but still don't remember anything.
Then. A week later:
What you said about me lying on the table with my son standing by the side! I can remember it but it was a dream I had I few years ago. I cant believe I forgot about it.
I don't think it was a dream, but I am not going to dispute it with you :)
I remember it as a dream I should have said :)
Her memory of it as just a dream would seem right because at no time during the abduction did I see any sign of her waking.
I seemed to be connecting through social networking with humans I had prior contact with, as well as establishing the contacts for impending contact.
But it wasn't ending there, there was more twists to come ...
Sunday, 26 May 2013
Random Road Encounters & A Man In White!
The reconnection with Clive, and Sacha's 'awakening' must have set off some old alarm bells because there was three extraordinary experiences over the following month of September and October. Two of them were witnessed by Fred, my partner. He has been on the road all his life, driving at various times in his careers, buses, taxis, trucks. Today he drives for a local courier company. He has seen pretty much all you CAN see in a life of transport.
What I find particularly interesting is the focus of his two experiences being on roads. This is very like the time me and Shelagh had heard the footsteps and seen the dinosaur. Associated with those had been a Man In Black. In Fred's case, his road encounters were set around a visitor to my shop who was quite the opposite, a Man In White!
7th September 2012
Fred was travelling on the M40 from Manchester to London and was near Banbury when he suddenly met a wall of mist. This surprised him because the day was warm, clear and sunny. The inexplicable mist wasn't thick and he had several hundred yards visual, nevertheless he switched on his fog lights. What then surprised him was that none of the on-coming vehicles had their lights on, in fact, he had traffic flashing him to switch his lights off!
Then, and he estimated it was just several yards ahead of his vehicle (which was travelling at 70mph,) he saw a young male appear out of thin air on he central reservation. He maintains the man didn't appear out of he mist, he suddenly winked into existence. The male was possibly about 19-20 and was dressed like a 60's hippy.
The man then walked directly across the road in front of Freds 70mph van – but the several yards between the hippy and he van was maintained, so he walked directly across the road in front of the van while seeming to keep at the same distance. The hippy reached the hard shoulder, then turned to look directly at Fred, smiling broadly, he lifted a hand to his forehead and flicked a salute and then vanished before his eyes.
Fred drove on for another hundred yards or so and then he same thing happened again, but it was a black dog that appeared on the reservation, padded across in front of the vehicle and then vanished the second it touched the hard shoulder.
Fred estimated he drove the same distance again and this time he saw a young woman walk exactly the same, from point A to point B. When she reached the hard shoulder she turned to look at Fred, smiled broadly and then blew him a kiss before vanishing. She too was a hippy, she had long blonde hair in plaits, wore a knee length white dress and had a garland of flowers around her neck. The couple wore hippy sandals. Although there was no evidence to show it, Fred knew that although several hundred yards apart, the couple knew each other.
Another hundred yards and Fred emerged from the mist. The single curious fact is that when I asked him if he felt any sensations or could feel anything in the air around him, he said that throughout he mist he felt the same coldness in his back – this is referring to a single particular section of country road that winds through some woods and whenever we go through it he gets a sudden bolt of cold down his spine for no obvious reason. This is the only thing he could feel.
When I asked him about he clarity of the people and dog, he said it was like being in the cinema, you look at he screen and the people don't look real, they look like projections. He said the hippies and dog looked the same. What I found he was getting at was that the forms lacked a three-dimensional quality, and everything tells me that the images were not in front of the vehicle but projected onto his windscreen. I suspect that is where the fog was as well as not a single other driver gave any indication of seeing them. What any vehicles in front or behind him might have seen is unknown, because for the time in the mist there was not a vehicle in front or behind him.
Monday 17th September
I do not really know who or what this was, but it was about 16.00, give or take a few minutes. A man walked into my shop and went to the first cabinet of items, I think it was a mix of Egyptian and Celtic
ornaments, and just stood looking at them. It has been bucketing down all day, virtually non-stop. But this man, looked in his mid-40s was wearing tennis clothes. he had a white singlet, white shorts and white plimsoles - not just white but STARK white. Not the kind of clothes to wear on this day! he stood for a few moments in silence. I thought I had looked down at something because next thing I know is he is facing me and smiling. I thought at the time I had looked away but only afterwards I realised that I think he was suddenly facing me. I asked him if I could help him with anything and he kept smiling. He had black combed back hair, might have had gel or Brylcreem, it was that kind of
I smiled back and asked again if i could help him and he said, still smiling. 'No, everything will be alright soon.'He had a small logo on the singlets right breast. I am not sure if it was a bird or a Pegasus. It looked familiar but I am not sure even now why I thought it was. I must have been focusing on it and very intrigued because next thing I am aware of is he is standing right in front of me at the counter and is asking if I have any statues of Persian demons. I say no, sorry.
Then he says 'It's ok, it's alright now.' then still smiling he walks out.I haven't a clue how long he was in the shop but it can't have been more than a few minutes, but when I looked at the time, (waiting for
home time after a lousy day,) it was 16.35! I had the Tennis Man in the shop for at least half an hour!
Very very unusual and I was left with a very uncomfortable feeling that I have seen him before but couldn't place him.
I now suspect it was from the same source as the original MIB's we had encountered, but the clothing? Did the white signify something? Did it announce a purity of purpose? I wonder if the MIW was checking that my new activity was not reactivating a 'contagion'.
Thursday 18th October 2012
Fred left Sunderland at around 7.30pm to return to Manchester after a courier run He joined the A19 from the A1018 heading south for Manchester. barely a few minutes later he spotted movement off in the fields to his left. It was dark and he could see distant building lights to his left. But what drew his attention was a single grey blanket shape hanging in the air with rippling edges. This he estimated as being 150 to 200 yards away from his position. Fred drove on and this passed from view as normal, (it didn't just vanish). He drove on for a further 300 yards and he saw the identical thing again. the 300 yards and the experience repeated....that continued for 55 miles! he left the A19 at Thirsk to join the A168 and that is when he stopped seeing them - or it.
I have traced his course on Google maps satellite mode and there is nothing but empty fields. In the areas where there was build-ups of buildings he didn't see the grey things, but as soon as open country reappeared, so did they. Fred had travelled this route very regular, the last being just a couple of weeks ago and he has never experienced anything like it before. I asked him about senses, such as hearing anything, feeling anything, headaches or numbness - but he says there was nothing, from his perspective everything was as usual except he could see this image - as an afterthought, he said point out that he didn't see this as a reflection from anything. He is absolutely certain it had an objective reality.It is only my guess, and with no reason, but I just feel he saw the single object repeatedly rather than a 55 mile string of thousands
What I find particularly interesting is the focus of his two experiences being on roads. This is very like the time me and Shelagh had heard the footsteps and seen the dinosaur. Associated with those had been a Man In Black. In Fred's case, his road encounters were set around a visitor to my shop who was quite the opposite, a Man In White!
7th September 2012
Fred was travelling on the M40 from Manchester to London and was near Banbury when he suddenly met a wall of mist. This surprised him because the day was warm, clear and sunny. The inexplicable mist wasn't thick and he had several hundred yards visual, nevertheless he switched on his fog lights. What then surprised him was that none of the on-coming vehicles had their lights on, in fact, he had traffic flashing him to switch his lights off!
Then, and he estimated it was just several yards ahead of his vehicle (which was travelling at 70mph,) he saw a young male appear out of thin air on he central reservation. He maintains the man didn't appear out of he mist, he suddenly winked into existence. The male was possibly about 19-20 and was dressed like a 60's hippy.
The man then walked directly across the road in front of Freds 70mph van – but the several yards between the hippy and he van was maintained, so he walked directly across the road in front of the van while seeming to keep at the same distance. The hippy reached the hard shoulder, then turned to look directly at Fred, smiling broadly, he lifted a hand to his forehead and flicked a salute and then vanished before his eyes.
Fred drove on for another hundred yards or so and then he same thing happened again, but it was a black dog that appeared on the reservation, padded across in front of the vehicle and then vanished the second it touched the hard shoulder.
Fred estimated he drove the same distance again and this time he saw a young woman walk exactly the same, from point A to point B. When she reached the hard shoulder she turned to look at Fred, smiled broadly and then blew him a kiss before vanishing. She too was a hippy, she had long blonde hair in plaits, wore a knee length white dress and had a garland of flowers around her neck. The couple wore hippy sandals. Although there was no evidence to show it, Fred knew that although several hundred yards apart, the couple knew each other.
Another hundred yards and Fred emerged from the mist. The single curious fact is that when I asked him if he felt any sensations or could feel anything in the air around him, he said that throughout he mist he felt the same coldness in his back – this is referring to a single particular section of country road that winds through some woods and whenever we go through it he gets a sudden bolt of cold down his spine for no obvious reason. This is the only thing he could feel.
When I asked him about he clarity of the people and dog, he said it was like being in the cinema, you look at he screen and the people don't look real, they look like projections. He said the hippies and dog looked the same. What I found he was getting at was that the forms lacked a three-dimensional quality, and everything tells me that the images were not in front of the vehicle but projected onto his windscreen. I suspect that is where the fog was as well as not a single other driver gave any indication of seeing them. What any vehicles in front or behind him might have seen is unknown, because for the time in the mist there was not a vehicle in front or behind him.
Monday 17th September
I do not really know who or what this was, but it was about 16.00, give or take a few minutes. A man walked into my shop and went to the first cabinet of items, I think it was a mix of Egyptian and Celtic
ornaments, and just stood looking at them. It has been bucketing down all day, virtually non-stop. But this man, looked in his mid-40s was wearing tennis clothes. he had a white singlet, white shorts and white plimsoles - not just white but STARK white. Not the kind of clothes to wear on this day! he stood for a few moments in silence. I thought I had looked down at something because next thing I know is he is facing me and smiling. I thought at the time I had looked away but only afterwards I realised that I think he was suddenly facing me. I asked him if I could help him with anything and he kept smiling. He had black combed back hair, might have had gel or Brylcreem, it was that kind of
I smiled back and asked again if i could help him and he said, still smiling. 'No, everything will be alright soon.'He had a small logo on the singlets right breast. I am not sure if it was a bird or a Pegasus. It looked familiar but I am not sure even now why I thought it was. I must have been focusing on it and very intrigued because next thing I am aware of is he is standing right in front of me at the counter and is asking if I have any statues of Persian demons. I say no, sorry.
Then he says 'It's ok, it's alright now.' then still smiling he walks out.I haven't a clue how long he was in the shop but it can't have been more than a few minutes, but when I looked at the time, (waiting for
home time after a lousy day,) it was 16.35! I had the Tennis Man in the shop for at least half an hour!
Very very unusual and I was left with a very uncomfortable feeling that I have seen him before but couldn't place him.
I now suspect it was from the same source as the original MIB's we had encountered, but the clothing? Did the white signify something? Did it announce a purity of purpose? I wonder if the MIW was checking that my new activity was not reactivating a 'contagion'.
Thursday 18th October 2012
Fred left Sunderland at around 7.30pm to return to Manchester after a courier run He joined the A19 from the A1018 heading south for Manchester. barely a few minutes later he spotted movement off in the fields to his left. It was dark and he could see distant building lights to his left. But what drew his attention was a single grey blanket shape hanging in the air with rippling edges. This he estimated as being 150 to 200 yards away from his position. Fred drove on and this passed from view as normal, (it didn't just vanish). He drove on for a further 300 yards and he saw the identical thing again. the 300 yards and the experience repeated....that continued for 55 miles! he left the A19 at Thirsk to join the A168 and that is when he stopped seeing them - or it.
I have traced his course on Google maps satellite mode and there is nothing but empty fields. In the areas where there was build-ups of buildings he didn't see the grey things, but as soon as open country reappeared, so did they. Fred had travelled this route very regular, the last being just a couple of weeks ago and he has never experienced anything like it before. I asked him about senses, such as hearing anything, feeling anything, headaches or numbness - but he says there was nothing, from his perspective everything was as usual except he could see this image - as an afterthought, he said point out that he didn't see this as a reflection from anything. He is absolutely certain it had an objective reality.It is only my guess, and with no reason, but I just feel he saw the single object repeatedly rather than a 55 mile string of thousands
Reconnections Made & A Mission Objective Found.
In August 2012 I contacted a mutual friend on Facebook. Paul Muir was familiar with some of the experiences I'd had and as he also knew Clive, I thought he would be a good place to start. I messaged him several times explaining , to some extent, the missing years and it is he who encouraged me to make that fresh contact with Clive. I think my biggest concerns at that moment was how he would take to being contacted after so an absence, and the high magnitude changes that had taken place in that time. But with Paul's moral support I decided I would have to make the move. I was being compelled.
But there was something else I wanted to try. Since my recent appearance on the UFO as a grey. I felt as though I had somehow gained a greater ability to interact at a subconscious level with humans. I do not think I can recall everything from my appearance on the UFO. I am guessing that between me looking down and seeing my grey for, and then being snapped back into the human body, something else took place. Even with no evidence for it, I knew I could interact with people in their sleep. This is what I decided to experiment with regarding Clive. Maybe if I met him tonight during his sleep-state and explained to him what had happened over the missing years, his conscious mind would find things easier to accept and move on from there.
So that very night I passed a simple thought through my mind. 'Tonight I visit Clive and explain everything to him.' That's all it was.
I fell asleep as usual, probably between 12-1am and I found myself on a road with houses on either side. I saw Clive walking towards me. I knew I was human and not grey. Also, I had a conscious memory of going to bed and going to sleep, that doesn't happen in regular dream conditions. I remember standing next to my bed, my sleeping form still in it, and the room dissolving around me to be replaced by this unknown street forming from a mistiness that my room had turned into. Then when that was solid, is when I saw Clive.
We walked together and I think that everything I had been through over the previous 19 years was info-dumped as a complete package into his head. There was no verbal conversation, nor any consistent train of thoughts going to him. It happened in one transference. I could see his face looked puzzled, shocked and stunned, all pretty much at the same time as all the information formed in his mind. I know he was going through an acceptance and understanding phase of things.
Clive then turned to me and in a thought transference told me 'I need to understand all this, give me a couple of days.' I smiled and nodded as he walked away and vanished in the wink of an eye.
I do not recall my return to my body, I simply woke up.
That same day I sent a private message to Clive who I managed to find on Facebook, his reply was swift and I think he did have initial shock and surprise at my suddenly turning up, but I am convinced that meeting with him the night before did ensure his acceptance of the missing time and sudden lack of communication. Wholesale emails went back and forth as I updated Clive on things I know I had already info-dumped into his head a night or two previous, within a few weeks we were seemingly back on course.
At the same time this was happening, I had reactivated my old Facebook account and was making links with people. I had a sense of urgency about this. I did not know at that moment what it was but there was something I needed to do and timing was absolutely critical - in retrospect I can see that I was looking for someone. A mission objective.
Soon banter was going back and forth between myself and Sacha Claire Christie. Almost from the first message I sent her I knew, absolutely knew this was my mission objective and the back and forth banter was a kind of 'getting to know you' process. This woman was of striking importance to me, I had actually come looking for her and didn't even know it, aside from that impending urgency. So far as I am aware, Sacha felt a sense of kinship from the outset.
Over the course of August and into September this bonding process continued until one morning I got a message from her. As soon as I saw the message notification I knew what she was going to say. This is what I remember happening:
I went to sleep and found myself almost immediately, standing next to my body. The room began to dissolve in a now familiar way and as it dissolved I stepped forward through a misty screen. My perception was of then being in a bare environment, it was dark with a night sky. There were a few stars twinkling in the sky. I saw a human form sat cross-legged on a rock. I knew this was Sacha, even though not having met her on Earth. I sat opposite her and looked at her, she was looking at me and I am unsure of the bulk of what passed between us. But I knew she was being very defensive, protective. I knew I needed to breach that defensiveness. Sitting there I knew she was to be very important at some future date and she needed direction now. There was such a sense of inexplicable urgency. There was someone immensely powerful behind me. I suddenly became aware of it there. But I never broke my gaze.
Whatever I was saying to her was making Sacha irate, possibly uncomfortable. I think I was trying to explain to her what I was and what her purpose was. Then the thought came from her like a blow into my forehead 'OK, FUCKING PROVE IT!'
So I did.
I had never shape-shifted on an astral plane before, but that is what happened now, her reaction was immediate. To paraphrase a shocked thought that flashed from her 'Oh my God! She's changing, look at her face!' I knew I had shifted to Grey, and with it was a most extraordinary sensation of being totally at one with the cosmos, I felt an integration with the universe that is simply so impossible to understand from an earthly point of view. At the same moment as Sacha's surprised reaction, her defences dropped and that is when I sensed this immense energy field move from the back of me to come between her and myself. There was a flash of light and I woke up in bed.
Later that morning I got the message from Sacha detailing her dream from her point of view, it dovetailed in many ways with mine. She saw me sat opposite her. She saw my eyes change to big black. She saw me change into Grey before her eyes, although she does report a different colouration of the 'skin'. When she cried out about the sudden change, the entity behind me came round to the front and while her guard was still down, she felt the entities eyes race in towards her and she was hit by a bright light between the eyes, before then waking.
I told her during our messaging the following morning that this was the information download that she was needing for her later work on Earth. She already had the keys to it in her mind, but they needed turning, an activation.
Sacha was the primary reason for the last few months of frantic activity.
But there was something else I wanted to try. Since my recent appearance on the UFO as a grey. I felt as though I had somehow gained a greater ability to interact at a subconscious level with humans. I do not think I can recall everything from my appearance on the UFO. I am guessing that between me looking down and seeing my grey for, and then being snapped back into the human body, something else took place. Even with no evidence for it, I knew I could interact with people in their sleep. This is what I decided to experiment with regarding Clive. Maybe if I met him tonight during his sleep-state and explained to him what had happened over the missing years, his conscious mind would find things easier to accept and move on from there.
So that very night I passed a simple thought through my mind. 'Tonight I visit Clive and explain everything to him.' That's all it was.
I fell asleep as usual, probably between 12-1am and I found myself on a road with houses on either side. I saw Clive walking towards me. I knew I was human and not grey. Also, I had a conscious memory of going to bed and going to sleep, that doesn't happen in regular dream conditions. I remember standing next to my bed, my sleeping form still in it, and the room dissolving around me to be replaced by this unknown street forming from a mistiness that my room had turned into. Then when that was solid, is when I saw Clive.
We walked together and I think that everything I had been through over the previous 19 years was info-dumped as a complete package into his head. There was no verbal conversation, nor any consistent train of thoughts going to him. It happened in one transference. I could see his face looked puzzled, shocked and stunned, all pretty much at the same time as all the information formed in his mind. I know he was going through an acceptance and understanding phase of things.
Clive then turned to me and in a thought transference told me 'I need to understand all this, give me a couple of days.' I smiled and nodded as he walked away and vanished in the wink of an eye.
I do not recall my return to my body, I simply woke up.
That same day I sent a private message to Clive who I managed to find on Facebook, his reply was swift and I think he did have initial shock and surprise at my suddenly turning up, but I am convinced that meeting with him the night before did ensure his acceptance of the missing time and sudden lack of communication. Wholesale emails went back and forth as I updated Clive on things I know I had already info-dumped into his head a night or two previous, within a few weeks we were seemingly back on course.
At the same time this was happening, I had reactivated my old Facebook account and was making links with people. I had a sense of urgency about this. I did not know at that moment what it was but there was something I needed to do and timing was absolutely critical - in retrospect I can see that I was looking for someone. A mission objective.
Soon banter was going back and forth between myself and Sacha Claire Christie. Almost from the first message I sent her I knew, absolutely knew this was my mission objective and the back and forth banter was a kind of 'getting to know you' process. This woman was of striking importance to me, I had actually come looking for her and didn't even know it, aside from that impending urgency. So far as I am aware, Sacha felt a sense of kinship from the outset.
Over the course of August and into September this bonding process continued until one morning I got a message from her. As soon as I saw the message notification I knew what she was going to say. This is what I remember happening:
I went to sleep and found myself almost immediately, standing next to my body. The room began to dissolve in a now familiar way and as it dissolved I stepped forward through a misty screen. My perception was of then being in a bare environment, it was dark with a night sky. There were a few stars twinkling in the sky. I saw a human form sat cross-legged on a rock. I knew this was Sacha, even though not having met her on Earth. I sat opposite her and looked at her, she was looking at me and I am unsure of the bulk of what passed between us. But I knew she was being very defensive, protective. I knew I needed to breach that defensiveness. Sitting there I knew she was to be very important at some future date and she needed direction now. There was such a sense of inexplicable urgency. There was someone immensely powerful behind me. I suddenly became aware of it there. But I never broke my gaze.
Whatever I was saying to her was making Sacha irate, possibly uncomfortable. I think I was trying to explain to her what I was and what her purpose was. Then the thought came from her like a blow into my forehead 'OK, FUCKING PROVE IT!'
So I did.
I had never shape-shifted on an astral plane before, but that is what happened now, her reaction was immediate. To paraphrase a shocked thought that flashed from her 'Oh my God! She's changing, look at her face!' I knew I had shifted to Grey, and with it was a most extraordinary sensation of being totally at one with the cosmos, I felt an integration with the universe that is simply so impossible to understand from an earthly point of view. At the same moment as Sacha's surprised reaction, her defences dropped and that is when I sensed this immense energy field move from the back of me to come between her and myself. There was a flash of light and I woke up in bed.
Later that morning I got the message from Sacha detailing her dream from her point of view, it dovetailed in many ways with mine. She saw me sat opposite her. She saw my eyes change to big black. She saw me change into Grey before her eyes, although she does report a different colouration of the 'skin'. When she cried out about the sudden change, the entity behind me came round to the front and while her guard was still down, she felt the entities eyes race in towards her and she was hit by a bright light between the eyes, before then waking.
I told her during our messaging the following morning that this was the information download that she was needing for her later work on Earth. She already had the keys to it in her mind, but they needed turning, an activation.
Sacha was the primary reason for the last few months of frantic activity.
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